教学设计《Unit 4 Do you have any cousins?》.docx

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1、Unit 4 Do you have any cousins?的教学设计知识目标:1 .帮助学生学习掌握Look and Learn中表示家庭成员的单词。2 .通过Culture Corner,帮助学生意识到英语国家对亲属的称谓的特点。语言技能:通过家谱制作和介绍,帮助学生巩固词汇学习,结合句型Ihave This i s m y 介绍家庭成员。情感态度:利用游戏等活动形式培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。教学重难点:教学重点:掌握词汇 parents , grandfather , grandmother ,grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin、 son.教学难点理解家

2、庭成员之间的关系。英文中对亲属的称谓与中文的区别,cousin 一词所指范围。教学过程:Stepl: Warm up1.Free talkHow many people are there in your family? Who are they?2.Sing a song: My family【设计意图】通过师生之间的交流,营造轻松的学习氛围,歌曲内容的选择主要为自然过渡到后面介绍家人做准备。Step2: Presentation1 .师出示自己家庭照片,介绍。This is my family. There are four people in my family.Look! This i

3、s my father. He s tall. This is my mother.She s thin. This is my sister. She s beautiful. I havea happy family.2 .圈出照片上 father, mother: My father is tall. Mymother is thin. They are my parents.教学 parents3 .出示 Jill 的 family treeoThere are eight people in Jill? s family. Who are they?This is Jill? s f

4、ather? s father. Who s he? 学习grandfather同样学习 grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin4 .出示Jill的话,学生练读。This is my cousin. His name is Dan. He s Aunt Lily?s son.5 .师: Jill has a cousin. I have cousins, too.师出示自己表弟、表妹的照片。This is .He s my cousin.This is . She, s my cousin.引导学生理解cousin可以指表兄弟,表姐妹,堂兄弟,堂姐妹。6 . Play

5、 a game.高低音互换,操练单词。【设计意图】面向全体学生,多层次,多角度的操练单词在课堂教学中必不可少。我在操练过程中设计了高低音互换游戏,目的是让学生集中注意力听老师的单词。Step3: Practice1 . Look and read.Hello, I m Jill. This is my family. There are eightpeople in my family. Look, they are my grandparents.They are my parents. They are my uncle and aunt. And thisis my cousin. Hi

6、s name, s Dan. He s Uncle John, s son.2 .出示 Dan s family tree,学生试说:Hello, I m. This is my. There are peoplein my family. Look, they are my . They aremy They are my and . And this is my. Her name is. She,s,sdaughter.【设计意图】通过创编文本的形式,提供给学生思维、巩固和运用新语言的机会,为学生能力的递进提供平台,提高英语的口头表达能力。Step4: Consolidation1 .C

7、hant:Father , father ,I love father.Mother , mother ,I love mother.Grandfather , grandfather , I love grandfather.Grandmother ,grandmother ,I love grandmother.Uncle , uncle ,I love uncle.Aunt , aunt ,I love aunt.Cousin , cousin ,I love cousin.Family ,family ,I love my family.2 . Talk about your family in pairs.【设计意图】用chant巩固新学单词,并且在此环节中也复习到了以前学习的家庭成员的单词,避免了单词学习的单一和枯燥,做到了前后知识的联系和整合。Homework:1. Listen to and read Student, s Book page 19 Look andlearn” .2. Complete your family tree and introduce your family.Blackboard design:5grandfathergrandparentsgrandmotherfather


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