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3、小微信贷的额度低,提供信贷资料简单,审批权限不同,担保手续简单,贷款期限短期等特点。本文针对目前存在的现状和商业银行小微业务信贷的未来发展情况,对比国内外信贷市场运营的发展模式,介绍了我国信贷市场运营模式及其特点;对商业银行小微业务信贷系统基础理论、性能需求、数据需求等内容进行介绍;并采用JavaEE架构、SQL Server 2008数据库作为后台存储平台,并对系统中的若干子系统进行了描述,详细分析了各子系统的结构、功能等,包括小贷业务管理模块、小贷业务贷后检查管理模块、小贷风险分类管理模块、小贷风险预警管理模块、业务移交管理模块、合同查询管理模块、担保置换管理模块,为系统的设计与实现做好了

4、前提准备工作。同时:对系统的功能需求进行描述,并进行了商业银行小微业务信贷系统的总体设计,进一步给出了关键技术,对系统的若干模块进行实现,并概述了系统测试环节,以此验证所设计的商业银行小微业务信贷系统的合理性。最后,对论文所做工作进行总结,并指出下一步继续研究的方向。关键词:贷后管理,风险管控,信贷需求,风险预警ABSTRACTABSTRACTIn recent years, with the development of computer technology and informationtechnology, various industries and commercial Banks

5、 information degree of departmentshas been greatly improved, bank credit business scope has been largely an extension of thecorresponding customer needs are constantly changing. Along with all kinds of creditproducts promotion and popularization, the people to the attention of the credit is also inc

6、onstant improvement. , on the other hand, in the rapid development of commercial Banks,how to realize the scientific and standardization of small business in the commercial bankand the elaborating management become a very serious challenges in the business ofcommercial bank credit.At present, while

7、the number and scale of Chinas small and micro-sized enterprisescontinue to expand, there are also many problems, especially financing. Small microenteiprise in our country at present, the overall strength is not strong, short life cycle, andin the aspect of finance dont have a ready-made financing

8、channels can be replicated,market competition and anti-risk ability is relatively weak, way to get the money is verylimited, in the national macroeconomic regulation and control policy, interest ratemarketization, diversified development, competition heats up and spontaneousdevelopment trend of comm

9、ercial Banks, commercial Banks become small microenterprise financing channels in our country.The credit business of small and micro enterprises, because the credit needs of smalland micro enterprises have the characteristics of short, small, frequency and urgent”,andtheir small, short-term and disp

10、ersed characteristics are more similar to retail loans. Thedemand for liquidity is higher. Small and micro credit is compared to the traditional bankcredit business, which is characterized by the low amount of small and micro loans, simplecredit information, different approval authority, simple guar

11、antee procedures, short termand so on.In this paper, in light of the present condition of the existence and the futuredevelopment of the commercial Banks to small business credit, comparing thedevelopment of the credit market operation mode at home and abroad, this paperintroduces the operation mode

12、 and characteristics of credit market in China; This paperintroduces the basic theory, performance demand and data demand of commercial Banks1small and micro business credit system. The JavaEE architecture and SQL Server 2008database are used as the backend storage platform. Several subsystem are de

13、scribed, andthe system of each subsystem are analyzed in detail the structure, function, etc., includingthe credit data management module, check post-loan management module, riskclassification management module, risk early warning management query module, transferof business management module, contr

14、act management module, guarantee replacementmanagement module, the premise for system design and implementation of ready for work.At the same time, the functional requirements of the system are described, and theoverall design of small and micro business credit system of commercial Banks is carriedo

15、ut, and the key technologies are further given. At the same time, several modules of thesystem are implemented, and the system test links are outlined to verify the rationality ofthe commercial banks small and micro business credit system. Finally, the papersummarizes the work and points out the direction of further research.Keywords: Post loan management, risk management and control, credit demand, riskearly warning插图索引插图索引图2.1 SSH架构示意图7图2.2 MVC三层结构9图3.1贷款发放管理业务流程图14图3.2贷后管理业务流程图15图3.3小贷管理业务流程图16图3.4系统总体用例图17图3.5小贷业务管理用例18图3.6小贷业务贷后调查管理功能用例19图3.7小贷风险分类用例图19图3.8小贷风险预警功能用例20图3.9业务移交功能用例20图3.10


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