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1、uHey guys.welcome to E star.lt,s a wonderful place.I,m your guide Ab by. Let me showyou around.,嘿伙计们.欢迎来到E星。这是一个奇妙的地方,我是你们的导游艾比,让我带你四处看看吧。Amy and Jeff get into Abby,s car.The car drives itself,automatically.艾米和杰夫进入艾比的汽车,汽车自动进行驾驶。On the way,they see many different kinds of cars.在路上,他们看到许多不同种类的汽车。uThe

2、re are no traffic jams on E star.we have three ways to drive cars:on the road,in thewater or in the air.The car can become ttaller, too.,Abby says.在E星上没有交通堵塞。我们有3种方法来驾驶汽车:在路上,在水里或在空中。汽车也能变得更高艾比说。uWhat,s that7,Jeff points to a round machine on the road.那是什么? 杰夫指着马路上的一台圆形机器。uOh,it,s a cleaner.lt can k

3、eep E Star clean all the time.”哦,这是一个清洁机。它能让E星一直保持干净。A car alarm goes off.Abby,s car is out of energy.So he pulls up to an energy station.有一个汽车的警报器响了。艾比的车没电了,所以他开车去了一个能源站。uThe cleaners send the garbage here.Then the energy station turns the garbage intoenergy.lfs good for our environment,Abby explai

4、ns.清洁工人把垃圾送到这里,然后能源站把垃圾变成能量,这对我们的环境有好处:艾比解释说。Abby drivers on and arrives at a parking lot.He parks the car in a elevator. The elevatorsends the car up to the parking lot in the air.艾比开车去了一个停车场,他把车停在电梯里。电梯把汽车送到空中停车场。Abby take them to the housing area. The houses here are in different shapes and style

5、s.艾比把他们带到住宅区。这里的房子有不同的形状和风格。Abby points to a round house. It looks like a flying saucer.nWell that,s my house.Comewith me!l well show you something interesting.n艾比指着一个圆形的房子。它看起来像一个飞碟。那是我的房子。跟我来!我给你看一些有趣的东西Abby treats the children to fruits and snacks.艾比招待孩子门水果和点氏Before you eat the food, you can put

6、on the magic glasses.They well analyze the foodcomposition and tell you whether it,s good for your health or not.,在你们吃食物之前,你们可以戴上魔镜。他们能很好地分析食物成分并告诉你它是否有益于你的健康。uWow,they,re very amazing!哇,它们太神奇了 !”Amy and Jeff follow Abby to his bedroom.艾米和杰夫跟着艾比来到他的卧室。uls that a clock7,asks Amy.那是钟吗? 艾米问。uNo,it,s no

7、t. It,s a dream maker.lt can help design your dreams.,“不,不是。它是一个梦想创造者,它可以帮助你设计你的梦想Jul love that!,amy yells.我喜欢!艾米喊道。Abby opens a red box in the room.There is a big red machine in it.艾比在房间里打开了一个红色的盒子,里面有一个大的红色机器。uThis is a flying machine.lt can take you to any place you want to go.Now it can takeyou home,这是一架飞行器。它可以带你到彳王可你想去的地方。现在它可以带你回家。“Its an unforgettable experience to travel with you,Abby.Thank you!Goodbye!n和你一起旅行是一次难忘的经历,谢谢你,艾比!再见r


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