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1、外研版七上词组汉英版预备篇MlM41.拼写你的名字3 ,打开书.5 ,画一幅画7 .站起来9 .电话号码11.用英语13 .今天星期几15 .在秋季17 .打乒乓球.19.让我们Module 11.来自于-3.在七年级5 .名字.2,坐下4 .听音乐6 .举手8 .合上书10 .多大年龄12 .当然14 .在周六16打篮球18.放学以后2.一怎么样4.中国的首都6 ,姓Module 21.在同一家医院2,贝蒂的表妹5.对有害6 .冰淇淋3.全家照.5.挨着7.挨着贝蒂的男孩9.公交车站Module 31.很多家具3 .多少个5 .在饭厅7 .科学实验室9 .在操场的中央Module 41.去买

2、-一3 .太多4 .在左、右边6 .在前边8 .剧院的经理10 .三个女医生2 .一张世界地图4 .大量6 .在大门口8 .在图书馆和教学楼之间10.有20个教室的教学楼2.拥有4. 一-好吗7.对-一有帮助的8.稍微,有点9.许多种类10动物园之行9.保持健康10.发胖Module 51 .八点半2.九点四十3.上地理课4.上学5 .起床6.吃早午晚饭7.回家8.上床睡觉9 .入睡10.跟谈话1L做作业12.忙于做某事Module 61 .比如2 .来自于3.看4.在那边5.少量6 .全世界7 .并且8 .擅长2.打开电脑4 .保存文件6 .上网8 .看电影10.发送邮件12 .一个叫-的男

3、孩13 在生日聚会上14 送给生日贺卡15 用英语16 每天10.花很多钱12 .在周末Module 71.把与连接.3.点击鼠标.5与分享7.查看列车时刻表9.搜寻信息11.与顾客交谈Module 81.想要做一-3 .吃面条5 .唱生日快乐7 .收到生日礼物9 .锻炼11.去看音乐会13.在电视上看比赛14.收到一的来信15.恐怕3.打扫房间4.扫地Module 92 .参加学校郊游4 .拍照6 .晒太阳8.用邮件发送10 .等候12.喝下午茶14.下班回家16 .给家打电话18几个1.在长城上.3.此刻5.打折7.到做-一的时间了9.在世界不同的地方11.开车回家13.在晚上15 .下车

4、17.因而感谢19回去Module 10L做灯笼2.学舞龙5 .做饭7.此刻9 .收拾东西11.当然13.扫走晦气15 .在同一天17.用传统的家庭宴19.圣诞快乐6.为一做准备8.在工作中10 .快点12.春节14.在二月16 .庆祝春节18 .看一场特殊的电视节目2. What about4. the capital of China6. last name预备篇Ml-4l.spell your name3.open the book5.draw a picture7.standup9.telephone number11. in English13.What day is today15

5、.in autumn17.play table tennis19.letusModule 11. be/come from3. in Grade Seven5. first nameModule 22.sit down4.listen to music6. put up your hand8.close youbooklO.howold12.of course14.on Saturday16.play basketball18.after school1. at the same hospital2. Betty s cousin3.a family photo4.on the left/ri

6、ght5. next to7. the boy next to Betty9. a bus stationModule 31. a lot of furniture3. how many5. in the dining hall7 science lab6. in front of8. the manager of the theatre10. three women doctors2. a map of the world4. a lot of6. at the gate8. between the 1 ibrary and the school building9. in the midd

7、le of the school p 1 ayground10. a school building with 20 classroomsModule 45. be bad for6. ice cream1. go shopping for2. have got3. too much4. How about -7. be good for 8. a bit9. stay healthyModule 51. half past eight3. have geography5. get up7. go home9. go to sleep11. do homeworkModule 61.such

8、as3.look at5. a bit7. as well as10. get fat2. at twenty to ten4. go to school6. have breakfast/lunch/dinner8. go to bed10. talk to12. be busy with/doing2. come from4. over there6. all over the world8. be good at9. many kinds of10. a trip to the zoo11. a boy called Module 711. go to concerts12. at we

9、ekends1. connectto2. turn on the computer3. click the mouse4. save the document5. sharewith6. go on the Internet7. check the times of the trains 8. watch movies9. search for information11. talk to customersModule 81. would like to do一3. eat noodles5. sing Happy Birthday7. get birthday presents9. do

10、exercise10. send emails2. at a birthday party4. give birthday cards6. in English8. every day10. spend a lot of money on14. hear from13 watch a program on TV1. make lanterns2.learn a dragon dance15. V m afraidModule 91. on the Great Wall3. right now5e on sale2. on a school trip4. take photos of6e sit

11、 in the sun7. It s time to do / for sth8. send sthby email9. in different places of the world 10. wait for1L drive home12e have afternoon tea13. at night14. go home from work15. get off16. call home17. thankfor18 a few19 go backModule 103.clean the house4.sweep the floor5. cook meals7. at the moment9. put away thingsIL of course13. sweep away bad luck15 on the same day6. get ready for8. at work10. hurry up12. Spring Festival14. in February16 celebrate Spring Festival17. with a traditional Chinese family dinner18. watch a special program on TV 19. Merry Christmas


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