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1、新人教版七年级下册unit 7 its raining!单元测试卷一、按要求写出下列单词.1. (3 分)1. sun (形容词)2. rain (形容词)3. snow (形容词)4. hot (反义词)5. warm (反义词)6. cloudy (名词)7. country (复数)8. swim (动名词)9. sit (动名词).二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词.2. (3 分)-How is the w there?-Its raining.3. (3 分)- How is it g?-Not bad.4. (3 分)Today is a s day. The boys ar

2、e playing soccer outside.5. (3 分)I like summer v. We dont have to go to school.6. (3) Would you like some tea?(做肯定回答), 7. (3 分)Do you like apple (果汁)?8. (3 分)China is a great (国家)9. (3 分)Im on a vacation with my parents in the (高山).10. (3 分)Im having a great time (拜访)my grandparents in Beijing.11. (

3、3 分)We can go skating in (冬季).三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.12. (3分)用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空.Thank you for (join) us.13. (3 分)Look!They (swim) in the lake.14.(3分)Its dangerous to drive ondays. (snow)15.(3分)1 like listening to the(relax) music.16.(3分)-How was the weather in Beijing yesterday? - It was(sun) and warm.17.(3

4、分)Could you tell him(call) me back?18.(3分)She is(have) a great time visiting her friends in Shanghai-19.(3分)Im(sit) by the pool and drinking orange juice now.20.(3分)My family and I(be) on a vacation in the USA.21.(3分)Hows your summer vacation(go) ?四、单项选择.22.(3 分)Look!Itsoutside.(A. rainB. to rainC.r

5、ainingD.rains23. (3 分)it going ?-Very good.()A- WhafsB. What doesC.WheresD.Hows24. (3 分)-Whats thelike in Moscow?-Ifs very cold.()A. dayB. dateC.monthD.weather25. (3 分)Be quiet!The baby.A- sleepsB.sleptC are sleepingD.is sleeping26. (3 分)- Tm playing soccer in the park.- - Soundsyou are having fun.(

6、A. likeB. likesC.likingD.to like27. (3 分)Linda isnt at home. Can I take a messageher?A. inB. toC.forD.with28. (3 分)-Does it oftenhere?it is quiteA. rain;rainB.rainy; rainyC- rain;rainyD.rainy; rain29. (3 分)-Its snowy.(A. Whats the weather thereB Hows the weather thereC- Whats the weather like thereD

7、- B and C30. (3 分)weather in Beijing is very hot in summer.()A. AB. An31. (3 分)- Hi, Mary.-Hello, Steve.()A- speaks; itsC. speaking; Im五、句型转换.C. TheD.B. speaking; ifsD. am speaking; Im32. (3 分)Hows the weather in Beijing?(改为同义句)the weather in Beijing?33. (3 分)Lucy and Lily are swimming in the pool n

8、ow.(对画线部分提问)Lucy and Lily?34. (3 分)They play soccer every day.(用 now 改写)They soccer now.35. (3分)3 is cloudy today.(对划线部分提问). is the weather today?36. (3 分)I usually listen to music when it is raining.(对画线部分提问)do you usually when it is raining?六、阅读理解.37. (3 分)hot cool cold humid warmWeatherNameSamVVX

9、XVTimXVVXXBenXVXVJKathyXXVXXJudyVXXVX注:J like; X dislike; most 最多的;both 两者都1. Who likes both humid weather and warm weather?2. Who likes both hot weather and humid weather?3. Who likes cold weather but doesnrt like cool weather?4. Which two children like warm weather?5. How many children like hot we

10、ather?七、书面表达.38. (3分)假如你正在度假,请写篇小短文介绍一下你的度假,内容包括:地点;那里的天气;你正在干的事情;你的朋友或者家人正在干的事情;你是否玩得开心等.新人教版七年级下册unit 7 it's raining!单元测试卷参考答案与试题解析一、按要求写出下列单词.1. (3 分)1. sun (形容词)sunny2. rain (形容词)rainy3. snow (形容词)snowy4. hot (反义词)cold5. warm (反义词) cool6. cloudy (名词) cloud7. country (复数)countries8. swim (动名词

11、)swimming9. sit (动名词)sitting .【分析 1按要求写出下列单词的各种形式【解答】1.答案:sunny, sun的形容词是sunny,故填sunny.2 .答案:rainy. rain的形容词是rainy.故填rainy.3 .答案:snowy. snow的形容词是snowy,故填snowy.4 .答案:cold. hot的反义词是cold,故填cold.5 .答案:cool, warm的反义词是cool,故填cool.6 .答案:cloud, cloudy 的名词是 cloud,故填 cloud.7 .答案:countries, country 的复数是 countr

12、ies,故填 countries.8 . 答案:swimming, swim 的动名词是 swimming, 故填 swimming.9.答案:sitting. sit 的动名词是 sitting,故填 sitting.【点评】首先要掌握这个单词的各种变化形式,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词.2. (3 分)-How is the w eather there?-Its raining.【分析】-那里的天气怎么样?-正在下雨.【解答】答案:weather.考查名词.结合语境”-那里的怎么样? -正在下雨.及首字母提示,可知,应该是“天气”,填不可

13、数名词weather.【点评】首字母填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据首字母提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.3. (3 分)-How is it - oinq ?-Not bad.【分析】-最近好吗?-不坏.【解答】答案:going.考查动词.结合语境”怎么样?-不坏.及首字母提示,可知,How is it going最近好吗?最近怎么样?交际用语.用going.【点评】首字母填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据首字母提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.4. (3 分)Today is a s unny day. The boys are playing soccer outside.【分析】今天是一个晴朗的一天.男孩子们正在外面踢足球.【解答】答案:sunny.考查形容词.结合语境”今天是一个一天.男孩子们正在外面踢足球.及首字母提示,可知,应该是“晴朗的”,修饰名词day,用形容词sunny.【点评】首字母填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据首字母提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.5. (3 分)I like summer v acation . We dont have to go to school.【分析】我喜欢暑假.我们可以不要去上学了.【解答】答案


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