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1、冲刺练习一、阅读理解1 .阅读对话,选择正确的选项。A: Can I he Ip you, Kitty?B: Yes, p I ease.A: What do you need?B: I need some cards.A: How many cards?B: Four are bIue and three are red.A: What eIse do you need?B: I need some gifts.A: Green gifts?B: No, the ye I low gifts.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.(1) Ki tty needs some

2、 .A.cardsB. fi recrackers(2)You can see cards.A. 4B. 7(3)The gifts are .B.greenA. ye I I ow(4)Some cards are .A. greenB. b I ue2.阅读短文,选出正确的选项。Its Sunday. Kate, Li ly and Mary want to go shopping.They come to a big shop. There are many appIes, bananas andoranges i n the shop. App I es, bananas and or

3、anges are very cheap.Kate I ikes oranges. She wants to buy a ki Io of them. Li ly I ikesbananas. She wants to buy two kilos of them. What about Mary?Mary Iikes appIes. She wants to buy three kilos of them.(1)Kate, Li ly and Mary want to .A. runB. go shopp i ngC. f Iy kites(2)Kate, Lily and Mary want

4、 to buy some .A.fruitB. booksC. f I owers(3)Kate I i kes .A. applesB. bananasC.oranges(4)L i Iy I i kes .A. applesB. bananasC. oranges(5) Mary wants to buy kilos of appIes.A. oneB. twoC. three3. We I come to the c I othes store (月艮装店).There are manydresses, T-sh i rts, sh i rts, jeans, coats and sho

5、es i n the store.Look! Thi s i s a green dress. 11,s very pretty. But it i s soexpensive. Its 200 yuan. Look! They are boots. Theyre bIueand white. They are 99 yuan. Look at the sneakers. They are sob i g and coo I. But they are not for sa I e. They are Yao Mingssneakers.(1)There are not i n the sto

6、re.A. socksB.sneakersC. dresses(2)The pretty dress i s .A.colourfulB.expens i veC. cheap(3) The dress i s yuan.A. 55B. 100C. 200(4)The boots are .A. ye I lowB.purpIe and brownC. bIue and white(5)The sneakers are .A.Yao MingsB.Li Xiang,sC.Mike,s二、阅读判断4.阅读对话,判断句子正误。Shop assi stant: Good afternoon! Can

7、 I he Ip you?Helen: Yes. Id Iike these socks. How much are they?Shop assi stant: Fifteen yuan, pI ease.Helen: These shoes are nice too. How much are they?Shop ass i stant: They,re twenty yuan.Helen: OK. Here1s thi rty-five yuan.(1)It is in the afternoon.(2) The socks are th i rteen yuan.(3)He Ien wo

8、uId Ii ke the socks and the shoes.(4)The shoes are thi rty-five yuan.5.读短文,判断正误。As i stant: Can I he Ip you?Chen Jie: Yes, I want a pai r of boots.Asistant: What colour do you Iike?Chen Jie: I like blue.Asistant: What size?Chen Jie: Size five.Asi stant: How about thi s pa i r?Chen Jie: They are very

9、 nice. How much are they?Asistant: They,re fifty yuan.Chen Jie: OK, Ill take them. Here is the money.Asistant: Thank you. Bye.Chen Jie: Bye-bye.(1)Chen Jie wants a pai r of boots.Chen Jie I ikes bIue.(3) The boots are 15 yuan.(4)Chen J i e Ii kes the boots very much.(5)Chen J i e i s on the farm.三、任

10、务型阅读6.在横线上填入相应的单词或句子。SALEToday a I I dresses are th i rty yuan We have many n i cedresses, red, green, purpIe and more! The T-shi rts are cheap,too! They are thi rty-two yuan. And we have many pretty shorts.They are not expensive. They are forty yuan. Some are pink, someare ye I Iow, some are bI ack

11、.Come and see us today!(1) How much i s the purpIe dress?- Its yuan.(2)一How much are these T-sh i rts?一They, re yuan.(3)Are the T-sh i rts cheap?(4)Are these shorts expensive?(5)What colour are the shorts?Some aresome are and someare 7阅读对话,填写购物清单。Chen Jie: Yes.Assi stant: Can I he Ip you?I want to b

12、uy a word book. What are you goingto buy, John?John: I want to buy a dictionary. What about you, Mike?Mike: I want to buy a postcard. How about you, 01iver?01iver: I want to buy a comic book.(1) ChenJie: John: Mike: 0liver : 四、完形填空8. A: Good morning, Granny (奶奶)!B: Good morning, my chi Id.A: I want

13、ice-cream (冰激凌). Howmuch 2 i t?B: Two yuan.A: What 3 that one?Tom?B: 4 one yuan.A:5. Ill 6 it. 7 about you,C: I ,d 8 a cup 9 ice-water (冰水),B: Here you are.A:Thank you.B:Not10all.A. theB. aC. anA. areB. isC. amA. ofB. forC. about(4)A. OnlyB. isC. onlyA. OKB. ThanksC. Yes(6)A. byB. buyC. byeA. WhoB. HowC. Why(8)A. I i keB. wantC. better(9)A. withB. forC. of(10) A. i n B. at C. on


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