2021洪林中学八年级上人教版Unit 5单元过关考试题.docx

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1、20152016八年级上Unit 5单元过关考试题V.单项选择(10分)()21. -Can you who broke the window of the class room ?Sorry, I cant, Mr. Smith .A. ask forB. wait for C. find out D. come out()22. .At the party,Lucylike a Mickey Mouse to make us.A.dressed up, laugh B.dressed up,to laugh C-dressed onjaugh D.dressed on,to laugh()

2、23 . Please dont get close the running train, or youll be in danger.A from B toC withD after24 . He finished his book last year, and now he is planning another new one.A writing, writing B to write, to write C writing, to write D to write, writing()25. Whats your idea about your coming weekend?-1 fl

3、ying to New York, but my wife Washington.A thought about, decidedC thought about, decided on()26 .I saw twoA.mice.eatingB.mouses,eating( )27 .He always tries to face anyB decided on, thought ofD thought of, concentrated onan apple when I came by.C.mice.ate D.mouses,ateand met someA.danger,dangerous

4、B.danger,danger C.dangerous,dangerous( )28.What did you do class this morning , Alice ?We had a discussion TV show .things.D.dangerous, dangerA.on ; aboutB.in; aboutC.in;at D,from;on()29. All children expect their parents them presents on their birthday.A. to give B. giveC. givingD. gave()30. -Are y

5、ou sure you can do well in tomorrows test ?I think so, Ive got everything.A. seriousB. simpleC. readyD. mainVI选词填空(10分)choose B.successfullyF. culture G. characterC. reasons D. take his place E.meaningfulH. did a good job L enjoyable J. dresses upMy father like a Santa Claus (圣诞老人)on Christmas Day.M

6、y favourite cartoon is Snow White.33 . Mary in playing the guitar in the competition.34 .Many young parents to buy some books as presents on Childrens Day.35 .Walt Disney made 87 cartoons, so he became successful“Lost in Thailand is an movie, we all like watching it.37. If you want to visit another

7、country, you have to learn about its38. One of the main is that vegetables are good for our health.39. The teacher told Tom not to leave the job because nobody can.40. Its for us to spend too much time on the computer.VI.完型填空(10分)Walt Disney came from America. When he was very young, his family move

8、d fromthe city to a farm. 41 Disney was busy most of the time, he could still find42 to do interesting things. He spent much of his free time 43 picturesof the animals on the farm. He then began 44 stories about them. Later heeven began taking art classes on Saturdays.As he grew older, Disneys art 4

9、5 also grew. He began using a new way totell his stories. To do this, he drew the same picture many times, changing each one alittle. Using the camera, he took a photo of each drawing. Next, he put the film (胶卷)through a movie projector. As the pictures ran 46 through the projector, thecharacters lo

10、oked 47 and moving. Disney soon began to use this way. Hemade his drawings into cartoons. And the cartoons were just like 48. WaltDisney was 49 after many years of hard work. He 50 one of theworlds greatest entertainers (演艺人士). His cartoons still make lots of people happyevery day.()41. A. Although(

11、)42. A. money()43. A. drawing()44. A. dressing up()45. A. talent()46. A. slowly()47. A. real()48. A. pictures()49. A. poor()50. A. becameB. SoB. placeB. takingB. looking forB.reasonB quicklyB. richB. moivesB. commonB. lostC. IfC. timeC. buyingC. making upC.serviceC. hardlyC. freshC. storiesC. succes

12、sfulC. WonVIL短文填空(10分)as, close, end, family, large, last, over, performance, say, traditionCCTV New Years Gala(春晚)is a Chinese New Year special produced by ChinaCentral Television. The program begins at 8:00 PM and 5L until about 1:00AM on the first day of the New Year.he program has received extre

13、mely52.audiences(观众),which have grown greatly 53 the years.As the Chinese New Years Eve is a time when the54.members get together,the Gala adds a pleasant mood to the house 55 people sis in front of their TV setlaughing, discussing and enjoying the 56. It has become a 57 inChina to watch the New Yea

14、rs Gala. Around 1:00 in the early morning, the program58 with the song Cant Forget Tonight. To bring audiences even 59to the yearly show, the Gala organizers have tired many ways to make the programmore attractive. It is 60 that there will be no advertisements this year sothat audiences can be satis

15、fied with a natural and smooth Gala.21-cn-jy-com51.阅读(25分)Movie Guide Thursday? 1 The Grandmasters 15:00 23:001. Action MovieDo you like Liang Chaowei ?The Grandmasters is another movie of his. Its so exciting . Come and have fun !My life as Mcdull 9:00 13:001 . CartoonMcdull is a little pig e Hes kind of silly but hes very cute. Do you want to enjoy happinesswith him ? Be sure to watch it!Lost in Thailand 11:0019:001. ComedyXu Zheng is a


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