B1 Unit 2 English around the world 导学案.docx

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1、Bl Unit 2 English around the world 导学案高一英语编写人:胡圣平 审核:陈东红Period 1 (Warming up)Learning aims 学习 目标】 At the end of the class, students will be able to1. talk about the world Englishes;2. talk about the differences between Am. English and Br. English;Learning important points 学习重难点】1. learn about the wo

2、rld Englishes and the dierences between Am. English and Br. English.2. understand the jokes caused by the misunderstanding of different Englishes.【Learning guide方法指导】a. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.b. Listening and Discussion.Learning ProceduresStep L Leading-in1 .Fun time: war

3、m the students up by asking them to greet each other with their dialects. At the same time, leadthe students to think about the topic of this unit一 “language”.2 .Questions about English: Do you like learning English? Why?Step IL Warming up.1) A quiz about the names of countries speaking English as t

4、heir first or second language .Lead the students tothe topic English Around the world”.a-b.-c-d-e- A-g-世界地图2) Ask the students to think about the question about the “world Englishesv.Step IIL Talking about world Englishes,especially the differences between American English and BritishEnglish1) Liste

5、n to a dialogue (9) between an American and an Englishman. And try to find out the cause of themisunderstanding betveen them.eg:2) Talk about the difierences between American English and British English.( mainly about vocabulary andspelling)British EnglishAmerican EnglishChinese meaningStep IV. Spea

6、king Task.Students make up a dialogue with a misunderstanding caused by the differences between tAmerican English”and British English“ like the dialogue they listened to.eg:A: Do you want to come to my flat?B: Where? Is it beautiful?Step V Homework (On Page 9-10)1 .collect more differences between A

7、merican English【Self-reflection Am I active today? 2.What problems do I still have? How do I solve the problems I still have? What am I going to do tomorrow? 附件:英式英语和美式英语对于Non-Native English Speakers的中国大多数学习英语的人说来,英国人和美国人使用的是完全相同的语言Englisho即使有机会去英国或美国留过学的人,倘若不是从事语言研究或教学的人,也未必能察觉到英语和美语的差异。或许那些有机会在这两个

8、国家都生活过一段时间的少数人,能实际感受到英语和美语这两种语言的不同。在一定意义上说,美语是在英语基础上分离出来的一个支系,或者如某些语言学家们所说的,美语是一支一直在美洲土地上的英语(transplanted language)o虽然英语和美语两种语言的主体部分(语法、词汇、读音、拼写等)是相同的,但是,美语在其发展过程中受其独特的历史、文化、民族、地域等各种因素的影响,形成了自己的特点,与英语有显著不同。马克吐温就曾说过:uEnglish and American are separatelanguages,. When I speak my native tongue in its ut

9、most purity an Englishman can,t understand me at all.英语和美语的主要差异表现在词汇、读音、拼写及说话的气质等方面。对于一个生活在英美两国之外的第三者说来,English只是一种语言,在学习过程中对英语和美语”兼收并蓄”,英语与美语的差异或许并不构成他与英美人士交流的障碍。而对使用同种语言的英美人说来,由于使用的词语不同,或词语的内涵不同,反而会造成他们之间的误解。英语和美语在用词方面差异甚大,虽然美语在其发展过程中从未间断与英语的相互交流,尤其是在二次大战之后,随着两国政治、经济、文化、科技关系的发展,英语与美语也相互影响,相互渗透,但这并

10、未能消除英语和美语之间的差异。为提醒读者在阅读教材或听录音时稍加留意,以增强理解与运用能力,现作简单举例:读音方面 英语和美语在读音上的差异主要反映在元音字母a,。和辅音字母r的不同读音上。 and 4iBritish English;2 . Pre-read the Reading part and find out your difficulties.Summary 小结Today we have learned:New words and expressions:Sentence drills:1, ask, can,t, dance, fast, half, path这一类的单词中,英

11、国人将字母a读作a:,而美国人则读作十。2,在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o读作),而美国人则将o读作近似音的同。3,辅音字母r在单词中是否读音是英语与美语的又一明显差异。在英语的r音节中不含卷舌音,而美语的r音节中含卷舌音r,如下列词在英语和美语中读音是不同的:(前面是英语读音,car ka: karboard bO:d bord后面是美语读音。)door d3: dor river ,riv9 1rivr party lpati ,partidirty ldrti ,drrti morning tmni ,momi 英语

12、中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母r才明显的读作卷舌音r: fa:ra!weifO:,rev far9ndwaido以上关于英语和美语读音不同的比较,是仅就大多人的读音或标准读音而言的,不考虑地区或方言的影响。拼写方面美国人是一个注重实用的民族,在其文字的拼写方面,他们也是采取了实用主义的态度。在美语的发展过程中,在拼写方面也曾出现过类似我国简化字的运动(The simplified Spelling Movement),删除了单词拼写中不发音的某些字母。拼写上的不同是英语与美语的又一差异。归纳起来有以下几种情况。1,英语单词中不发音的词

13、尾-me, -ue在美语拼写中被删除。公斤目录序言英语拼法kilogrammecatalogueprologue美语拼法kilogramcatalogprolog方案英语拼法programme对话 dialogue美语拼法programdialog2,英语中的以-our结尾的单词,在美语中删去了不发音的字母Uo英语拼法举止、行为behaviour特别喜爱的favourite荣誉honour美语拼法behaviorfavoritehonor颜色风味劳动英语拼法colourflavourlabour3,英语中以飞结尾,读音为2的单词,在美语中改为结尾,美语拼法colorflavorlabor读音不

14、变。英语拼法中心centre公尺metre美语拼法centermeter英语拼法纤维fibre剧场 theatre4,英语中某些以-ence为结尾的单词,在美语中改为-ense英语拼法美语拼法防御 defence执照 licencedefenselicense5.英语中以-ise结尾的动词,英语拼法犯法行为offence托词 pretence美语中则拼作-ize。例如:美语拼法fibertheater结尾,读音仍为ns。美语拼法offensepretense英语拼法批评 criticise实现 realize美语拼法criticizerealize英语拼法组织 organise辨认 recognise美语拼法organizerecognize使标准化 standardize standardize6,英语中以双写-11-拼写的部分词,在美语中只有一个-L,地方议员珠宝商包裹英语拼法councillorjewelerparcelled美语拼法councilorjewelerparceled顾问奇异的旅行英语拼法counsellormarvelloustravelling例如:美语拼法counselormarveloustraveling除以


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