Purchasing Management采购管理程序(中英文).docx

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1、批准:审核:作成:Change History变更记录Revision版本Effective Date生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change修改原因1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The procedure standards the purchasing request and order process to ensure the quality ofproducts and service meet the production and customers requirements.规范公司各项物资的采购活动,确保满足生产及客户的需求。2.0 SCOP

2、E 范围2.1 Apply to operations for all production and non- production requisitions and purchase orders.适用于公司所有生产和非生产物料的采购活动。3.1 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Production Material: All the materials used in products BOM, can calculate amount throughERP system生产性物料:所有用于产品BOM的物料,可以通过ERP展算用量。3.2 Non-Production Material

3、: Material that don*t directly used for products, such as productionequipment, instrument, low-value consumption goodSo非生产性物料:指不直接用于公司产品上的物料。包括用于生产的设备、仪器、低值易耗品。3.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文件4.1 MC-S2-01 Supplier management Procedure 供应商管理程序4.2 MC-C4-01 Planning Management Procedure 计划管理程序4.3 MC-C4-02

4、Material And Goods Management Procedure 物料管理程序4.4 MC-S5-01 Product Monitoring and Measurement Procedure 产品监视与测量程序4.5 MC-S6-01 Nonconforming Product Control Procedure 不合格品控制程序5.1 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-PU-012 Purchase Order 采购订单5.2 FNFU-013 Capital approval Form 固定资产审批单5.3 FNFU-014 Purchasina Requisition F

5、orm 采购申请单5.4 FNFU-015 Purchasing Inquiry Form 询价单5.5 FNFU-016 Urgency Purchasing Requisition Audit Form 紧急需求申请审批单5.6 FNPU017 Purchasina Inquirv Record 采购询价记录表5.7 FNPU018 Notice of Deductions 供应商扣款单5.8 FN-PU-019 Purchasing Change Application Form 采购变更申请审批单5.2 RESPONSIBILITY 职责6.1 Purchasing departmen

6、t: Purchasing for productive materials and non- productive, such asequipments, tooling and fixtures, measuring instruments, and etc.采购部:负责生产性物料和非生产性物料的采购,非生产性物料如设备、工装、量具等。6.2 Quality: Responsible for define goods* quality requirement and the testing method ,the incominginspection and the re-inspecti

7、on regularly质量部:负责制定采购物资的质量要求和检验方法,负责物资进厂检验及定期复验。6.3 Responsible: Responsible for Purchasing requirement各部门:负责采购申请单的提出7.0 PROCESS 流程7.1 Purchase finished-goods, material in BOM and subcontract process in Routing成品,BOM中物料和Routing中外包工序的采购:7.1.1 Logistics department responsible for the purchasing requi

8、rement (FN-PU-014 PurchasingRequisition Form) for finished-goods, material in BOM and subcontract in Routing,according to customers1 forecast and the inventory in factory, after got approval by theirsupervisor, provide it to Purchasing department.物流部根据客户预示量及厂内实际库存,提出FN-PU-014采购申请单,并将批准后的采购申请单,提供给采购部

9、。7.1.2 Purchasing department get PO approved based on below rule.采购部根据以下规则批准FN-PU-012采购订单。Amount金额GM总经理VP副总裁2500X7.1.3 Purchasing department release PO to supplier and get acknowledgement, follow updelivery until supplier ships the goods to warehouse.采购部下采购订单给供应商并得到供应商的确认,跟踪订单的交货直到供应商送货到仓库。7.1.4 War

10、ehouse do goods receipt after confirm the document and physical goods after qualitydo incoming inspection if need. Details refer to MC-C4-02 and MC-S5-01 .仓库检查文件和实物后收货入库,如果需要质量检验,质量检验合格后收货入库,详细参考MC-C4-02物流管理程序和MC-S5-01产品监视与测量程序。7.1.5 If the goods could not pass quality inspection, return to supplier

11、 or refer to MC-S5-01 to accept the goods if quested, thenwarehouse do goods receipt.如果来料不能通过质量检验,退货给供应商或者执行FN-PU-018供应商扣款,如果要求让步接收,参考MC-S5-01不合格品控制程序批准让步接收过程,然后仓库收货入库。7.2 Purchase consumable material 消耗性物料的采购7.2.1 .Each department has a purchasing requisition, need to fill in the FN-PU-014 Purchasi

12、ngRequisition Form and got approval by their supervisor first, then provide it to Purchasingdepartment. If need to build up inventory, Purchasing department will coordinate with therequisition department to build up a reasonable safety inventory, subsequently willpurchasing according to this safety

13、inventory.各部门有采购需求时,填写FN-PU-014 Purchasing Requisition Form采购申请单,并将批准后的采购申请单提交给采购。如果需要备库存的,采购协调需求部门建立合理的安全库存水平,后续将依据补充安全库存的模式产生采购需求。 Requisition elements请购单要素(1) Requisition Department申请部门(2) Requisition Reason and Purpose申请原因及用途(3) Items Name物品名称(4) Specification规格(5) Quantity数量(6) Need Time

14、需求日期(7) Expected Price预计单价(8) Brand品牌(9) Need to offer the samples, drawing or technical data ect, together with theRequisition Form必要时,需提供请购物品的样品、图纸或技术资料等(10) For some specialized needs, please noted on the Requisition Form请购如有特殊需求请备注(11) Requestor申请人(12) If goods has purchased before, the Requisit

15、ion department need fill in theP/N by themselves, or need provide it to Purchasing department to create it.对于已购买过的物品,申请人需将ERP系统里面唯一的一个编码填写与相应栏位,若查询不到,请提交给采购部门统一编写7.2.1.2 Requisition Report provisions请购单提报规定(1) All Requisition Form should be filled in completely and clearly, after gotapproval then could be sent


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