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1、冲刺练习及解析一、阅读理解1. My name i s Mary. Let me show you around my schooI.It is an old school. It is ninety-three years old. It is a bigschoo I. There are about five hundred (百)students and fifty-four teachersin my schooI. There are twenty classes. 11 is a beaut ifu I schooI too. Therei s a b i g Iake i n

2、front of i t.There is a big I ibrary in my school. There are many books in it.We a I I I i ke read i ng books there. There are two mus i c rooms. We have a Mus i cI esson every day. We s i ng songs, p I ay the viol in and p I ay the guitar i nthe mus i c room.(1) Mary i s .A.93 years oIdB.a studentC

3、.teacher(2)There are teachers i n schooI.A. 500B. 54C. 93(3)The Iibrary i s .A. bigB. oldC.beaut i fuI(4)There are two i n Mary,s schooI.A.mus i c roomsB. lakesC. I i brar i es【答案】(DB (2)B(3) A (4) A【解析】1.根据“My name i s Mary. Let me show you around my schoo I. ”可知玛丽是这个学校的学生,故选B。2 .才艮据 “There are abo

4、ut five hundred students and fifty-four teachersin my school. ”可知这座学校有500名学生和54名老师,故选Bo3 .根据uThere i s a big I ibrary i n my schooI. 可知在我的学校有一个大图书馆,故选A。4 . 根据uThere are two music rooms. ,可知玛丽学校有两间音乐教室,故选Ao5 . Hi, I am Mike. I Iove my schooI very much. We have a big pIayground.We often p I ay basketb

5、aI I i n the pIayground. My cI assroom i s on the secondf Ioor. Its next to the art room. The computer rooms are on the f i rst f Ioor.We a I so have a big I ibrary. Its next to the computer room. There are manybooks in the Iibrary. I often read books there.(1)The pIayground i s .A. bigB. sma I IC.

6、long(2)Does Mike have an art room?A. Yes, it i s.B. Yes, he does.C. No, it isnt.(3)Where i s the art room?A. Its on the fi rst floor.B. Its on the second fIoor.C. Its next to the mus i c room.(4)Is the Iibrary on the first fIoor?A. No, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, it i s.Does Mike Iove hi s schooI?A

7、. OK.B. No, he doesn t.C. Yes, he does.【答案】(DA (2)B(3)B(4)C(5)C【解析】1.由“We have a big playground.,可知选 A。2. 由Its next to the art room.,可知选 B。3. 由 “My c I assroom i s on the second f I oor. Its next to the art room.可知选B。4. 由“The computer rooms are on the f i rst f Ioor. We a I so have a big I ibrary.It

8、s next to the computer room. ” 可次口选 C。5. 由 “I I ove my schoo I very much.,可知选 C。3.阅读对话,回答问题。A: Hei Io, Im Mary. I,m a new student.B: Hei Io, my name i s Nancy. We I come to our schooI!A: Thank you. I like my new schooI very much.B: Me, too. Lets go to our cI ass, OK?A: OK. Lets go. Whos that man? Is

9、 he our Chinese teacher?B: No, he,s our English teacher, Mr Wang.A: I see. Whos that girl?B: Shes He Ien. Shes a new student, too.(1)Who i s new here?A. Nancy.B. Mary.C. Mr Wang.(2)Where are they now?A. I n the zoo.B. I n the park.C.At schooI.Does Nancy Ii ke her schooI?A. No.B. Yes.C. I ,m sorry.(4

10、)Who i s the i r Ch i nese teacher?A. Mr Wang.B. Mary.C.Sorry, I dont know.(5)Is He Ien a new student, too?A. Yes, she i s.B. No, she isnt.C. Yes, she isn, t.(6)Who i s the i r Engli sh teacher?A. Mary.B.Miss Li.C. Mr Wang.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)B(4)C(5) A(6)C【解析】1.根据 “A: HeiIo, I ,mMary.I ,m a newstudent,v

11、 可知玛丽是新生,故选B。2 .根据 “B: Hei Io, my name i s Nancy. We I come to our schoo I !,可知她们在学校,故选C。3 .根据 “A: Thank you. I I ike my new school very much. v B: Me, too.可知南茜也喜欢这个学校,故选B。4 .根据 “A: OK. Lets go. Whos that man? I s he our Chinese teacher?,“B: No, he, s our Eng I i sh teacher, Mr Wang, 可知王老师不是语文老师,文中未

12、提到语文老师是谁,故选C。5 .根据 “B: Shes He I en. Shes a new student, too. ” 可知海伦也是新生,故选A。6 .根据 “B: No, he, s our Engl i sh teacher, Mr Wang. 可知王老师是她们的英语老师,故选C。7 . We I come to my schoo I ! There are 40 classrooms i n my school. Look!Th i s i s a b i g p I ayground. I n that bu i I d i ng, you can see the gym, t

13、he I i braryi s on the f i rst floor. There are mamy storybooks and p i cture books i n theI i brary.(1)There are cI assrooms i n my schooI.A.thirtyB. fortyC. twenty(2)The pIayground i s .A. sma I IB.bigC. long(3)The Iibrary in on the floor.A. f i rstB.secondC. one【答案】(1)B(2)B(3) A【解析】1.根据 uThere ar

14、e 40 c I assrooms i n my school.,可知我的学校有40间教室,故选B。2 .根据“This is a big playground. 可知操场很大,故选B。3 .根据 “the I i brary i s on the f i rst floor.,可知图书馆在一楼,故选 A。5.阅读对话,根据对话选择正确的答案Zoom: We I come to our schooI.Monkey: Thank you.Zoom: That i s our p I ayground. Th i s i s our new gym. We can p I ay basketba

15、I Ihere.Monkey: Is this your computer room?Zoom: No. Its on the second fIoor.Monkey: Do you have a music room?Zoom: Yes, we do. Its on the first fIoor. Th i s way, pI ease.(1)We can pI ay basketbaI I .A.on the pIaygroundB i n the gymC. i n the cI assroom(2)Is this your computer room?A. Yes, it i s.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, it isnt.(3)Where i s the computer room?A. 111s on the fi rst fIoorB. 11, s on thesecondf I oor


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