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1、Unit9基础过关卷单项选择()1 . I am a little hungry. May I have cake?A. another B. an other C. other D. the other( )2. Thanks for me to your party.A. invite B. to ask C. invitation D. inviting( )3. -Can you play tennis with me? -, I have to go to the doctor.A. Sure B. Td love to C. Sorry, I cant D. Sure, Td li

2、ke to( )4. -Can you play tennis with me? -, but I have to go to the doctor.A. Tm not sure B. Id love toC. Sorry, I cant D. Sure, Id like to( )5. Jack is busy writing _invitation. Its his birthday this Sunday. A. a B. an C. the D./( )6.-? Monday the first.A. What day is today? B. Whats the date today

3、? C. Whafs today? D. Whens today?( )7. They an ived the morning of Thursday train.A. in, by B. on, by C. in, on D. on, on( )8. Tm not free 12 oclock tomorrow, you can come before then. A. at B. until C. after D. for( )9. Yesterday I asked Mary to play tennis with me, but she.A. refuse me B. turned d

4、own me C. refused to D. turned me down( )10. Fm tired because I did homework yesterday.A. too much, too much B. too much, much too C. much too, too much D. much too, much too()15. Jack, can you with us at the City Park this Sunday?A. go out B. come out C. hang out D. get out()1 L Please tell him abo

5、ut the party this Friday. A. in B. on C. at D. by( )12. Mr. Black will go back to England next week. Fm so sorry to see him.A. go B. going C. to go D. goes( )13.1 asked a question at class, but only one student could to it.A. answer B. reply C. ask D. think about( )14. My mother asked me to stop TV,

6、 and I stopped my homework at once.A. watching; to do B. to watch; to do C. watching; doing D. to watch; did()15.Must I be home before eight oclock, Mom?No, you But you have to come back before ten oclock.A. neednt B. cant C. mustntD. shouldnt( )16.Shes looking forward to his work. A. improves B. im

7、proving C. improved D. improve( )17.delicious the food is! A. How a B. How C. What D. What a( )18. Pm not happy because he refused for the meeting.A. prepare B. prepared C. to prepare D. preparing()19. ?It*s Wednesday.A. What is the date today B. What day is it today C- What time is it D. Whafs the

8、weather like today( )20. Please give me the this invitation soon. A. answer B. reply to C. question D. ask( )21. He left without goodbye. A say B speak C speakingD. saying()22. Whats the date today?Its. A. summer B. Tuesday C. July 2nd D. six oclock( )23.of us in our class has an English name. A. Al

9、l B. Every C. Each D. Both、( )24. Emma, come here. Here an apple for you.A. isB. areC. have( )25 We are today. Lets go to the concert to relax.A busy B hungry C tired D free.()26-What he on Sunday? - He is babysitting his little sister.A does, do B is, do C is , does D is doing()27 The old man died

10、(去世)a cold morning.A in B / C on D at( )28 I have two brothers. One is a doctor,is a teache匚A another B others C other D the other( )29 Now we are cleaning the classroom. Some students are cleaning the windows,are cleaning the floor.A another B others C other D the other( )30. lam going to you on Su

11、nday and go bike riding.A. catchB. accept C- refuseD. delete()31. Do you know I miss you?A. how many B. how much C. how long D. how far( )32. Please reply to the invitation by next Tuesday.A. call B. in call C. in calling D. for calling( )33- Can you look at the and tell me the activities?A- menuB.

12、calendar C. clockD. phone( )34. The students are very at the news.A. surprised; surprising B. surprising; surprised C. surprised; surprised D. surprising; surprising( )35- -My mother is ill.I have to look after her at home.A Thank you B. Oh, I donl know C. Bad luck D. Im sorry to hear that( )36.Why

13、did you Lindas invitation, Frank?Because I had to go to the doctor.A. accept B. refuse C. catch( )37. surprise news it is! All of us feel surprised at it.A. How B. What aC. What D. What an单词填空1. We cant live air or water.2. His house is 102 London Road.3. Betty is always ready to help with all the p

14、arty p.4. There are five w in a week.5. Can you come to the o of the new library?6. She loves music but shes never gone to any c.7. The fans were s to learn the death of their favorite singing star.8. Im going to go shopping t.9. If you are f this evening, you can come to my birthday party.10. How m

15、any Chinese 1 do you have every week?11. He ran so fast that I couldnt c up with him.12. Hello, Nancy, Tm g to meet you again.13. She r his invitation to the tea party because she was really busy.14. Thank you for(打印)the article for me.15. Every year our school has several e.用所给词的正确形式填空1.1 (visit) my aunt next Sunday.2. Its Jacks invitation of New(year) party.3. Its important(study) English welL4. It takes him twenty minutes(ride) his bike to school.5. What do you plan(be)?6. Tony decided(hike) with us.7. Im very sorry(hear)that you a


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