3、草滚筒干燥机的机械结构中,使用联轴器,来实现相邻的两根传动转轴之间实现半永久性的相互联接。关键词:牧草、滚筒、干燥、节能、联轴器AbstractThe main part of the design of the pasture drum dryer is the drum, that is, the drumbody. The drum body is designed with the body structure of the horizontal pasture drum dryer.The cylinder body can realize the process of hot dr
4、ying and mass transfer of grass andmaterials. The structure size of the cylinder body in the design indicates the structurespecification of the horizontal herbage drum dryer and its production capacity in use.Therefore, in the design of the cylinder structure design should have sufficient stiffness
5、andstrength of the material supplier. In the installation and operation of the cylinder, the structuremust be able to maintain the straight linearity of the axis and the roundness of the movementof the cylinder section. In the structural design of the cylinder, the material can be either Q235steel o
6、r ordinary low alloy steel to select the material of the cylinder.In performance, it can improve the heat transfer efficiency of the equipment better.Considering the use of the forage drum dryer in the design, it can give full play to the steamperformance of the equipment, reduce the consumption of
7、heated steam, and achieve the roleof energy saving. Essentially, on the basis of the existing market equipment, it can improve theheating tube wall temperature of the heating tube of the forage drum dryer and increase thedrying of the forage drum. The processing capacity of the dryer improves the dr
8、ying efficiencyof the forage. In the design, the reasonable design temperature should be determined accordingto the variety of materials and the different moisture content of materials. When the moisturecontent of materials is relatively low, the design temperature should be higher than the generalv
9、alue, otherwise the design temperature should be lower. According to the different moisturecontent of the material, the wetting and dewatering of the forage drum dryer can be analyzedby heating. In this design, another important aspect of the whole design work is to realize adirect connection betwee
10、n one shaft and another shaft in the transmission. The two adjacentshafts are connected by coupling to realize end connection. In the mechanical structure of theforage drum dryer, the coupling is used to realize the semi-permanent connection between twoadjacent transmission shafts.Key words: forage,
11、 drum, drying, energy saving, coupling第一章绪论11.1 研究目的和意义11.2 牧草滚筒干燥机的发展概况21.3 牧草滚筒干燥机的工作原理和结构特点3第早 牧草,筒干燥机的结构设和,1* I 算2.1 牧草滚筒干燥机的设计内容62.2 牧草滚筒干燥机的结构方案设计72. 3.牧草滚筒干燥机的结构设计计算82.4 牧草滚筒干燥就的主要结构尺寸的确定112.5 牧草管筒干燥就的传动系统的设计计算112.6 牧草滚筒干燥机滚圈结构设计192.7 牧草滚筒干燥机的进料绞龙设计20第三章牧草滚筒干燥机的安装和调试223. 1牧草滚筒干燥机的安装调试223. 2牧草
12、滚筒干燥机故障现象和解决方案233.4 设备的维护和保养23第三章牧草滚筒干燥机的设计分析253.5 结构完成度分析253.6 设计中的注意事项分析26参考文献29第一章绪论1.1 研究目的和意义牧草的干燥在养殖场和农村的生活中是最常见的一种干燥过程。对牧草的干燥技术,大多数的采用的是自然风干的形式,或是在阳光下晒干的形式。在对与大量的种植和需要干燥的情况下,这样的工序是无法满足要求的。所以在先进的技术发展和加工上,实现技术的不断发展,使得牧草的干燥工艺流程、在牧草滚筒干燥机的生产质量的检测、运输包装上,都在不断的进步,实现更加先进的发展水平。本次针对牧草滚筒干燥机的结构设计,优化现有的市场上
15、在市场上已逐渐被一些先进和得到改进的其他产品所取代。第3类牧草滚筒干燥机是以卧式为主的牧草滚筒干燥机,该类型设备的结构上有最突出的优点就是在工作中的消耗动力低,相比是立式牧草滚筒干燥机消耗动力的一半左右,有时候能达到四分之一的节省能量。所以在牧草生产得到蓬勃发展的时期,使得牧草滚筒干燥机的生产制造竞争更加的激烈,对草牧草滚筒干燥机工艺设计的要求越来越高。发展更合理的牧草滚筒干燥机设备体现得更加的重要。高效的牧草滚筒干燥机设备在市场上不断的涌现,同时在一些原有的设备在更新换代中,大大减少了时间上的周期,使得时候不断的缩短。本课题的设计中,主要对牧草滚筒干燥机的结构设计,所设计的牧草滚筒干燥机就是在对现有的市场上的原有类似的干燥设备加以改进,并形成一个更加优化的系列化产品。1.2 牧草滚筒干燥机的发展概况牧草的干燥技术在现有市场上的应用,在我国的发展和使用是十分悠久的,因为我国地大物博,适合于牧草的加工和生产。就好比