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1、Module 5 MuseumUnit 1 Don, t cross the rope.预习目标:1.初步理解对话大意2.理解记忆新词和短语3.感知理解新语法:表禁止做某事和表建议的句型。II.预习过程:A.阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思:1. entry n.-v.2. n.规贝J 3. adv. upstairs(反义词)4. prep. 与.相对-v. 遵守 5. n. exhibition6. n. rope7. n. sign 8. a. missing 9.v. punish大声朗读以上单词,熟记单词的意思,将不会的圈起来B.阅读对话,在文中划出下列短语,朗读并

2、默写:1 . 禁止喧哗 6. pay attention to2 .允许做,e on3 , 别碰 8.hurry up 4 .禁止通行 9.怪不得 5 . 禁止拍照 10. go upstairsC.再读对话,回答问题:1. Where will they go to get information?2. Why can,t they get into the monkey exhibition?3. What happened to Lingling?4. Should we obey the rules when we visit a museum?D.导学导练:1. .What a wo

3、nderful museum!感叹句有两类:what (aan)+adj+n.(主语+i胃语)What a great project (it is)! What interesting books (they are)!how+adjadv+主语+谓语How interesting the book is! How carefully he listens in class!即学即练一:useful information! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a2. No entry严禁入内No+V.ing这是一种比较常见的表达禁止做革事的短语。例如:No sh

4、outing ,禁止喧哗No smoking严禁抽烟试译:No parkingNo swimming除此之外还有以下几种表达禁止做某事的句型。1)祈使句否定句:Don,tdo sth Don,t draw on the wall. Keep off the grass.2) No+n.No photos. No food. No entry.3) mustn,t 禁止 You mustn,t play with fire.4) can,t 不允i午 You can,t make any noise.5) You aren,t allowed to do sth.禁止对方做某事You are n

5、ot allowed to watch TV athome before you finish your homework.3. He,s gone off on his own .他独自一个人走 了。On one,s own 独自一人即学即练二:上周他独自一人去了上海He went to Shanhai last week.4. No, you can,t take a photo, either.either,也,用于否定句中.too用于肯定句和疑问句中即学即练三:他哥哥也是一位老师。His brother is a teacher,.Tom 也没去过上海。 Tom hasn,t been

6、 to Shanghai,E. Read and fill in the blanksLast week I visited the museum with Betty and Darning. First, we visited the soor. Tolook up some J for our project, Betty and I decided to go to the animal room upstairs.But Darning wanted to see the Monkey E. He was a the rule in the museumbecause he shou

7、ted in it. He got into trouble by trying to c the rope when he planned tosee a monkey with a long t the guard told him the monkey room was c, butDarning insisted(坚持)to go to take a pand he was very rude. Suddenly I found that mymobile phone was m and the guard asked me to go to the lost and found of

8、fice downstairsto look for it. I was worried that my mum will p me if I lost it.F.训练巩固:1 .你不允许拍照,这是违规的。You take photos, it,s against the rules.2 .你也不能拍照,请看这个标志.禁止拍照。You can,t take a photo, either. Look at the sign .3 .等一卜!你们不允许上去。 ! You mustn,t go up there.4 .我没有注意到这个标志。I didnt the sign.5 .图书馆内禁止喧哗。

9、 in the library.6 .别碰博物馆内的油画。You the paintings in a museum.Module 5 MuseumUnit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the ScienceMuseum.预习目标: 1.初步理解短话大意2.理解记忆新词和短语3.感知理解新语法II.预习过程:A.阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思:n.物理学 n.化学 n.实验 做实验v.挖(掘) n.能量 v操作控制 v.比较a.全部的 truck wheel n.通信B.阅读短文,在文中划出下列短语,朗读并

10、默写:1 .首先 2 .顺便走访3 .同.一样4 .和.比较5 .算出,做出6 . fill.with .7 . obey some rules 8所有年龄段的9 .例如 10 . try out 11.确保 2.一整天3.也,还 C.再读,回答下列问题:1. Which is the most friendly museum in London?2. Are you allowed to touch the exhibits in the Science Museum?3. What can you do if you want to fill a bag with sand?4. Wher

11、e can you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today?D.导学导练l.If you want to fill a bag with falling sand ,you have to move a kind of truck on wheels into thecorrect position.如果你想在一个袋子里装满下落的沙子,你就得将一种装在轮子的卡车移至合适的位置。fill v.装满,常和 with 构成 fill A with B 和 A be filled with B= A be full of

12、B 装满的.如:He the basket apples.他把篮子里装满了苹果。The bottle is filled with water.= The bottle is full of water.2. If you arent fast enough ,the lion catches you.如果你不够快,狮子就会逮住你enough adv与形容词或其他副词连用时,一般是形容词或其他副词在前,enough在后。如:good enough, tall enough ,well enough 等,这与汉语语序不同。即学即练:他不够大不能照顾自己努力。He isnt look after

13、himself.enough adj与名词连用时,意为“充足的,足够的” 一般是名词在后,enough在前。We have to finish the work.我们有足够的时间完成这项1 .作。3 And there are some very noise machines as well也,用于肯定句,常用于句末。Tony is very tall as well.too用于肯定句,放在句末,常用逗号隔开.Mark plays the piano well, too.also用于肯定句,放在.be/助动词之后,实义动词之前。Yao Ming is also a great

14、basketballplayer.either 用于否定句,放在句末.I don,t have a baseball either.即学即练:He can play the piano and the violin.他会弹钢琴也会拉小提琴。4. You can learn about communications and the environment as well as maths, physics andchemistry.learn about 学习知识。Students should learn about the history of their well

15、 as 作介词 一还有,不但而且Im learning French as well as English.即学即练:Mr Li is our teacher our friend.李先生不仅是我们的老师也是我们的朋友5. If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of pare-with-与目比较If you compare British football with American football, you will find many differences,compared to/ with 跟相比较 Compared to ours, their house is a palace,compare A to B 把 A 比喻为 B We often compare children to flowers.即学即练:My mum always me others.我妈妈总是把我和别人比较E. Read and fill in the


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