丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第二级B7 The Dog in the Fog 教学设计.docx

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1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第二级The Dog in the Fog 教学设计教学目标能够快速拼读-og的family words o能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事大意。能够独立朗读故事。教学重点能够快速拼读含有-og结尾的单词。能够正确独立地朗读故事。三.教学难点能够理解故事的含义。教学用具绘本课件教师字母卡五、教学过程Stepl Phonics设计意图:培养音素意识,明确本节课学习的重点是带有-og的单词。T: Today, lefs read a book called The dog in thefog.T: When I say The dog in the fbg which

2、sounddid you hear twice?Ss: Og.2.明确学习目标课堂用语:T: Yes! In this book, you will see a lot of wordswith og at the end.T: Now, please open up your book and circle allog you can see.After 1 min课堂用语:T: Now, who can give me a word with at theend?T: Lets read out loud.T: Good job! I think this book is very eas

3、y for youto read.Step2 Pre-reading1.修养文本杨念设计意图:学生对故事产生兴趣,展开思德堂用语:考,对一些关键词进行拼读和T: This book is written by Lynn Maslen KertelLT: Lets see the picture here. What are they?Ss: Pig, clog and frog.T: Yeah, we also call this pig - hog. Lets seewhat this story is about.理解。让学生观察封面,自己朗读题目。Step3 While-reading设

4、计意图:在故事中巩固拼读技能,培养1.仲环游P3学生查读的阅读策略。课堂用语:T:Lets read the 1st page of the book.T and Ss: A dog jogs to a bog.T: Good! Now I want you to read it on your ownand then answer my question.2. 务型陶号Q1 : Who did the dog meet?Q2 : Where did they go?Q3 : Did they have fun?3.5答向麴4.西陵金攵设计意图:拓展思维,增强语用能力。充分内化吸收拼读知识。Step4 Post-reading1,内宏步克语.堂用语:T: Today, the book we read is called The dog inthe fog.Now, I have another story about dog, hog andfrog.T: Lets watch a video and then please tell me:1. Who jogged with the boy?2. How did they jog?六,家庭作业听录音。大声朗读绘本。给绘本涂色。


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