《Go for it新目标》八年级上册U1-10预习检测公开课.docx

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1、八年级上册英语Unit 1-10预习检测一、听说测试得分二、完型填空(15分)One cold winter morning, Jim fell down from his fathers bike and his legs couldnt move. Adoctor 1 him and said he had to stay in bed for some time. Jim was 2 about thedoctors words because Christmas was coming. He wanted to 3 Christmas gifts in the shopwindows.

2、Jims younger sister, Mary, wanted to 4 her brother. Every day, she went to the shopnearby after school to look at the windows 5. When she got home, she would tell Jim whatthere were in the windows.There were Christmas trees in all windows. A big kind Father Christmas was standing in one ofthe window

3、s, 6 a long white beard(胡须).In his pockets were all kinds of toys. How 7he looked, being in his big red coat!Every time Mary described the windows, Jim would 8 his eyes, thinking of the toysinside the shop. 9 there was one thing Mary didnt tell Jim. It was a lovely wooden horse.She wanted to give it

4、 to Jim as a Christmas 10.The day IT Christmas Eve, Mary counted(数)her pocket money and found that wasnot enough. So she asked Dad if he could offer(提供)her a job to make some money.By helping her parents clean and decorate the house, Mary now got enough money andbought the wooden horse.On Christmas

5、morning, Jim woke up and saw a wooden horse by his bed. What a big12! How happy he was! Mary was as happy as Jim 13 she made Jim happy.In fact, the 14 people this Christmas were their parents because their daughter hadlearnt to 15()1. A. saw()2. A. happy()3. A. look up()4. A. help()5. A. slowly()6.

6、A. using()7. A. warm()8. A. open()9. A. And()10. A. tree()11. A. behindB. askedB. angryB. look atB. saveB. quicklyB. showingB. coldB. closeB. ButB. cardB. onC. heardC. sadC. look afterC. tellC. carefullyC. sellingC. hotC. washC. OrC. songC. beforeD. checkedD. boredD. look backD. sendD. carelesslyD.

7、wearingD. tiredD. useD. SoD. giftD. after()12. A. hope()13. A. because()14.A. busiest()15.A.get三、阅读理解(30分)B. prizeB. soB. richestB. giveC. surpriseC. butC. kindestC. followD. eventD. althoughD. happiestD. receiveA father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. The son was happy when he saw the s

8、kyfilled with colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too. The father then bought a kite for his son.The son started to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said,Father, it seems that the string is stopping the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be

9、 freeand fly even higher. Can we cut it? The father cut the string (线)off of the reel. The kite started togo higher. This made the little boy happy.But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. It soon fell to the ground. The son wassurprised to see this. He asked his father. I thought that after

10、 cutting the string, the kite would flyhigher. Why did it fall down?The father said, The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, but was helping it flyin the sky. You helped the kite go up in the right direction using the string. But when you cut thestring, it could no longer support (支撑

11、)the kite. We may sometimes feel like there are things thatare holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things thatsupport us the most.()1. Why did the boy want to cut the kite string?A. Because he wanted the kite to fly higher.B. Because he saw that many others

12、did so.C. Because he wanted to watch the kite fall down.D. Because he wanted to know what would happen after cutting the string.()2. What happened after he cut the string?A. The kite flew away.B. The kite fell down at once.C. The kite few higher and higher.D. The kite flew higher first, then fell.()

13、3. What can we learn from the story?A. If s difficult to fly kites.B. The father doesn, t get on well with his son.C. The father does, t know how to fly kites higher.D. The things that hold us back can also support us.BPeople usually think volunteering is just for adults. It seems hard for students

14、like us. But it istotally different in Canada. The government encourages people of any age to volunteer in publicand make contributions(贡献)to the whole society. Therefore, if students want to graduate(毕业)from high school, they need 30 hours of volunteering. If students want to get into a goodunivers

15、ity, it helps if they contribute a lot to the society. Volunteering is an important thing thatuniversities will think about.Besides, there are volunteer activities everywhere. People can find information about how tovolunteer in the library or on the Internet. It has many different jobs, such as wrapping(包装)gifts ina shopping mall, taking care of small kids or cleaning up a city park. Students can choose what theywant to do and register(注册)online.I got my first volunteering job in New Westminster Museum every S


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