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1、练习双语:权力的游戏第七季收官结局不再出乎意料在上周日播出的权力的游戏全季最后一集中,冏和龙母终于走到一起,长城也被夜王推倒,然而纵观全季,缺少了以往权游的特色,剧情不再跌宕起伏,人物刻画也不再鲜明立体,为此我们不禁担心第八季还会恢复之前的味道么?Spoiler alert! The following contains spoilers from Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7,“The Dragon and the Wolf,剧透预警!下文包含冰与火之歌第七集最后一集龙与狼的剧透。So, that was it?所以,第七集到底发生什么呢?Game o
2、f Thrones Season 7 promised to be the most exciting, most electrifying season of aseries that built its reputation on shocking its fans and breaking their hearts. The fantasymastered the art out-of-left-field plot twists and deaths that landed with such emotion becauseevery character was well-formed
3、. No matter how unexpected, almost every twist made sensewith the rules of the fantasy world it worked so hard to build.外界曾预测权利的游戏第七季是最令人激动,最令粉丝大饱眼福的一季,这部作品向来以让观众震惊和心碎的剧情发展著称,其精彩之处就是出乎意料的结局和死亡,让广大粉丝甚是扎心,因为每一个人物都被塑造的立体而深刻,更令人拍案的是,似乎每个出乎意料的结局又都能在剧里找到合理的解释,也正因如此这部史诗级作品才能如此吸引大家。In the Season 7 finale on
4、 Sunday night, nearly all of that was lost.然而,在周日播出的第七季最后一集里,失去悬念的权游显得有些索然无味。The Game of Thrones of now - one in which almost everyone gets along, where majorcharacters are seldom in actual danger of death, where a zombie dragon breathing cold fire cantake down an ice wall because the plot demands i
5、t - is a poor facsimile of seasons past. Thefinale episode, coupled with last weeks abandonment of logic, represent a turning point for theseries. The spectacle rules above all else. There are dragons that breath fire, both cold and hot,but no believable stakes for its major characters. In a series
6、where the characters are supposedlyfighting for the survival of life itself.如今的权游已经成了一部-每个角色开始正常相处,主要角色再也不会受到死亡的威胁,按照之前的猜测,也由于剧情需要,一条喷着蓝色火焰的异鬼龙将融化北境长城,此猜测也在这一集里被坐实,这也成为了该剧风格的一个转折点,即主要人物高于一切的基调。剧里的龙都会喷火,有冷有热,却缺少龙的个性等方面的描写。剧里各路实力也按之前猜测的一样开始为了生存组成统一战线。The episode was all over the place with pacing and
7、characterization, in one scene it wastedprecious time on useless Theon, in another it forced its heroes into an incestuous romance. Inwhat was meant to be a dramatic opener; it put its biggest characters all in one place for whatappears to be a major development that ends up changing very little, bu
8、t allows for fan-servicemoments between old friends and foes.本集都是在不同地点的平铺直叙,其中一个场景被浪费在无关紧要的小人物席恩身上,还有一幕是冏和龙目乱伦的浪漫表演。这也是该剧风格转变的开始,把每条剧情线的发展固定在同一个地方,让观众觉得不再有出乎意料的变化,并且为满足粉丝要求,增加了老友以及敌人重逢情节的描述。While ,lThe Dragon and the Wolf1 had many sins, perhaps its worst was being safe andpredictable, letting loose
9、 ,twists,1 that were anticipated or even wished for by fans. Littlefinger;long hated, dies in the most satisfying way. Dany and Jon act on their attraction. The Wall comesdown. It all verged on becoming dull.然而,“龙与狼这一集有着不少槽点,最大槽点也许就是不够刺激的情节和意料之中的剧情,另外被广大粉丝咬牙切齿般痛恨的小指头的是之前就被预测将在本季中领盒饭,在本集竟然死得舒舒服服,还有冏和
10、龙母的感情戏以及长城被夜王推倒等等,剧情发展越来越趋于平淡。Going into an eighth season, it,s worth wondering how we are supposed to care about thesurvival of humanity on this continent when the series can,t make us care about characters weused to love, or love to hate?接下来是第八季,当这部剧中曾被我们爱过与恨过的角色们正变得不再那么重要,重要的只剩下这片大陆上的人们如何在这场灾难面前生
11、存。Game of Thrones has been many things, but it,s never been boring. If Season 8 washes outits characters, its rules and its emotional depth in favor of an icy hot battle between good and evil,it might just turn into that.关于权利的游戏有很多故事,但是这部剧从没有像现在这样无聊过,如果第八季还继续这种对于角色不再精雕细琢,对于这场冰与火、爱与恨的斗争描写缺少感情深度,然而令人担忧的是,最终季很有可能变成这样。With only six episodes left, we doubt it will get much better. But maybe Game of Thronescan surprise us, one last time.也许最后的六集,来不及变得更好,但我们仍然希望,权利的游戏能最后一次惊艳到我们。