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1、冲刺练习一、阅读理解1 Jack: Hello, Tom. What can you do?Tom: I can swim. Can youswim?Jack: No, I can11.I candraw. Can you draw, Linda?Linda: Yes, I can.And Ican read, too.What about you, Lily?Lily: I can sing.Butcan,t cook.(1) Tom canA. swimB. drawC. read(2)Jack canA. swimB. drawC. read(3)Linda can drawandA.

2、readBflyC. swim(4)LilycanA. cookB. s i ngC. read Jackand LindacanA drawB. readC. s i ng2. Ben,J i am i n and Sally are at Xiao Iing,s new house.Ben: What are you doing, Ji am in?Jiamin: I,m read i ng a story book.Ben: Do you Iike reading books best?Jiamin: Yes, thats my hobby. What about you?Ben: I

3、Ii ke making mode I cars. That,s my hobby.Jiamin: Whats your hobby, Sal Iy?Sally: I Iike stamps best. So collecting stamps is my hobby. And you,Xi aoIi ng?XiaoIing: I Ii ke pictures best. Drawing i s my hobby.(1)The chi ldren are at .A.Sally,s new houseB.Xiaolings old houseC.Xiao Iing,s new house(2)

4、 i s read i ng a story book.A. BenB. JiaminC. Sal ly(3)Read i ng books i s hobby.A. J i am i n, sB. Ben, sC. Xiaoling,s(4)Ben,s hobby i s mak i ng .A.mode I busesB.mode I carsC.toy cars(5)Sa Ily,s hobby i s .A.drawing stampsB.drawing picturesC.col Iecting stamps3. Hei Io, my name is Jim. I am e I ev

5、en. I love sports. My favour ite sporti s running. I often run after schooI with my f r iends. My favour ite dayis Tuesday. We have two PE Iessons on Tuesday. Ben is my friend. He doesntIike sports. So he doesnt Iike Tuesday. He Iikes music and singing. Hewants to be a s i nger when he grows up.(1)

6、Jim i s years oId.A. n i neB. tenC.eleven(2)Jim,s favour i te sport i s .A.swimmingB.playing basketbaI IC.runn i ng(3)Jim,s favour i te day i s .A.MondayB.TuesdayC.Wednesday(4)Ben Ii kes .A. runn i ngB.singingC.read i ng(5)Ben wants to be a when he grows up.A.buiIderB. cookC. s i nger4. Ben: What ar

7、e you reading, Xiaoling?XiaoIing: A book about Dr Sun Yatsen.Ben: Who i s he?Jiamin: He,s a very famous and important person in Chinese history.Ben: Wow! Can you teI I me something about him?Jiamin: Yes. He was a great I eader. He tr i ed to free the Ch i nese peop I eand make the i r Ii ves better.

8、XiaoIing: Yes. He loved the Chinese peopIe and the Chinese peopIe Iovehim.Jiamin: Thats r ight. Today many streets, schools and parks have his name.Ben: Wow, what a great man!(1)一What i s Xiao Iing doing?She,s.A.watch i ng TVB. reading a book about animalsC. read i ng a book about Dr Sun Yatsen(2)Dr

9、 Sun Yatsen i s .A.funny and importantB.famous and importantC.famous and i nterest i ng(3)Dr Sun Yatsen was .A.a great IeaderB.a great workerC.a bad leader(4)Dr Sun Yatsen .A.tr ied to free the chi ldrenB.worked hard to save the animalsC.tr ied to free Chinese people(5)You can,t see Dr Sun Yatsens n

10、ame i n .A.many streetsB.every bui I di ngC.many schools5.I want to i ntroduce a famous person to you. He i s from Amer i ca.He is a genius (天才)in computer. His name is Bi I I Gates (比尔盖茨).Bi I I Gates i s regarded as one of the r ichest men in the wor Id. He i s thefounder of Microsoft. He was born

11、 i n 1955. He I earnt I aw when he stud iedin Harvard University. Later he dropped out of Harvard. At the age ofeighteen, he got involved in computers. A year Iater, he built his owncompany.Bi I I Gates has donated (捐南K) much money to char i ty. I think hei s not only a successfuI bus inessman but a

12、 I so a generous (慷慨的)person.(1)Bi I I Gates is from .A.EnglandB.AustraIi aC.Amer i ca(2)Bi I I Gates is the founder of .A. App I eB. MicrosoftC. Disney(3) He dropped out of .A.Harvard UniversityB.Oxford UniversityC.Cambr i dge University(4)Bi I I Gates has donated much char ity.A.clothesB. moneyC.

13、food6. Did you ever shop on Taobao? If you say yes, then you may knowJack Ma. Jack Ma is a successfuI businessman (商人)in China. He was bornon September 10th, 1964. When he was a child, he I i ked to I earn Eng I i shand he was very good at i t. After he f i n i shed schoo I, he worked as an Eng I i

14、shteacher. But he quickly got bored, so he I eft schoo I. I n 1999, he startedto build Al ibaba. After many years of hard work, he made Iots of moneyand turned Alibaba into a worId famous on-1ine trading (交易)company.And now he i s one of the r i chest men i n Ch i na.(1)Jack Ma i s a successfuI .A.

15、wr i terB. actorC. bus i nessman(2)Jack Ma was born i n .A. 1964B. 1960C. 1999(3)When Jack Ma was a child, he i s very good at .A.mathsB.scienceC.English(4)After he finished schooI, he worked as a A.bus i nessmanB.teacherC.musician(5)In 1999, he started to build .A.AppIeB.SonyC.Ali baba7. Daming: What do you Iike?Amy: I li


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