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1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第三级)Fun in the Sun教学设计教学目标 能够在单词中快速辨析5个短元音,分辨出CVC单词中的短元音。 能够快速识别字母音并进行CVC单词的解码(and, cap, had, hat, sat, end, Peg,red, big, in, wig, got, hot, Mom, Pop, top, fun, sun)并理解其在绘本本中的含义。 能够流利朗读故事并理解大意。 能够通过图片预测情节,并快速在绘本中查找信息。 能够结合自己的经验谈谈夏天的生活。二、教学重点 5个短元音的辨析讲解。 含有5个短元音的CVC单词的解码。 提高学生朗读故事书的流利

2、度。三、教学难点 能够辨析5个短元音,并正确解码CVC单词。 能够顺利解码故事书中的CVC单词并流利朗读故事书。、教学用具 绘本 课件 教师字母卡 纸杯若干,有图片的卡片若干。(卡片上的图案分别是cat, hat, bag, egg, hen, red,pig, fish, six, dog, fox, frog, bug, sun , duck)五、教学过程Stepl Warm-up & phonicsAsk ss to review the 5 short vowels.设计意图:训练学生对5个短元音的听辨Ask ss to work in groups to classify the c

3、ards according to 力,培养昔素意识。the short vowels in the words.提问建议:训练学生的快速解码能力,对核心单词通过图片和语境让学生理解和运用。What does letter a say? (a,e,i,o,u)Each group has 5 cups with the 1 letter on eachone.And each group has several cards.What is it on this card?It is a cat.Does “cat”have /i/ sound?C-a-t, cat! It has /a/ so

4、und, so the card goes to the/a/ cup.First, see and say your card.Then, decide which cup the card goes to.(教师可以每组只发5张卡片,这样孩子们比较容易做,但是组间卡片可以不同,增加了最后每组展示的乐趣)Ask ss to blend words and understand some focus words.提问建议:- (hat, top hat, cap)- What is this ?- It is a hat.- Can you sound out hat? H-a-t- This

5、 is also a hat, but it has a name.- Can you read?- What color is the top hat?- Do you like a top hat?- It is a top hat.- Whafs this ?- It is a black cap.- Which one do you like?(wig)- Can you read the word?- What is wig?- The girl is wearing a wig.- What color is the wig?- What color is this wig?- W

6、hat color is this wig?- Do you want to buy a wig?(fun)Are they happy?-Yes, they have fun.-Can you read the word?Step2 Pre-readingAsk ss to read the title.Ask ss to see the title page picture and talk about thepicture.提问建议:- How many people can you see?- What are they wearing on head?- How is the wea

7、ther ?设计意图让学生观察封面,朗读题目。观察封面的图片,提取信息。Step3 While-readingAsk ss to recognize the characters.Ask ss to look at what they are wearing.提问建议:- Who are they?- What did they have on head?- Read the sentences.- Ask ss to find the changes.- Ask ss to read the sentences提问建议:- In the big picture, who had a top

8、hat, Pop or Peg?- Read the sentence.- Who had the red wig?- Read the sentence.- Who had the big cap?- Read the sentence.Ask ss to infer whether they had fun.Ask ss to read to scan for information.提问建议:- Do you think they had fun?- Do you think they were hot ?- Open the book and find out who was hot.

9、Guide ss to read the sentence. (Emphasis on thepronunciation of “was”)Ask ss to pay attention to the sight word “was”.提问建议:I read the word and you follow me.设计意图通过图片和教师引导理解tophat, fun, wig的含义,并能朗读含有这些词和其他cvc单词的短句。通过图片观察和上下文,理解绘本含义,与自己的生活相联系。Can you spell the word fbr me?Can you trace the word for me

10、?Can you read the sentences for me?Ask ss to infer why Pop was hot.Ask ss to think what Pop need to get cool?提问建议:- Can you help Pop to get cool?- Talk in groups to decide what Pop got to get cool.Step4 Read and listenAsk Ss to read page by page.Pause and listen to the audio after each page to checkthe pronunciation, intonation and pace.Ask ss to read in pairs设计意图:训练学生使用拼读技巧流利朗读绘本。Step6 Post-readingAsk ss to think and talk about how they stayed cool insummer.设计意图:让学生与自己的生活相联系进行交流。六、家庭作业1 .听录音并大声朗读绘本。2 .为绘本涂色。3 .做一幅画,描述你们如何过夏天。


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