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1、冲刺练习及解析1 .根据中文提示填空。Beijing i s a city with a Iot of parks and(贝勾物中心).shopping; centre【解析】句意:北京是一个拥有许多公园和购物中心的城市。shopping centre 购物中心, 故填 shopping centreo2 .根据中文提示填空。在电影院对面你能找到图书馆。the cinema you can find a .Across; from; I ibrary;【解析】across from 在对面;library 图书馆。故填 Across from, I ibraryo3 .根据中文提示填空。你能

2、带我参观一下学校吗? you me around the schooI?Can; show【解析】can能;show sb. around带某人四处看看,故填Can, showo4.根据中文提示填空。I go to the chess c I ub(一周一次).once; a; week;【解析】句意:我一去一欠下棋俱乐部。once a week 一一次,故填 once a weeko5 .根据中文提示填空。I can(拉小提琴).play; the; viol in【解析】句意:我会拉小提琴。play the viol in拉小提琴,故填 p I ay the viol i no6 .汉译英

3、。我度过了一个美好的周末。【答案】I had a wonderfu I weekend.7 .根据中文提示填空。我打算寄给他一些中国邮票。I m going to him some.send; Chinese; stamps【解析】send sb. sth.给某人寄某东西;Chinese stamps中国邮票。且be going to后接动词原形,故填send, Chinese stampso8.根据汉语提示填空。戴维和刘涛在二楼。David and Liu Tao are.on; the; second; f I oor【解析】on the+序数词+f loor 译为“在几楼,second

4、第二,故填 on the second f looro9 .根据中文提示填空。它在冰箱里。Its.in;the;fr idge;【解析】in the f r idge 在冰箱里,故填 in the f r idgeo10 .我们上数学课和体育课。【答案】We have maths and PE.11 .你星期一有什么课?【答案】What c I asses do you have on Monday?12 .我想吃些西红柿和鸡蛋。【答案】I want some tomatoes and eggs.13 .我的脚受伤了。【答案】My foot hurts.14 .让我帮你吧。【答案】Let me

5、 he I p you.15 .怎么了?【答案】What, s the matter?16 .我在一年级三班。【答案】I m i n c I ass three, grade one.17 .春天天气怎么样?【答案】What s the weather I i ke i n spr i ng?18 .秋天天气凉爽。【答案】Its cool in autumn.19 .汉译英。那对保持健康有好处。【答案】That, s good for keeping healthy.20 .汉译英。不要吃太多垃圾食品。【答案】Don,t eat too much junk food.21 .汉译英。听妈妈的话

6、很好。【答案】Its good to I isten to our mother.22 .根据汉语提示填空。杰克,让我们去野餐吧!and a , Jack!Let* s;go; have;picnic;【解析】Iet, s go 让我们去吧;have a picnic 去野餐。故填 Lets go, have, picnico23 .根据汉语提示填空。他不和他的朋友在网上聊天。He with his f r iends on the Internet.doesnt;chat;【解析】chat聊天,主语he是第三人称单数,谓语实义动词,借助助动词doesnt帮助构成否定句,故填doesnt ch

7、ato24 .根据汉语提示填空。我妈妈有时去购物。My mother.sometime;goes;shopping【解析】sometimes 有时;go shopping 去购物。主语my mother是第三人称单数,谓语动词goes要用第三人称单数形式goes,故填 sometimes goes shoppingo25 .根据汉语提示填空。迈克通常在周末干什么?Mikeat weekends?What; does;usual ly;do【解析】what 什么;usually 通常;do 做。根据“usual ly ”可知句子时态是一般现在时,主语Mike是第三人称单数,谓语是实义动词,需借助

8、助动词does帮助构成疑问句,故填What does, usuaI Iy doo26.根据汉语提示填空。他们有语文课吗? they Ch i nese Iessons?Do;have【解析】have有,主语they是第三人称复数,谓语是实义动词,需借助助动词do帮助构成疑问句,故填Do, haveo27.根据汉语提示填空。你朋友喜欢踢足球吗? your fr i end footbaI I?】Does; I ike;play ing【解析】like 喜欢;p I ay footba I I 踢足球,like 后接动词,要用-ing形式;主语your friend是第三人称单数,谓语是实义动词,

9、需借助助动词does帮助构成疑问句,句首单词首字母大写,故填Does, I ikeplayingo28 .根据汉语提示填空。他喜欢什么科目?he Ii ke?What;subjects;does;【解析】what subjects什么科目;主语he是第三人称单数,谓语是实义动词,需借助助动词does帮助构成疑问句,故填Whatsubjects doeso29 .汉译英。发一封电子邮件给南希【答案】send an e-ma i I to Nancy30 .根据所给汉语提示填空。我妹妹擅长画画。她喜欢画娃娃。My sister is drawing. SheI i kes.good; at; drawing; do I Is;解析be good at 才亶长;draw dolls 画娃娃,I ike后接动词,要用一ing形式,故填good at; drawing do I I s0


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