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1、丽声我的第一套自并读故事书(第二级)Sam Sat教学设计-教学目标能够快速识别字母音并进行CVC单词的解码。(dug, hid, hug, Mat, ran, Sam, sat,tug)并理解其在绘本本中的含义。能够流利朗读故事并理解大意。能够通过图片预测情节,并快速在绘本中查找信息。 通过阅读故事体会友情的重要和可贵二.教学重点绘本故事的理解。 提高学生朗读的流利度。三、教学难点能够流利并准确地朗读全文。 能够理解故事,并能够通过观察图片进行预测。、教学用具绘本课件教师拼读卡片学生拼读卡片五.教学过程Stepl phonics1. Ask ss to see the flash cards

2、 and review letter sounds.提问建议:- See and say the letters sounds together, (d, h, g,m, s, t, r, u, i, a)2. Model how to blend words.设计意图:复习字母音,练习拼读单词。提问建议:- What does letter a say?- What does letter t say?- Now, what do these two letters say together?- Here comes another letter.- What do they say tog

3、ether?- Can you blend more words?Step2 Pre-readingAsk ss to look at the cover.Ask ss to read the title.Ask ss to look at the picture and predict what is happening.提问建议:- What are the two boys doing?- Which one is Sam? The sitting one or the runningone?- Where is Sam sitting?- Who is happy?- Do you t

4、hink Sam will sit and sit or stand up andplay?Step3 While-reading1. Ask ss to see the pictures and find out what Mat and Samare doing.提问建议:- What is that boy doing?- Can you sound out his name?- What is this boy doing?- Can you sound out his name?- Can you read these two sentences?2. Ask ss to see t

5、he pictures and find out what Mat and Samare doing.提问建议:- What is Sam doing?- What is Mat doing?- Can you sound out this word?- Do you think Sam will stand up and join Mat?- Can you read the sentences ?3. Ask ss to see the pictures and find out what Mat and Samare doing.提问建议:- Where is Mat?设计意图:观察封面

6、,朗读标题,预测故事。设计意图:通过图片环游,让学生逐页猜测故事内容和发展,自己拼读核心单词,并理解核心单词在故事中的含义,朗读句子。- Where is Sam?- Can you read the word?- Mat hid behind the tree.- Do you think Sam will stand up and play withhim?- Read the two sentences please.4. Ask ss to predict what Sam will do.提问建议:Do you think Sam sat or Sam played with Mat

7、 bythe end of the story?5. Ask ss to scan for what Sam did by the end of the storyin the book.提问建议:Open your books and find out what Sam did inthe end.Can you read this word?Can you read this sentence?What does “hug mean?Can you give a hug to your partner?If you hug someone, does it show your love o

8、rhatred?6. Ask ss to reread the book and find out how Mat helpedSam to stand up.提问建议:- What did Mat do to help Sam stand up?- Can you read the word?- Can you tug this roap?- Can you tug my hand?- Can you read the sentence?- Read with action, please.7. Ask ss to read and scan for the answer.提问建议:What

9、 did Mac and Mag do at the end?Step4 Post-readingAsk ss to compare Sams feelings.提问建议设计意图:让学生分析和体会Sam产生变化的原因。Do you think Sam was happy in the first picture?How did he feel in the second one?Why did he change?Step5 Read and listen1. Ask Ss to read page by page.Pause and listen to the audio after eac

10、h page to checkthe pronunciation, intonation and pace.2. Ask ss to read in pairs设计意图:训练学生使用拼读技巧流利朗读绘本。Step 6 Think and talkAsk ss to think and talk what they did to help their friends.Ask ss to learn some proverbs about friendship.设计意图:扩充语言和文化知识。六、家庭作业1. Read the book frequently.2. Color the book.3. Tell a story about you and your friends.


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