1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第三级)The Sad Cat教学设计教学目标 能够顺利拼读解码带有a, e,。和u的CVC单词rat, get, top, got, fun并理解词义。 培养音素意识,听辨单词中的音素。 能够快速识别并朗读视觉词saw和was0 流利朗读绘本。 能够通过图片预测情节,并快速在绘本中查找信息。二.教学重点 含有4个短元音的CVC单词的教学。 提高学生朗读故事书的流利度。 通过图片预测情节,并快速在绘本中查找信息。三.教学难点 见到含有4个短元音的CVC单词能够迅速拼读解码。 流利朗读绘本。 尝试通过图片预测情节,并快速在绘本中查找信息。绘本课件带有音素a, e,
2、o和u的卡片学生拼读卡片五、教学过程Step 1热身听辩带有短元音a, e, o和u的单词。提问建议:- I will say sth, if you heard sound /a/, show me /a/.If you heard sound /u/, show me /u/.- I will say sth, if you heard sound /e/, show me /e/.If you heard sound /o/, show me /o/.(备选单词 rat, get, top, got, fun 等)设计意图:通过听单词辨别元音,培养学生音素意识。Step 2拼读练习1 .
3、出示闪卡,复习字母音。提问建议:- See and say the letters sounds together.(a, e, o, u,r, d, t, f, h, g and s)2 .拼读单词提问建议:- Now lets blend these sounds together, what dowe have if we put /r/,/a/,/t/ together?- Lets make more words.设计意图:通过让学生听辨音素,培养学生音素意识。之后学习核心字母音。在读前练习CVC单词的拼读,夯实拼读技能。为之后的绘本阅读做准备。Step 3读前活动1 .预测故事内容
4、,激活旧知。提问建议:- Boys and girls, have you ever seen this TV showbefore?- What happened to Tom and Jerry?- Are they friends or enemies?- Do you think cat and rat can be friend?2 .观察封面,了解绘本的题目和作者。提问建议:- Boys and girls, can you tell me the title of thebook?- What do you see on the cover?- Apart from cat, w
5、hat else do you see?- Why is the cat sad?3,激活旧知,并预测故事内容。提问建议:- Boys and girls, have you heard of any story aboutcat and rat?- What is it about?- Are they friends or enemies?- Why is the cat sad in this book?设计意图:学生在教师的带领下了解绘本的信息,如书名、作者名等,由此了解阅读的方法、养成良好的阅读习惯。增强文本概念。随后设计的问题能够培养学生的联想能力。Step 4读中活动1 .图片环
6、游P3o提问建议:- What can you see on this page?- Lets read this sentence.- What might happen on next page?2 .图片环游p4-6o提问建议:- What has the rat got?- What do you think of this rat? Is it cool?- Does the cat have these?- How does it feel?3 .设问并进行任务型阅读。提问建议:- If you were the rat, what would you do to?- Lets r
7、ead the book and see what happened*4 .自主阅读。5 .检验阅读成果。提问建议:- OK, now who can tell me if the cat had a car andhat.- Is the cat sad in the end?- What did the rat do?6 .复习视觉词:saw和waso7 .大声朗读绘本,针对有困难的学生教师可给予帮助。8 .听读绘本,纠正发音。9 .小组朗读设计意图在阅读之前设问,学生可以带着问题进行回本阅读,有利于提高阅读理解能力。通过听读的方式,验证拼读学习的效果。及时纠正发音,提升课堂学习质量与效率
8、。之后,通过小组阅读的方式,提升阅读乐趣。学生互帮互助,与同伴共同进步。Step 5读后活动针对故事的情节,进一步的讨论。提问建议:- Do you think rat can make friend with cat?- If you had something cool, would you share it withyour best friends?- Will you make friend with someone who used tobe your enemy?- What can we do to make friends with sb again?设计意图:针对故事的内容进行拓展,结合自己的亲身经历谈谈关于友谊和分享的话题。六.家庭作业1 .拼读解码故事中含有的CVC单词,并理解词义。2 .听录音并大声朗读绘本。3 .尝试创作一个关于友谊、分享的故事。