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1、introductory reading listin new institutional economicsovervieweggertsson, thrainn, economic behavior and institutions,Cambridge: Cambridge university press z 1990.furubotn, eirik g. and rudolf richter institutions and economictheory: the contribution of the new institutional economics, annarbor: th

2、e university of michigan press, 1997.transaction cost perspectivecoas, ronald, the nature of the firm, economica, november 1937,pp. 386-495. reprinted in boulding, kennethz readings in pricetheory, 1952z pp. 331-351;and in coasez r. h, the firm, the market and the law, theuniversity of Chicago press

3、, 1988, pp. 33-55; and in williamsonz o.and winter, s, eds.f the nature of the firm: origins, evolution anddevelopmentf oxford university press, 1991.coase, ronaldz the problem of social costs, journal of law andeconomics, October I960, pp. 1-44 .ureprinted in hey g. marine, ed.,the economics of leg

4、al relationshipsf west publishing, 1975; and inbreitz w, hochmanz h, and saueracker e, readings inmicroeconomics, times mirror publishing, 1986, pp. 414-440; and incoasez r. h, the firm, the market and the law, the university ofChicago press, 1988.coasez ronald, how should economists choose?, the g.

5、 warrennutter lectures in political economy, published by the americanenterprise institute for public policy research, 1982. reprinted incoase, rh, essays on economics and economists, the university ofChicago press, 1994, pp. 15-33.coas, ronald h, the firm, the market and the lawf theuniversity of C

6、hicago pressz 1988.alchian, armen a. and demsetz, haroldz production, informationcosts, and economic organization, american economic review 62:5(december 1972), pp. 777-795.williamsonz Oliver, franchise bidding for natural monopolies Cin general and with respect to catv, the bell journal of economic

7、s,7 (spring 1976)z pp. 73-104.williamson, Oliver, transaction cost economics: the governanceof contractual relations, journal of law and economics, 22 (October1979)z pp. 233-261williamsonz Oliver, the economic institutions of capitalism:firms, markets, relational contracting, new york: the free pres

8、s,1985.williamsonz o. and winterf s, editors, the nature of the firm:origins, evolution and development, oxford university press, 1991.williamsonz Oliver e and masten, scott e, editors, theeconomics of transaction costs, edward elgar publishing, 1999.williamsonz Oliver, the new institutional economi

9、cs: takingstock, looking ahead, journal of economic literature, 38 (september2000)z pp. 595-613.historical and political economy perspectivenorth, douglass c, institutions, institutional change andeconomic performance, Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1990.north, douglass c., institutions, the

10、 journal of economicperspectives, 5:1 (winter 1991)r pp. 97-112 .north, douglass c., new institutional economics and development.1993 working paper (pdf file).north, douglass c., economic performance through time, theamerican economic review, 84 (june 1994), pp. 359-368.north, douglass c., five prop

11、ositions about institutional change,in explaining social institutions, jack knight and itai sened, eds.funiversity of michigan press, 1995, pp. 15-26.olsonz mancur, the logic of collective action, Cambridge ma;harvard university press, 1965applicationsalstonz leez gary libecap, and bernardo muIler,

12、titles,conflict and land use: the development of property rights and landreform on the brazilian amazon frontier, university of michiganpress, 1998.alstonz lee j, eggertssonz thrainnf and north, douglass c, eds.empirical studies in institutional change, Cambridge universitypress : Cambridge, 1996ben

13、ham, alexandra and lee benham, measuring the costs ofexchange, in m,e nardz claudez editorf institutions, contracts andorganizations: perspectives from new institutional economics, edwardelgarz 2000z pp. 367-375.coase, ronaldz the lighthouse in economics, the journal of lawand economics, 17:2 (Octob

14、er 1974), pp. 357-37. reprinted in coase,r. h, the firm, the market and the law, the university of Chicagopress, 1988.keeferz philip and stephen knack, why don-t poor countriescatch up: a cross national test of an institutional explanation,economic inquiry, 35:3 (july 1997), pp. 590-602.mastenz scot

15、t, editor, case studies in contracting andorganization, oxford press, 1988.m, nard, Claude, editor, institutions, contracts andorganizations: perspectives from new institutional economics, edwardelgar, 2000.c. north, eds.f Cambridge university press, 1996, pp. 95-128.world bank (team led by mary shirley), bureaucrats in business:the economics and politics of government ownership, new york: oxforduniversity press, 1995otheralchianf armen a.r uncertainty, evolution, and economic theory,journal of political economy, 58:3 (june 1950)f pp. 211-221; also inamerican econom


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