Management Review管理评审程序(中英文).docx

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1、LOGOQUALITY SYSTEMPROCEDURE质量体系程序Number文件编号:MC-M1-02Department 部门:Quality DeptSubject文件名称:Management Review Procedure 管理评审程序Revision 版本:1.0Effective Date生效日期:2021-01-01Page 1 of 7批准:审核:作成:Change History变更记录,Revision版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.0 Purpose 目的1.1 This documen

2、t provides the standard procedure to define the Management Review for the *Automotive Technologies Co., Ltd. Management System (including Quality Management Systemand Environmental Management System). It includes the management responsibilities and activitiesto implement the quality and environmenta

3、l management system and ensure continuing suitability,adequacy and effectiveness of QMS and EMS.本程序定义了*汽车科技有限公司的管理体系(包括质量管理体系和环境管理体系)评审标准程序。包括最高管理者和管理层的职责,实施质量和环境管理体系,达成质量目标,以确保质量和环境管理体系的持续适宜性、有效性及符合性。2.0 Scope 范围The procedure applies to management review activity of *Quality / Environmental Managem

4、entSystem covering all sites.本程序适用于*汽车科技有限公司的质量/环境管理体系评审活动,涵盖了所有场所。3.0 Definitions 定义3.1 *: * Automotive Technologies Co., Ltd.*:*汽车科技有限公司3.2 QEMS Rep: Quality / Environmental Management System Representative管理者代表:质量管理体系管理者代表和/或者环境管理体系管理者代表3.3 Management Review: Here refers to Quality Management Rev

5、iew and / or EnvironmentalManagement Review管理评审:这里是指质量管理体系管理评审和/或者环境管理体系管理评审4.0 Procedure and Flow chart4.1 Responsibility and authority 职责与权限4.1.1 Top management is responsible for conducting the review and setting the quality /environmental policy and objectives for the forthcoming period. The Top

6、 management assessesthe performance of the Management System against the current quality / environmental policyand objectives and initiates any appropriate corrective or preventive action, which is considerednecessary.公司最高领导者负责主持管理评审和建立下阶段的质量/环境方针以及质量/环境目标,针对当前的质量/环境方针以及质量/环境目标对管理体系的业绩进行评估,并提出适当的纠正或

7、预防措施。4.1.2 The Management Representative is responsible for providing the necessary ManagementSystem material including reports to enable an effective and comprehensive review. The M.R.maintains and distributes records of the review and manages the corrective and preventiveactions identified.管理者代表负责

8、提供必要的管理评审输入资料,包括各类报告,以进行有效的、全面的管理评审。并且保留和分发管理评审的记录,对提出的纠正预防措施进行管理和监督实施。4.1.3 It is the responsibility of each department head to prepare the necessary reports formanagement review, and to implement and monitor the corrective and preventive actions of thedeficiency issues.各部门经理负责准备相关的管理评审输入报告,对需要改善的地

9、方实施纠正预防措施并进行跟踪。4.2 Management Review preparation 管理评审准备4.2.1 The interval between each Management Review is 12 months. Reviews may be more frequentif the General Manager identifies the need. QMS Management Review and EMS ManagementReview can be held together or separately.每年进行一次管理评审,公司的最高领导者有权根据公司的状

10、况增加管理评审的次数。质量管理体系与环境管理体系可以一起进行管理评审,也可以各自单独实施评审。4.2.2 The management review meeting shall be chaired by the Top Management and to be attendedby all management including all department heads.管理评审由最高管理层主持,公司管理层人员(包括各部门经理)参加。4.2.3 The MR shall schedule the meeting and inform all the attendees in advance

11、 for themanagement review meeting.管理评审由管理者代表安排会议并进行通知。4.2.4 All department heads shall prepare the relevant information/report with quantitative data relatedto the items to be discussed in the management review meeting as well as any possibleproposal for improvement.各部门经理负责准备相关资料或报告,在评审会议上进行讨论和找出任何可

12、以改进的项目。4.3 QMS Management Review input 质量管理评审输入The agenda for the QMS Management Review will, as a minimum, cover the following subjects:质量管理评审的评审输入至少应包括以下内容4.3.1 Previous action items review.以往管理评审的跟踪措施4.3.2 The achievement of quality policy, objectives and process KPI.质量方针和质量目标及过程绩效指标的执行、达成情况4.3.3

13、 Results of audit, including internal audit and external audit审核结果,包括内审、第二方审核和第三方审核4.3.4 Customer feedback, including customer satisfaction客户反馈,包括客户满意度4.3.5 Process performance and product conformity, including monitoring of quality objectives andevaluation of the cost of poor quality过程的业绩和产品的符合性,包括

14、对质量环境目标的监视和不良质量成本的监控;4.3.6 Status preventive and corrective action纠正和预防措施的状况4.3.7 Change that could affect the quality management system可能影响管理体系的变更4.3.8 Recommendation for improvement改进的建议4.3.9 Analysis of actual and potential field-failures and their impact on quality, safety or theenvironment.实际和潜

15、在市场失效的分析及其对、质量、安全或环境的影响;4.3.10 Summary results at specified stages of design and development.新产品过程设计开发结果的汇总报告4.3.11 Statistics and analysis of data and trend of relevant cost of poor quality performance, at leastincluding cost of scrap, rework, repair and stop.有关不良质量绩效成本的资料和趋势的统计和分析,最少,成本包括报废、返工、返修和停机的成本。4.4 QMS Management Review output 质量管理评审输出The QMS Management Review meeting shall output the following but not limited to:质量管理评审输出应包括以下内容(但不局限于):4.4.1 Impro


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