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1、房地产线上直播推广策略方案T E M P L A T EPROJECT PLANNING目录CONTENTS010203040501W R I T E S O M E T H I N G H E R EW R I T E S O M E T H I N G H E R E全国已有30余个省份宣布进入一级响应中,全国确诊逼近10万。疫情形势严峻疫情形势严峻多省启动一级响应多省启动一级响应一、疫情形势严峻,房产销售受阻协会倡议出台协会倡议出台各大售楼处禁止销售各大售楼处禁止销售中国房地产业协会倡议停止售楼处销售 18个省市区要求暂停开放商品房售楼处。客户积极防疫客户积极防疫楼盘带看大幅下滑楼盘带看

2、大幅下滑经纪人、客户在疫情关键时刻,积极防疫,各楼 盘咨询量、看盘人数直线下滑。W R I T E S O M E T H I N G H E R EW R I T E S O M E T H I N G H E R E大型房企都在紧锣密鼓筹备线上售楼 部分中小型房企坐等国家号令。各家房企纷纷寻找新路径各家房企纷纷寻找新路径二、疫情下房企需逆势突破,抢占线上先机伪线上售楼伪线上售楼解决问题解决问题现有的线上售楼多半只是信息的展示,不能够真正动员经纪人,无法将商户、买房客户切实联动,线上效果差。真正的线上售楼新商机真正的线上售楼新商机房企急需一套真正从线上启动商户、带 动客户的线上了解房源、看房

3、锁房的线 上售楼机制,真正利用互联网融合跨界 优势。02WE ARECREATIVETEAMFar far away,behind the word mountains,far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia,there live the blind texts.Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics,a large language ocean.A small river named Duden flows by their pla

4、ce and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.It is a paradisematic country.新用户大流量5G时代前哨站超长在线线上突破 WE ARECREATIVETEAMFar far away,behind the word mountains,far fromthe countries Vokalia and Consonantia,there live the blind texts.Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Seman

5、tics,a large language ocean.A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.It is a paradisematic country.线上直播不仅是视频平台,更是地产项目线上直播不仅是视频平台,更是地产项目传播传播的新阵的新阵地地 WE ARECREATIVETEAMFar far away,behind the word mountains,far fromthe countries Vokalia and Consonant

6、ia,there live the blind texts.Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics,a large language ocean.A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.It is a paradisematic country.分析直播及视频平台的传播逻辑分析直播及视频平台的传播逻辑引爆者追随者参与者浏览者口碑引爆次生传播全面

7、传播 WE ARECREATIVETEAMFar far away,behind the word mountains,far fromthe countries Vokalia and Consonantia,there live the blind texts.Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics,a large language ocean.A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with th

8、e necessary regelialia.It is a paradisematic country.如何快速做大流量,保证地产直播引流和获客?如何快速做大流量,保证地产直播引流和获客?03现阶段地产直播痛点分析销售人员形象不规范,未显示出职业性销售人员形象不规范,未显示出职业性不能将项目的品质透过销售人员形象打造出来。项目信息不明显,客户获得信息模糊项目信息不明显,客户获得信息模糊不能将项目的品质透过销售人员形象打造出来。直播场景杂乱,未能体现项目品质直播场景杂乱,未能体现项目品质直播场地选择存在弊端,不能在直播中显示出项目的品质。直播形式单一,未能吸引更多流量直播形式单一,未能吸引更多

9、流量项目只有销售人员直播单一形式,并不能吸引更多流量关注项目。针对现如今房地产直播痛点针对现如今房地产直播痛点我们将为您从多方面入手,直击痛点我们将为您从多方面入手,直击痛点更全面的直播推广经验从前期配合推广宣传到直播面面俱到配合直播前期进行推广活动媒体渠道、小程序多方面全方位开展将直播影响放置最大,吸引更多关注多维一体的宣传策划让直播更是一场推广潮我们将提供最有效的宣传方案将直播效应放到最大化,助力直播传播率New power of international life life experience pavilion concept export Extract project value

10、 point keywords Fashion space,education space,sports space,intelligent space,green space Through the online punch card five dimensional space,respectively in each day to complete the task to get the space card Collect the five power card composite experience hall admission tickets and draw the on-si

11、te cash prize qualification On the day of offline activities,you can receive gifts at the corresponding clocking office定制主播直播妆容专业化妆师将全程为直播保驾护航将销售人员全面包装从服饰、妆容到表情管理进行专业指导特邀专业化妆师提供指导性建议打造呈现上镜、精致、职业的妆容我们将提供最专业的美妆师将销售人员定制打造为各具风格的直播网红New power of international life life experience pavilion concept export

12、Extract project value point keywords Fashion space,education space,sports space,intelligent space,green space Through the online punch card five dimensional space,respectively in each day to complete the task to get the space card Collect the five power card composite experience hall admission ticke

13、ts and draw the on-site cash prize qualification On the day of offline activities,you can receive gifts at the corresponding clocking office打造更专业的直播环境高配直播道具让直播更具吸引力将直播地点转移至项目样板间在直播同时让客户了解项目高端的品质并可融入带客户线上实地参观样板间环节更加利于夸大宣传项目的优势我们将提供最专业的直播设备打造直播一流场景,每一帧画面都像电影镜头New power of international life life exper

14、ience pavilion concept export Extract project value point keywords Fashion space,education space,sports space,intelligent space,green space Through the online punch card five dimensional space,respectively in each day to complete the task to get the space card Collect the five power card composite e

15、xperience hall admission tickets and draw the on-site cash prize qualification On the day of offline activities,you can receive gifts at the corresponding clocking office更多地产行业标杆及网红大V资源坐镇配合项目,为项目进行背书将更多行业专业声音引入项目直播为项目发声,提高公信度扩大宣传渠道及利用大V粉丝经济,将粉丝转化为目标客户我们将为项目匹配最适合的大V资源运用更多方式将大V资源发挥更大的作用New power of in

16、ternational life life experience pavilion concept export Extract project value point keywords Fashion space,education space,sports space,intelligent space,green space Through the online punch card five dimensional space,respectively in each day to complete the task to get the space card Collect the five power card composite experience hall admission tickets and draw the on-site cash prize qualification On the day of offline activities,you can receive gifts at the corresponding clocking office专业视


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