《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第三级B5 As Big As 教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第三级B5 As Big As 教学设计.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第三级4$阳4教学设计一、教学目标,掌握视觉词was, had, as。 能够在老师的辅助下朗读故事并理解大意。二、教学重点及难点 掌握视觉词was, had, as。 能够在老师的辅助下朗读故事并理解大意。三、教学用具 绘本 课件 教具四、教学过程Step 1热身1.情景导入提问建议:-What can you see?-What are the kids doing?-They picked up one green apple and oneyellow apple. The green apple is as big as theyellow one.设计意
2、图情景导入,引出主题,提高兴趣。Step 2视觉词练习1 .通过打蚊子游戏进行视觉词的复习和练习。2 .连词游戏。老师说词语,学生用笔进行连词并读出来。参考词语:was, had, as (can,hat)设计意图通过游戏,帮助学生进行视觉词的匆习和练习。同时,帮助他们明确学习目标,提高学习效率。Step 2阅读封面、扉页,介绍故事大意1.观察封面,了解绘本的题目和作者。提问建议:-Boys and girls, what can you see?- Do you think the hen is as big as the frog?- Can you tell me the title o
3、f the book?- What will this book talk about ?设计意图学生在教师的带领下了解绘本的信息,如书名、作者名等,由此了解阅读的方法、养成良好的阅读习惯,增强文本概念。同时,为学习新知做铺垫。-Can you find the writer and illustrator?Step 3阅读全书1 .共读绘本。提问建议:- Whos he?- Whats on his head?- What did Mat have?- What is as big as a hat?-Whats in Mats hands?- Do you think the hat wa
4、s as big as the box?- Whos he?- Whafs in Sams hands?- Whats the weather like?- Do you think the frog will get wet?- Do you think the frog was as wet as a drop?Why?- Whos she?-Whats in Dofs hand?- What do you think of a hen?- Do you think the hen was soft?- What animal can you see?- What do you think
5、 of the cat?- Do you think the hen was as soft as a cat?- Where are the frog and the hen?- Do you think the frog was as big as the hen?- What happened?- Do you think the hat was big for them?2 .思考并讨论。The hat was not big. What can you do?3 .带着问题独立阅读。The hat was not big. What did Sam and Dot do?4 .快速浏览全文,找出视觉词并尝试读出来。5 .大声朗读绘本,针对有困难的学生教师可给予帮助。6 .听读绘本,纠正发音。7 .小组朗读。设计意图共读绘本,强化知识,引发思考。通过听读的方式,验证学习的效果。纠正发音,提升课堂学习质量。通过小组阅读的方式,提升阅读乐趣。学生互帮互助,与同伴共同进步。Step 4拓展运用1.角色扮演。设计意图深入发掘文本,促进语言及文化素养的提升。五、家庭作业1 .听录音并朗读绘本。2 .实践体验as big as,并讲述给父母(老师)听。