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1、基于文献分析对草乌配伍及中毒解救的研究摘要目的:全面整理历代主要医籍、本草中含草乌的方剂,并对“草乌类方”进行系统的研究,探索草乌配伍用药及药物类别规律,同时就乌头类中药中毒的原因及解毒方法进行相关探讨,为临床遣药组方及合理用药提供依据。方法:采用中医药古籍文献研究与医学统计学相结合的研究方式,选取有关草乌配伍和中毒解救的“草乌类” 375首方剂及中华医典数据库中209条古籍条目文献纳入研究,建立各历史时期含草乌方剂的数据库,进而探索草乌各时代的组方配伍规律、毒性因素及有关中医的中毒解救方法。结果:历代与草乌配伍的高频药物功效类别主要为活血化瘀药、解表药、祛风湿药、化痰止咳平喘药和补虚药,分别

2、为活血化瘀药(12. 70%),解表药(11. 12%),祛风湿药(7.66%),化痰止咳平喘药(6.63%),补虚药(6.55%),并且,各时期祛风湿药和补虚药的配伍频次逐渐上升,祛风湿药分别为宋金元以前5. 78%,明清时期7.77%,近现代14.74%;补虚药分别为宋金元以前2. 89%,明清时期6. 45%,近现代6. 92%o历代的“草乌类方”中,草乌多与川乌相须为用,亦多与解表药白芷配伍使用。与草乌配伍的药物主要有祛风湿药的川乌、独活,解表药的白芷、防风、细辛、羌活,活血化瘀药的乳香、川可、没药,化痰止咳平喘药的天南星、半夏、皂荚,补虚药的当归、甘草。配伍频数较高的药物分别为川乌(

3、158)、白芷(116)、当归(85)、乳香(84)、天南星(83)、防风(77)、川苟(74)、细辛(69)、没药(69)、羌活(55)、甘草(54) o同时,研究发现“草乌类方”中外用类别的方剂比例显著升高,分别为宋金元以前28. 70%,明清时期43. 48%,近现代50. 00%o草乌与“十八反”药物的配伍各时期均广泛存在,主要集中在化痰药半夏、川贝母或浙贝母,收敛止血药白及和清热解毒药白薮的配伍,未见与瓜篓、天花粉(括楼根)配伍,且各历史时期与半夏配伍均较多。各时期乌头类药物中毒的原因主要为误服、服用过量及服用热食,解毒方法主要集中在单味药应用,如黑大豆、绿豆、饴糖、远志肉、防风、甘

4、草等;多味药同用,如黄连、甘草、犀角配伍,入萝卜汁及甘草、人参、干姜配伍;炮制解毒,可用童便浸炒去毒,油炸存心等。结论:随着时代的发展,医学知识的持续更新,对草乌等毒性药物的研究也逐渐深入,用药上更注重安全性与合理性,其配伍药物及类别也开始有所变化;外用方剂逐渐增多;对于草乌与“十八反”药物诸如半夏、白及、贝母等的配伍,历代皆有出现,值得深思与继续深入探索;同时对于乌头类中药中毒的原因及解毒方式的研究也给临床用药提供了借鉴。关键词:草乌;配伍;毒性#Study on compatibility characteristics and toxicity of radix aconiteAbstr

5、actObjective: To comprehensively sort out the main medical books in past dynasties andherbal prescriptions containing radix aconiti, and systematically study the nradix aconitiprescriptionH, explore the compatibility of radix aconiti with radix aconiti and theregularity of its types, and at the same

6、 time, discuss the causes and detoxificationmethods of aconitum type traditional Chinese medicine poisoning, so as to provide thebasis for clinical prescription and rational drug use.Methods: Study used literature research and the way of combining the research ofmedical statistics, select nkusnezoff

7、 monkshood class partyn 375 prescriptions and article209 of the ancient books entries about the kusnezoff monkshood toxicity included in thestudy of literature, establish a database of each historical period including grass Ukraineagent and the Chinese medical database, and then explore the characte

8、ristics in each eraof kusnezoff monkshood compatibility features and regularity, virulence factors andrelevant methods of traditional Chinese medicine.Results: The compatibility drugs with radix aconiti and radix aconiti were mainlyconcentrated in antisuperficial drugs, blood-activating and blood-st

9、asis removing drugs,wind-dampness removing drugs, phlegm-relieving and cough relieving drugs, tonifyingdrugs for deficiency and wind-soothing drugs for liver polyps, among which theapplication frequency of wind-dampness removing drugs increased gradually. Pastdynasties and the compatibility of radix

10、 aconiti medicine mainly (radix aconiti, live alone,nourish the medicine of angelica dahurica, windproof, medicine for activating bloodcirculation of frankincense, myrrh, five fat, make up for virtual medicine angelica root,etc. At the same time, among the 18 anti-trichosanthes kirilowii, pineilia t

11、richosanthes,trichosanthes trichosanthes, trichosanthes trichosanthes, trichosanthes trichosanthes,trichosanthes trichosanthes, fritillariae fritillariae or fritillariae thunbergii were not foundto be compatible with the Japanese ampelopsis ampelopsis thunb- At the same time, it wasfound that most o

12、f the compatible formulations of radix aconiti and radix aconiti indifferent ages were used as the phase of radix aconiti and radix aconiti. In each period, thecompatibility of ,eighteen opposing parties” was widely existed. The number of Chineseand foreign prescriptions of Hcaowu-type prescriptions

13、” increased significantly. In eachperiod, it is also compatible with antipyretic angelica dahurica. Aconitum drugs poisoningmainly for the cause of the mistake, overdose and taking hot food, detoxification methodinmainly focused on single herbs such as black beans, mung beans, caramel, polygala meat

14、,windproof, licorice, etc., many kinds of medicine with compatibility of rhizoma coptidis,radix glycyrrhizae, horn, carrot juice and licorice root, ginseng, dried ginger and availablewebbed hands dip scrambled to poison, Fried sourly, etc.Conclusion: with the development of society, medical advances

15、, the understandingof toxicity of drugs such as radix aconiti gradually thorough, so the compatibility ofdrugs and the classes began to change, topical prescriptions, embodies the safety andrationality of drug, kusnezoff monkshood and against drugs such as pineilia, such aswhite and compatibility of past dynasties are also worth thinking and exploration, andthe monkshood class Chinese medicine cause of poisoning and detoxification methodresearch also provides a reference for clinical medication.Key words: radix aconiti; Compatibility; toxicity#引言1H H XVruJ


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