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1、冲刺练习及解析一、阅读理解1. A: Hi, Amy.B: Hi, Chen Jie.A: What,s th i s?B: My new crayons.A: How many crayons do you have?B: I have 16 crayons. I Iike crayons very much.A: Me, too. Theyre so beautiful.B: Oh, where is my bag?A: Maybe its in your desk.B: No, it isnt.A: Is it behind your chai r?B: Yes, it i s. Tha

2、nk you, goodbye.A: Bye.(1)Who,s A?A. Lily.B. Chen Jie.C. Amy.(2)Chen J ie has crayons.B. s i xteenA.seventeenC.fifteen(3)Is the bag i n the desk?A. Yes, i t i s.B. No, i t i s.C. No, it isnt.(4)The bag i s the cha i r.A. underB. behi ndC. on【答案】(1)B(2)B(3)C(4)B【解析】1.根据“A: Hi, Amy. v和“B: Hi, Chen Jie

3、. “可知”A”是陈洁,故选Bo2 .根据“B: I have 16 crayons. I I ike crayons very much.和A: Me, too.They* re so beaut i fu I. n可知陈洁有16支蜡笔,故选B。3 .根据 “A: Maybe its in your desk. 和 “B: No, it isnt. 可知包不在桌子上,故选C。4 .根据“A: I s it behind your chai r?和B: Yes, it is. Thank you, goodbye, v可知书包在椅子后面,故选B。2. Ben: Where is my toy

4、car?Xiao Iing: Is it i n your desk?Ben: No, it isn,t.Xiao Iing: Look, its next to the books.Ben: No, Xiao Iing, that i s not my car. It,s Mikes. My car i s red.Xiao Iing: What i s that beh i nd the bag? It i s red. Is it your car?Ben: No, it isnt. Its Johns toy bus.XiaoIing: Ben, whats that in your

5、hand?Ben: Oh, Silly (傻的)me. Its my toy car.(1) Ben is looking for (寻找)a toy .A. carB. bus(2)Ben,s toy car in his desk.A. i sB. isnt(3) is beside the books.A.Mikes toyB.Johns toy bus(4)Mi ke,s toy car red.A. i sB. isnt(5)Johns toy bus is the bag.A.behindC. next to【答案】(DA (2)B(3) A (4)B(5) A【解析】1.根据“B

6、en: Where is my toy car?,可知本在寻找玩具汽车,故选A。2 .根据 uXiaol ing: Is it in your desk?” 和 uBen: No, it isnt. ” 可知本的文具汽车不在他的桌子上,故选B。3 .根据 uXi ao I i ng: Look, its next to the books. 和 “ Ben: No, Xiao I i ng,that is not my car. Its Mikes. My car is red. ” 可知迈克的玩具汽车紧邻书,故选A。4 .才艮据 u Ben: No, Xiao I ing, that i s

7、 not my car. Its Mikes. My car i sred.”可知迈克的玩具汽车不是红色的,故选B。5 .根据 uXiaol ing: What is that beh ind the bag? 11 i s red. I s it your car?”和“Ben: No, it isnt. Its Ji ami n, s toy bus. 可知约翰的玩具汽车在包后面,故选A。3.Tom is my fr iend. He comes from England. He is ten years oId. Hisfather is a doctor. His mother is

8、an Engl ish teacher in our schooI. Sheteaches us ora I Eng I i sh (英语口语). Tom and I always p I ay together aftercI ass. He Ii kes playing footbaI I. He Iikes to Ii ve in China.(1)Tom comes from .A.CanadaB.England(2) H i s father i s a .A.nurseB.doctor(3)His mother is a teacher. She teaches us .A.ora

9、 I Engli shB. Ch i nese(4) He I i kes .A.pI ay basebaI I8. playing footbaI I【答案】(1)B(2)B(3) A (4)B【解析】1.根据 “Tom is my fr iend. He comes from England.,可知汤姆来自英国,故选B。2 .根据“His father is a doctor, v可知他的父亲是一位医生,故选B。3 .才艮据 “His mother is an Engl ish teacher in our school. She teaches usoral English.”可知他的妈

10、妈教大家英语口语,故选A。4 .根据“He I ikes playing footba I I. v可知他喜欢踢足球,故选B。5 . Hei Io, Im Tim. Im from Canada. My good fr i ends name i s Jim.Jim and I often pI ay together. My hobby (爱好)is playing footbaI I. Hei s good at playing footba I I, too. We often p I ay footba I I together. Todayi s Saturday. Jim i s

11、not at home. He,s got a headache. Hi s mother takesh im to the doctor , s. The doctor gives him some pills (药片)and lets himtake three a day. I think he wi I I be better soon.(1)Tim,s fr iend i s .A. TomB. JimC. Jean(2)Tim,s hobby i s playing .A. tenn i sB. footbaI IC.basketbaI I(3)What,s wrong with

12、Jim?A.Hes got a toothache.B.Hes got a headache.(4)What does the doctor say?A.Take some pills.B.He will be better soon.C.Dr i nk more water.【答案】(1)B(2)B(3)B(4) A【解析】1. 根据Hei Io, I ,m Tim. I ,m from Canada. My good f r iend s nameis Jim. v可知吉姆是蒂姆的朋友,故选B。2 .根据“My hobby (爱好)is playing football.可知蒂姆的爱好是踢

13、足球,故选B。3 .根据“Hes got a headache. ?可知吉姆头疼,故选B。4 . 4 uThe doctor gives him some pills (药片)and lets him take threea day. v可知医生给了一些药片给吉姆,故选A。5 . Hei Io, my name is Jim. I am eleven. I love sports. My favour itesport is running. I often run after school with my fr iends. My favour iteday i s Tuesday. We

14、have two PE I essons on Tuesday. Ben i s my f r iend. Hedoesn, t I i ke sports. So he doesn t I i ke Tuesday. He I i kes mus i c and singi ng.He wants to be a s i nger when he grows up.(1) Jim is years old.A. n i neB. tenC. e I even(2)Jim,s favour i te sport i s .A.swimmingD. playing basketbaI IC. r

15、unn i ng(3)Jims favour ite day i s .A.MondayB.TuesdayC.Wednesday(4)Ben I i kes .A. runn i ngB. singingC. read i ng(5)Ben wants to be a when he grows up.A.buiIderB. cookC. s i nger【答案】(DC (2)C(3)B(4)B(5)C(解析】1 .根据 Hell o, my name is Jim. I am el even, v 可知吉姆 11 岁,故选G2 .根据“My favour ite sport is running.,可知吉姆最喜欢的运动是跑步,故选C。3 .根据“My favour ite day i s Tuesday.可知吉姆最喜欢的一天是星期二,故选


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