专题10 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years配套练习(解析版).docx

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1、Unit 10 Pve had this bike for three years.配套练习(解析版)练习一1. (2020 广西河池)There is a big old tree our school.(在对面)2. (2020 湖北鄂州)1 usually listen to some(悦耳的)music to help me relax after a long week at work.3. (2019 广西百色)Darning is such an (诚实的)boy that we all like him.1.1 only stayed for a short(一会儿).5. W

2、e should(看待)our teachers as friends.6. (2019 山东济宁)A all the school subjects, English in my favorite.7. This scientist lived in the nineteenth c.8. Could I add some more sugar to the coffee?No. you cant. Too much s food is bad for your health.9. The man in the water h a piece of wood closely so that

3、the water couldnt wash him away.10. Tony is 13 years old. He studies in a j high school.【答案】1. opposite 2.sweet3.honest 4.while 5.regard6. Among 7. century 8. sweet 9.held 10. junior练习二词组译一译1 .目前;现在2 .以极大的兴趣关注着3 .为了4 .迄今;到现在为止5 .需要6,不再.7 .欢迎来到:8 .察看;观察9 .棋类游戏10 .最后一样东西1L初级中学12 .清理13 .不再;不复14 .玩具猴15

4、.与分开16 .说实在的17 .骑自行车18 .进行庭院拍卖会19 .某人的旧东西20 .勾起甜美的回忆21 .捐赠22 .玩一会儿23 .处置;处理24 .找工作25 .在过去的13年里26 .世纪中期27 .保持原状28 .依据;按照29 .依.看30 .在我那个年代【答案】1. these days2. regard with great interest3. in order to4. so far5. in need6. not. anymore7. welcome to sp.8. check out9. board games10. one last thing11. junio

5、r high school12. clear out13. no longer14. toy monkey15. part with16. to be honest17. ride a bike18. have a yard sale19. ones old things20. bring back sweet memories21. give away22. play for a while23. do with.24. search for work25. for the last 13 years26. the mid-20th century27. stay the same28. a

6、ccording to29. in ones opinion30. in my time【解析】本题主要考查本单元的重要词组练习三用所给词的适当形式填空:1.1 want to keep my old photos because they can bring back sweet(memory).【答案】memories【解析】memory为可数名词,这里需用复数形式,故填memories2. My mother has been a bread(make) for two years.【答案】maker【解析】句意“我妈妈成为面包师两年了,故填maker3. You can believe

7、 him because he is(true).【答案】truthful【解析】truthful意为真诚的,故填truthful4. My sister loves reading books,(special) science fiction.【答案】especially【解析】especially意为“特别,根据句意,故填especially5. The picture reminded me of my happy(child) in my hometown.【答案】childhood【解析】childhood意为童年时代,根据句意,故填childhood6. I consider(w

8、atch) threeD movies at home wearing the special glasses.【答案】watching【解析】consider doing意为考虑做某事,故填watching7. Amy is having a yard(sell). That means she is(sell) her old tings.【答案】sale,selling【解析】前面a yard sale是庭院销售会,后面是现在进行时,故填sale,selling8. Look! Our(scarf) are the same.【答案】scarfs/scarves【解析】句意“瞧,我们的围

9、巾是一样的”,scarf的复数形式有两种,故填scarfs/scarves9. The lake has been here since a few(century)ago.【答案】centuries【解析】句意“儿个世纪以前,故填centuries10. Nowadays, lots of Chinese young people leave our country(study) abroad.【答案】to study【解析】leave somewhere to do sth.意为“离开某处去做某事,故填to study练习四根据汉语意思完成句子1 .你可以检查一下他的网站。You can

10、his website.2 .据约翰说,你上星期在爱丁堡。John, you were inEdinburgh last week.3 .关于我的过去,我什么都不会告诉你。my past, I wont tell you anything.4 .这座桥不再使用了。The bridge is in use.5 .舍弃自己最喜爱的东西是不容易的。Its not easy to ones favorite things.【答案】1. checkout 2.According to 3.As for 4.no longer 5.part with【解析】本题主要考查本单元的重点词组练习五单项选择1.

11、(2020 甘肃武威)一 have you kept this book?一For two months.A. How soonB. How oldC. How longDe How often【答案】c【解析】句意:一一这本书你借了多久了? 一一两个月了。考查特殊疑问句。Howsoon多久之后,对将来的一段时间提问;Howold多大,对年龄提问;How long多长时间,对时间段提问;How often多久一次,对频率提问。根据答语For two months可知,此处是对时间段提问,应用howlong。故选C。2. (2020 贵州铜仁)一Maria, what do you think

12、of Mount Fanjing?Very cool. I there once. Id like to go there again.A. has beenB. have beenC. have goneD. has gone【答案】B【解析】句意:一一玛丽亚,你觉得梵净山怎么样?一一很酷。我已经去过那里一次。我还想再去一次。have been去过某地,已经回来;have gone去过某地,还没回来;此处主语为第一人称单数,所以用have,排除A和D;根据Id like to go there again.可知,此处已经回来了,用have been,故选B。3. (2020 辽宁丹东)一Mu

13、m, where is dad?He the supermarket.A. was going toB. has gone toC. has been toD. is going to【答案】B【解析】句意:一一妈妈,爸爸在哪里?一一他去超市了。考查时态。was going to将要,过去将来时;has gone to去了 (未回),现在完成时;has been to去过(已回),现在完成时;is going to将要,一般将来时;根据句意理解及前面的问句where is dad?可知爸爸现在不在这里,这里表达的是“去了某地还没回来”,英语是have/has gone t。,故选B。4. (2

14、019 江苏淮安)Where are the teachers now? In the meeting room. They the meeting for 10 minutes.A. have begun B. have been onC. have had D. have been held【答案】C【解析】句意:一老师们现在在哪里?一在会议室。他们已经开会10分钟了。A. have begun已经开始;短暂性动词;B. have been on已经开始,持续性;但主语应该为meeting;D. have been held已经被举行。这里是主动语态,排除D;根据for 10 minute

15、s.可知动词用持续性动词,根据题意,故选C。5. (2020 四川雅安)Judy Brown as an English teacher in our school since five years ago.A. worksB. will workC. workedD. has worked【答案】D【解析】句意:朱迪布朗从五年前就在我们学校当英语老师。考查动词时态。由“since five years ago”可知,本句为since引导的时间状语从句,表自从五年前,故主句应为现在完成时态。故选D。6. ( 2020 黑龙江龙东地区(农垦)It has been two months since my father for Italy.A. was left B. leftC. leaves【答案】B【解析】句意:我父亲去意大利己经


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