丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第五级A4 The Swimmers 教学设计.docx

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《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第五级A4 The Swimmers 教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第五级A4 The Swimmers 教学设计.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第五级)The Swimmers教学设计标 熟练掌握sw, sp, St和S1的组合发音,并能在单词中快速拼读。 能够借助老师和图片的帮助,理解spun, slid, step, slipped在故事中的含义。 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解故事大意。 能够独立朗读故事。二、教学重点 能够快速拼读含有SW, sp, st, si的单词。 能够正确独立地朗读故事。三、教学难点 能够理解故事的含义。四、教学用具 绘本 课件 教师字母卡五、教学过程Step 1 PhonicsReview words with /st/ and /si/.Ask Ss to read th

2、e two consonant clusters sw , sp.Ask Ss to listen and number.设计意图:熟悉辅音丛,在听与读中巩固音形的关系。Step2 Pre-readingAsk Ss to describe the picture.Ask Ss to read the words: pond, log, spin, spun.Guided questions:What do you see in the picture?Do you see a river or a pond?(出现单词 pond)Whats in the pond?(出现单词 log)Wha

3、fs the log doing?(出现单词 spin)Yesterday, the log was there.It(出现单词spun)Can you swim in the pond?Can you jump on the log?设计意图:创设情境,引出单词让学生拼读和理解,并与自己的生活产生联系。Step3 While-readingAsk Ss to read the title.(If Ss have difficulty in reading “swimmers”, tell themdouble m make only one sound.)Ask Ss to look at

4、the picture and predict what will happenin the story.Guided questions:-What can a swimmer do?- Are you a swimmer?- How many swimmers can you see?- Where are they swimming?Ask Ss to read the first page.Ask Ss to point who they are in the picture.Ask Ss to see the two pictures and guess what happened

5、inthe pond.Ask Ss to open their books and find out what they did inthe book.Ask Ss to imitate Stan and Jim and read the words.Explain that double p make the sound /p/, ed in the endmake the sound /t/.Ask Ss to read the sentences.What happened to him?He slipped.(每张图片说一遍)Ask Ss what happened in the pi

6、cture.Ask Ss to read the words: step, slipped, slid.设计意图:进行封面预测。在绘本朗读中巩固拼读知识,理解绘本内容。学生观察图片进行内容预测。运用TPR加深对slip, slid等词的了解。在情境中巩固slipped和slid的运用。带着问题朗读。培养学生独立拼读朗读的能力。Ask Ss to read the sentences.Guided questions:-What did they try to do?(出现单词 step一They tried tostep on the log.)-Did they step on the lo

7、g?(出现单词 slipped 和 slid)Ask Ss to use the word: slid.Guided questions:What did the animal/car/panda/goat do?Ask Ss to describe the picture using “slipped and slidAsk Ss to search in the book:1) Who came to help Jim and Stan?2) What did the author think of the log?3) Did the swimmers have a good time?

8、Ask Ss to read this page.Ask Ss to answer the question.Explain trap with a mouse trap.(If you get into a trap, you cant get rid of it.)Ask Ss to read this page.Ask Ss to answer the question.Ask Ss to think why they were happy.Ask Ss to listen and read.Ask Ss to read in pairs设计意图:综合运用语言知识演绎故事。Step 4 Post-readingAsk Ss to make up dialogues among the father and sons.Ask Ss to create bubble words on their book.巩固拼读技能,提升拼写能力。Students spell out what the teacher dictates.六、家庭作业熟读故事。圈出所有含有/sw/和/sp/的单词。为本书涂色。


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