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1、冲刺练习及解析一、阅读理解1. The Spr i ng Fest i va I (春节)i s a very important (重要)ho Ii day in China. It ceIebrate the end of the year and thebeginning of a new year. The Spring FestivaI usuaI Iy comes inJanuary or February. PeopIe do many things to get ready for it.They c I ean the i r houses. They buy beaut i

2、 fu I flowers, candy andother good food. PeopIe always wear new cIothes at the Spr ingFest i va I. Ch i I dren can get I ucky money (红包)from the old andthei r parents. Fami Iies are going to get together and have abig dinner.(1)The Spr ing Fest i vaI i s a very important hoiiday i n .A. Ch i naB. th

3、e USAC. the UK(2) The Spr i ng Fest i va I i s i n or .A. December; JanuaryB. January; FebruaryC. February; March(3)PeopIe often before the Spr i ng Fest i vaI.A.buy Chr i stmas treesB.cIean the i r houses and buy good foodC.pI ant trees(4)Ch i Idren can get from the oId and the i r parents.A.candyB

4、. foodC. Iucky money2. It was near Iy (接近)Chr istmas. Kate woke up (醒来)andfound (发现,find 的过去式)that the wor I d was white. Snow,for Chr istmas! she said happi Iy. She ran (run 的过去式)outsideand danced i n the snow. Her brother Andy came out (出来),too.They made (make 的过去式)a b i g round (圆的)snowba I I (雪球

5、)and a smaI I one. They put them together and made a snowman.On Chr i stmas Eve (圣诞前 夕),they looked at the snowman.He waved (招手)at them. He was alive (6j) ! *, It, s Chr istmas,the snowman said. WouId you Iike a present?Yes, please,said Kate. The snowman waved hi s arms. The snowfIakes (雪花)filled (填

6、满)the sky. 11 was so beautifuI. We must give youa present, too. , said Kate. They gave the snowman a carrot fora nose, a scarf (围 巾)for h i s neck. ,Merry Chr i stmas! theysaid.(1)Its outs i de. You can make a snowman.A.snowyB. ra i nyC. sunny(2) Before Chr i stmas, Kate and Andy .A.swept the snowB.

7、play with snowC.made a snowman(3)The snowman them.A.looked atB.waved atC. sa i d to(4)The snowman gave them as the Chr i stmas present.A.snowfIakesB.snowmanC.the sky3. My neighbour Mrs Brown is eighty, and she has a smaI I car.She always dr i ves to the shops on Saturday and buys some food.Her car i

8、 s oId. She doesn,t dr i ve fast, but she dr i ves we I I,and never hits (撞击)anything. Sometimes her grandson says toher, Please dont drive your old car, Grandma. You are too old.We can dr i ve you to the town. But she always says, No. I I ikedr i v i ng. I drive for f i fty years, and I am not goin

9、g to stopnow.One Saturday she stops her car at traff ic I ights when theyare red. The I i ghts become green, then ye I low, then red aga i n,but Mrs Browns car cant start. What am I going to do now?,she says. Then a poI iceman comes and says to her with a smi Ie,Good morn i ng. You Ii ke a I I of ou

10、r co I ours, don,t you?(1)How many peopIe are there in the story?A. Only one.B. Three.C. Two.(2)She a I ways goes shopp i ng .A. by busB. by b i keC. by car(3)She Iearnt driving when she was .A.eightyB.thirtyC. fifty(4)Her grandson asks her not to dr i ve, because .A.her car i s too oldB.she is too

11、oldC.both A and B4. Kate was a c I ever girl. She had a brother named Bi I I. TheyI i ved by the forest. The i r father didnt allow them to go i ntothe forest. One day, Kate and Bi I I went into the forest. Theyhad a wonderfuI time in the forest. After some time, they felthungry and ti red. Bi I I w

12、as worr ied, because he couldnt f indhis way. Don,t worry. I dropped some stones on the ground.At Iast they fol lowed the stones back home.(1) Kate was .A. a studentB.a cI ever girlC.a teacher(2) Kate had named Bi I I.A.a brotherB. a s i sterC. a cous i n(3)The i r father didnt allow them to go i nt

13、o the A. parkB.forestG.school(4)Bi I I was worr ied, because heA.couIdn,t go sw i mm i ngB.couIdn,t go to schooIC.couIdn,t find his way(5)At Iast, did they go back home?A. Yes, they d i d.B. No, they didnt.C.I dont know.5.读一读,选一选。The Lions DinnerLion: Good afternoon, Mrs Rabbit. Let me eat you.Rabbi

14、t: Dont eat me, Mr Lion. I ,m old. That mouse is youngerthan me.Lion: Miss Mouse, Miss Mouse, let me eat you.Mouse: Oh, no. Many bi rds are standing over there.Lion: Bi rds, I wiI I eat you. You are my d inner.Bi rds: You are bad. We can fIy, can you?Lion: No, I cant. But where is my dinner?(1) The

15、I i on i s .A. ful IB. hungryC. scared The I i on doesn, t eat the rabb i t, because there i s a overthere.A. deerB. birdC. mouseCan the b i rds fIy?A.No, they canB. Yes, they canC. No, they can, t(4)The Ii on cant fIy. He at Iast.A.eat di nnerB.eat the rabbitC.doesnt have dinner(5) The I i on doesnt eat the mouse, because there are overthere.A. b i rdsB. rabbitsC.goats6. Hello, I am Tom. I live in London now. There i s a bigfarm far away from my house.


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