名师教学设计《Unit 10 Funny cartoons》完整教学教案.docx

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1、Unit 10 Funny cartoons 教学设计内容 Unit 10 Funny cartoons 时间节次 Period 1教学设计教材简析本课是教材Module 4 Unit 10的教学设计。本单元的语言功能是正确使用I have . ,My . is/are.来介绍自己的身体特征。本课内容贴近学生生活和学习实际,为学生操练对话创设了一个真实的语言情景,有利于学生在比较接近实际的情境中听说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。设计理念设计依据以核心素养为前提,以教材内容为语量基础,以整体内容为语境基础,围绕主题内容开展,突出核心语言I have.和My.is/are.的运用,以基于文

2、本高于文本的目标,以点带面,从线到片,整体推进,体现循序渐进的学习规律。教学目标1 .掌握本单元关于身体部位名称的核心词汇。2 .学生能用Ihave.和My. is/are句型来介绍自己的身体特征。3 .能写三至四句描述自己身体特征的句子。4 .能用英语更好地介绍自己,表达自己,增强自我认识和自信。重点难点1 .本单元核心词汇与句型。2 .单词 foot 的复数形式 feet; My arms are . My nose is.这类句子中名词单复数的正确使用。养成安全教育训练点能用英语更好地介绍自己,表达自己,增强自我认识和自信。教法学法图片教学、视听说教学、小组合作学习教具学具多媒体课件学习

3、流程教师导学Step IPre-taskpreparations1. Warming up &Revision(1) Play a song“If youre happy”(2) What can youhear Can you sayother words aboutyour body(1) Present thecartoon pictures, talkabout them and readthe topic Funnycartoons.(2) Introduce mynew friend Beebo.T:I have a friend .Heis a cartoon,too.Look!

4、 He iscoming .学生探究设计意图热跃气曲活堂歌身课MO6学习流程教师导学学生探究设计意图StepIIWhile-taskprocedures3、Play the : Hello!Im Beebo.T : Hello!?m .teaching(l)Head: present thepicture of Beeboand circle thehead.T: Look !This isBeebo9s head.T: Read the word andspell it.Phrases:a big heada small headSentences:I have a big/smallhea

5、d.Listen and greet toBeebo.Ss:Hello!Fm.Sl:Hello!9m .S2: Hello! 9mSs: Follow theteacher. Read andspell the wordtogether.Read the words indifferent forms.词汇扩展,为句型学习做准备。反复呈学必对句型的认万口 O学习流程教师导学Teaching otherwords in the sameway.(arm,leg,hand,bodyfoot)(2) Practice thewordsGame 1 : Point andsayGame2: Whats

6、missingand say(1) Play therecording and finishthe task(2) Play therecording again.学生探究设计意图armarmsleglegshandhandsfootfeetTask: Put the picturesinto correct ordersStudents listen andfollow the recordingto read the text.学习流程教师导学学生探究设计意图Step IIIPost-taskactivities1. Imitate Beebo toread the somestudent

7、s to perform.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Draw a cartoonand introducehim/her using thesentences you havelearned.eg: Hello,Im.I have a/two .My .is/are.Choose your favoriteit to your parentsusing the sentencesyou have learned.Check the answersand read the textShare your cartoonswith your partner.【板书设计】Unit 10 Funny cartoonsI have a/two My. is/are.


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