表格模板-管理人员评估附表 精品.xls

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《表格模板-管理人员评估附表 精品.xls》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《表格模板-管理人员评估附表 精品.xls(7页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、表六:Acknowledgement 鉴鉴认认This evaluation has been discussed with me and I acknowledge receipt of the contents of the evaluation:评估者已与我谈论过此评估报告,并且接受评估的内容及结果。Be evaluated 被评估者:Signature 签名:Position 职位:Date 日期:Evaluator 评估者:Signature 签名:Position 职位:Date 日期:Approved by 批准人:Signature 签名:Position 职位:Date 日期

2、:表五:Part I 第第一一部部分分 Development Suggestions 发发展展建建议议Where the employee as scored either 1or 5any of the 13 skills give justification herefor such scoring:对以上13个技能评估分数,请说明给予1分或5分的理由:What development or training needs to take place to address the employeesweaknesses:针对该雇员的弱点,提出需要哪些培训及计划?What developme

3、nt training needs to take place to address the employees further potential:针对该雇员的潜在能力,提出需要哪些培训及发展计划?Part II 第第二二部部分分 Succession Planning 提提升升计计划划If the employee has potential for next line promotion,identify the position and the estimated time scale to prepare for the position:如果该雇员具有升职的潜力,请说明下一步可升职

4、的职位及大约预备的时间:表五:Part I 第第一一部部分分 Development Suggestions 发发展展建建议议Where the employee as scored either 1or 5any of the 13 skills give justification herefor such scoring:对以上13个技能评估分数,请说明给予1分或5分的理由:What development or training needs to take place to address the employeesweaknesses:针对该雇员的弱点,提出需要哪些培训及计划?Wha

5、t development training needs to take place to address the employees further potential:针对该雇员的潜在能力,提出需要哪些培训及发展计划?Part II 第第二二部部分分 Succession Planning 提提升升计计划划If the employee has potential for next line promotion,identify the position and the estimated time scale to prepare for the position:如果该雇员具有升职的潜

6、力,请说明下一步可升职的职位及大约预备的时间:表五:Part I 第第一一部部分分 Development Suggestions 发发展展建建议议Where the employee as scored either 1or 5any of the 13 skills give justification herefor such scoring:对以上13个技能评估分数,请说明给予1分或5分的理由:What development or training needs to take place to address the employeesweaknesses:针对该雇员的弱点,提出需要

7、哪些培训及计划?What development training needs to take place to address the employees further potential:针对该雇员的潜在能力,提出需要哪些培训及发展计划?Part II 第第二二部部分分 Succession Planning 提提升升计计划划If the employee has potential for next line promotion,identify the position and the estimated time scale to prepare for the position:

8、如果该雇员具有升职的潜力,请说明下一步可升职的职位及大约预备的时间:Management Performace Evaluation Form管管理理人人员员表表现现评评估估表表Be evaluated staff 被评估人Evaluator 评估人Employee name 员工姓名:Name of evaluator 评估者姓名:Position 职位:Position 职位:Department 部门:Date of evaluation评估日期:Grade 级别:Length of time in this position 在职期限: RatingsException 特优Super

9、ior优秀Effective 合格Incom UnacceToo Not ToalNo. 分数等级pleteptable early to applicableScore序号不不可evaluate不宜评分Skills合格接受待评评定合计技能内容12345671Innovation/Learning Skill 自信心、创造 力、学习能力2communication/Team Building Skills团队精神、沟通力3Organization&planing组织和计划能力4Synthesize AnalysisSkill 综合分析能力5Customer Orientation宾客服务6Leadership/Self-confidence 领导才能7Budgeting & Forecasting财政预算能力8Authorization Skills授权能力9Oral & Character Expression Skill 解决问题及决策能力10Training & staffDevelopment员工培训及发展11Skills of MakingDecision 决策力12Responsibility 责任心13Goal Setting制定目标Total 评分合计Average 平均分


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