《Customer Property Management客户财产管理程序(中英文).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Customer Property Management客户财产管理程序(中英文).docx(3页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、LOGOQUALITY SYSTEMPROCEDURE质量体系程序Number文件编号:MC-C3-03Department 部门:AQP项目部Subject文件名称:Customer Property Management Procedure 顾客财产管理程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date 生效日期:2021-1-1Page 1 of 3Approval批准Reviewer审核Originator作成Change History变更记录Revision 版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1
2、.0 Purpose 目的1.1 The procedure defines to control customer property in case of lost and damage.对顾客财产进行有效的管理,防止损坏和丢失。2.0 Scope 范围2.1 Apply to the process for identify, verify, protect and safeguard the customer property适用于顾客财产的识别、验证和保护。3.0 Definitions 定义3.1 Customer property: Customer-owned including
3、 returnable packaging, Mold, tooling, CheckingFixture etc.顾客财产:本公司的顾客财产主要包括顾客提供的可循环使用的周转箱,模具、治具及检具等等4.0 Responsibility 职责4.1 AQP dept, collects drawings and technical specifications from customers. And to communicatewith customer regarding the customers property项目部收集顾客人提供的图纸、技术规范等技术资料。并就客户财产状况与顾客进行沟
4、通与协调4.2 Logistic dept.to management the returnable box and communicate with customer.物流部负责管理周转箱,并于客户保持沟通。4.3 Maintenance Dept. to management the mold /tooling and keep them have the mark ,Quality dept. tomanagement the checking fixture ,维修部负责管理客户的模治具并做好标识,质量部管理检具。5.0 Procedure 程序5.1 Identification a
5、nd verification for customer property 顾客财产的识别和验证5.1.1 AQP dept. Receives and technical specifications from customers. And transfer them to theAPQP Team项目部从顾客处获得技术参数,并且转交到APQP团队。5.1.2 AQP department verified technical specifications after received. And give customermaterials material codes and put re
6、cipes into system. Technical specifications should bekept in folder.项目部在收到技术参数后进行确认。技术参数应存档。5.1.3 For all of the customers properties every dept, should set up the Inventory Book ,andshould have the check list ,also ,for mold/tooling and checking fixture ,meanwhile ,theyshould be marked by label as
7、forever clarification对于所有的客户资产,所有部门需要建立台账,以及清单,同时,对于模治具以及检具而言,需要有客户要求的永久性标识。5.2 Control for customer property 顾客财产的管理5.2.1 Functional departments should do the Maintenance plan and check stock , if have any un-match or missing ,should have the report to highlight. Once the Program is end life ,AQP shouldcommunicate with Customer ,and deal with the Properties based on customer s feedback0职能部门需要做定期保养及维护,同时也需要进行盘点,如果项目到期项目部需要联系客户,讨论如何处理客户资产,并按照客户的回复处理。6.0 Reference Documents 参考文件None/无7.0 Reference Forms 参考表单FN-AQ-004 Customer property listFN-AQ-004 顾客财产清单,8.0 Flow Chart 流程图None/无