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1、练习双语:婚礼上为什么要砸蛋糕温馨浪漫的婚礼上,造型优美、寓意甜美的蛋糕为什么最后不是被吃掉,而是砸在新人的脸上?仅仅是为了好玩和开心吗?其实,早在古罗马时代,就有了砸婚礼蛋糕的传统,而且这项传统还有着特别的寓意。Cksmshing can actually be nsky on svrat vlsWeddings are by their very nature fraught with tradition, from the serious (swapping rings)to the playful. And at some point, couples decided to up th

2、e tradition of feeding the cake to eachother by opting instead to smash the confection in each other,s faces.婚礼本来就有各种各样的习俗,严肃点的有互换戒指,也有调皮的(各国习俗不同)。(西式婚礼)有个习俗便是新人互相给对方喂婚礼蛋糕,但这种习俗后来却演变成了往对方脸上砸蛋糕。,Newlyweds typically feed each other the first slice of wedding cake as a symbol of theircommitment to prov

3、ide for one another,11 says Rachel Sylvester, associate Real Weddings editorwith The Knot in an email. l,However, the symbolism is often lost and replaced with the traditionof smashing cake in each other,s faces.11爱结杂志始礼实况版的副主编瑞秋西尔维斯特在电子邮件中说:新始夫妇通常都会喂对方吃的第一块婚礼蛋糕,象征着愿意和对方共度终生。但是,这层象征意义往往被遗忘,取而代之的传统是往

4、对方脸上砸蛋糕。This messy tradition is just the latest evolution of the wedding cakes role in nuptials. As farback as ancient Rome, the bride could expect to conclude the festivities by having a barley cakesmashed upside her head. This tradition was done to symbolize male dominance and encouragefertility,

5、according to Renee Strauss, wedding expert and founder of WEDAWAYS.这种捣乱的传统只是婚礼蛋糕角色的最新演化。早在古罗马时期,新郎在婚礼的最后会将一块大麦蛋糕拍到新娘头上。WEDAWAYS创始人、婚礼专家蕾妮施特劳斯说,这一传统象征的是男权至上与多子多孙。,Crumbs would fall and the guests would rush in to scoop up what they could for their owngood fortune and fertility,* she explains in an em

6、ail, ,lln the days of King Charles, II of England,icing was added and the modern wedding cake was born. This is when slicing the cake on thetable became the practical way of sharing the slices.11她在电邮中解释道:蛋糕碎块掉到地上之后,宾客便会冲过去把它们捧起来,以祈求自己的好运和多子多孙。到了英王查理二世时期,人们在蛋糕上加入了糖衣,现代蛋糕诞生了。从这个时候起人们开始在桌上切蛋糕分给客人。lt,s

7、tough to pinpoint when cake smashing began, but it has been around for several decades.The practice was lamented in a 2011 Dear Abby column, in which she referred to it as,demeaning to women11 and referenced a 1987 book, ,Curious Customs/1 which said it was a,comedic ritual that sustains masculine p

8、rerogatives in the very act of supposedly subvertingthem.11至于现代砸蛋糕的传统是从什么时候开始的,这很难回答。不过可以肯定的是,它至少己经存在了几十年。施特劳斯在2011年的亲爱的艾比专栏中为这种做法叹息,将其称为对女性的侮辱。她提到,1987年的一本书奇怪的习俗中写道,这是一种搞笑传统,以故意挑战男权的方式维护男权。In other words, the groom is supposed to hold the brides hand as she cuts the cake; shethen attempts to feed h

9、im but smashes the cake in his face. The next step is to wipe off the gooapologetically which then brings the play back to the beginning, as she is once again obedientto his wiser judgment, according to the book.书上说,新娘切蛋糕的时候,新郎需要握住她的手。切完之后,新娘做出要喂新郎的姿势,但却将蛋糕砸到他脸上。接着,新娘需要”满怀歉意地将蛋糕清理掉,以表示一切又回到起点,新娘再度臣服

10、于新郎。Most people are probably unaware of what the ritual is supposed to signify, seeing it eitheras a fun riff on the typical cake-cutting ceremony or else a silly custom that needs to go away.不过,多数人很可能并不知道这种仪式所代表的含义,要么以为这是切蛋糕仪式的一个乐子,要么认为这是需要摒弃的愚蠢习俗。Like the bouquet and garter toss, cake smashing is

11、a so-called tradition* that,s been indecline/1 Sylvester says. ,This could be because more and more couples realize that it,s not worthruining a bespoke suit or covering your gown in buttercream simply for a dramatic photo op.11西尔维斯特说道,跟抛花束和袜带一样,砸蛋糕这一所谓的习俗也越来越少见了。这可能是因为越来越多的新人发觉,为了拍张抢眼的照片而毁掉一身定制礼服,让

12、婚纱沾满奶油,实在是很不值得。Cake smashing can actually be risky on other levels, as well. First, its a waste of perfectlygood cake, which checks in at anywhere between $1.50 and $12 per slice, depending on howelaborate it is. Cake smashing also comes with unsubstantiated, but rampant rumors that thepractice is a

13、 predictor of future divorce.事实上,砸蛋糕还有其他方面的风险。首先,这是一种浪费。根据蛋糕的精致程度,每一块的价格大概在1.5至12美元之间(9元至76元人民币之间)。另外,也有人迷信地认为,这样做预示着将来会离婚,尽管这种流言没什么根据。Sometimes, it can even be downright painful, as evidenced by some videos of cake-smashinggone wrong.从一些弄巧成拙的砸蛋糕视频中可以看到,有时候,如果蛋糕砸得太用力,甚至会很痛。Courtney Geigle, co-owner

14、of the online wedding marketplace My Wed Style, and formerwedding DJ, says most of the brides hes worked with dont like the cake smash. Once the cakestarts flying, there is no control over where it may fall, including on the white dress she,s beentrying so hard to keep spotless, her hair which took

15、hours to style, or even her eyesj, he emails.,Tve even seen a bride lose a contact lens in battle.婚礼网店我的婚礼风格的共同所有人考特尼盖格勒曾是个婚礼DJo他说,之前跟他合作过的新娘大多数不喜欢砸蛋糕环节。他在电邮中写道:一旦蛋糕飞了起来,便无法控制它会落到哪里。辛辛苦苦保持着干净洁白的婚纱会被弄脏,做了好几个小时的发型也有可能弄乱,有时甚至会砸到眼睛。我甚至见过有新娘在砸蛋糕时丢了隐形眼镜。Despite the potential problems, lots of people defend cake smashing as a way to add humorto a celebratory occasion. ,Some guests think it is disrespectful and demeaning, while others seethe fun and excitement of it all,11 says DiCianni. They can,t wait for that last second to see whatthe couple will do. The suspense gets the


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