名师教学设计《Unit 8 At the fruit shop》完整教学教案.docx

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1、Un i t 8 At the fru i t shop (Per i od 1)教学设计教材分析:本单元是三年级上册第三模块的第八单元,单元话题为At the fruit shopo本单元围绕水果”这一话题展开,此话题有助于于激发学生学习兴趣,非常贴近学生生活。学生除了需要掌握本课的核心词汇apple, banana, orange,pear,之外,还需能用How much is it/ are they询问物品的价格,体验用英语购物的乐趣。本课时的教学栏目为Listen and say, Look and learn,根据每个栏目的教学提示和活动参考,我把重点放在了 learn和say上。

2、学情分析:三年级的学生刚接触英语,对英语充满了好奇,课堂上他们好说、好动、好表现,喜欢说,模仿力比较强。所以应从激发兴趣入手,以各种活动为手段,实施“兴趣教育”,激发学习热情。因此,我在本节课上依据课程的总目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与,学生通过观察、记忆、思考、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。教学理念:以培养学生完整的说话能力为宗旨,以情景为基础,活动为手段,创设良好的语言学习环境,诱发学生良好的学习动机。通过设置各项环节,开启学生思维,让学生在情境中大胆说,大胆练,提高学生运用语言和用英语交际的能力。教学目标:1 .学习词汇

3、an, apple, banana, orange, pear, 并能在语境中准确运用。2 .能正确应用How much is it/are they来询问物品的价格,体验用英语购物的乐趣。3 .能在恰当的语境中使用Good afternoon.和Here youare.4 .通过本课学习,使学生有兴趣听、说英语,敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心,并养成合理饮食,保持健康的习惯。教学重点:词汇: an, apple, banana, orange, pear句型:How much is it/are they教学难点:1 .可数名词的复数形式。2 .不定冠词a和an的用法。养成教育训

4、练点:通过本节课的学习,引导学生学会正确使用简单的购物用语询问物品价格、购买物品;购物时要养成文明购物的习惯,不插队、不加塞。教法学法:情境法、多媒体展示法、角色扮演法、任务型教学法等。知识链接:水果类词汇、数词、名词的单复数教具学具:PPT、图片教学过程Step 1 Pre-task preparations1. Greetings.2. Sing a song “Ten Little fingers” .3. Lead in.T: Tomorrow is Fruit Day. Kitty and her friends willhave a fruit party. They 11 mak

5、e different fruitplatters.(Show some pictures) Are they beautiful Where canwe buy these fruitToday our topic is At the fruit shop.Step 2 WhiIe-task preparationsPart A1. Learn new words: apple, banana, orange, pear.(1)Play the song “Apple Tree” . (an apple, apples)T: What is itS:U: Yes. It s an apple

6、.Students listen and read “an apple” .V: How many applesOne, two, three, three apples,(2)Listen and guess. It s orange. It s round.What is it” (an orange, oranges)(3)Think and say. We need a mouth, what can wechoosev (a banana, bananas)(4)Think and guess. It s also yellow. It soundslike bear . What

7、is it” (a pear, pears)Students read and practice these words in differentways.2. Have a chant.One , two s,Three s, four.Five s, six s,Seven s, more.3. Play a game. What s missing” .Part B1. Listen and say.T: Now Kitty doesn, t have any fruit. Kitty smother is at the fruit shop. She wants to buy some

8、 fruitfor her. Let s listen.2. Ask and answer.T: Is it morningS:T: Look, what s thisS: It s a pear.T: How much is it Do you rememberS:T: How many applesS:U: How much are theyS:3. Listen and read.Difficult points: How much is it How much arethey4. Group work. Perform the dialogue in groups, andthen h

9、ave a show.Step3 Post-task preparations1. Role play.T: Kitty, s mum needs to buy more fruit. Now I mKitty s mum. You are the shop assistant. Let s try.Then students perform in pairs or groups.2. Do exercises.3. Summary.4. Homework.a. Listen and read Student s Book pages 38.b. Make a fruit platter and talk it with yourfriends or parents.【板书设计】Unit 8 At the fruit shop7ean applean orangea bananaapplesoranges bananasa pearpears


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