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1、冲刺练习一、阅读理解1 .阅读下列短文,回答问题。This i s an Eng I i sh girl. Her name i s He I en. She i s a new student.She i s i n No. 1 Middle Schoo I. She i s i n CI ass One, Grade Seven. Her motheris a doctor and her father is a worker. He works in a factory. Bi I I isan Amer ican boy. He i s thi rteen. He i s in No.

2、 1 Middle Schoo I too. Hi sfather i s a po I i ceman and h i s mother i s a wr i ter. She wr i tes stor i es. Sheworks at home. Miss Li is thei r PE teacher. She is a good teacher.(1) Helen i s .A.a Chinese girlB.an Amer i can girlC.an English girl(2)She i s a (n) student.A. goodB. newC.old(3)Bi I I

3、,s father is a .A.workerC. wr iterC.poI iceman(4)Thei r is Miss Li.A. f r i endB. teacherC. student(5)Helens mother i s a .A. teacherB.doctorC.worker1. 【答案】(DC (2)B(3)C(4)B(5)B【解析】1.根据 “This is an Engl ish girl. Her name is Helen. 可知海伦是一个英国女孩,故选C。2. 根据“She is a new student, n可知她是一个新学生,故选B。3. 才艮据“His

4、 father is a pol iceman and his mother is a wr iter.可次口比尔的爸爸是一名警察,故选C。4. 根据“Miss Li is thei r PE teacher.,可知李老师是他们的体育老师,故选B。5. 才艮据 “Her mother is a doctor and her father is a worker, v 可次口海伦的妈妈是一名医生,故选B。2.根据短文,回答下列问题。Do you Iove playing with an iPad or watching wonderfuI cartoonmov i es I i ke Toy S

5、tory? I f you answer yes, you probabIy Iove Steve Jobs,too. He made these th i ngs come true.Steve was born i n Amer i ca on February 24th, 1955. When hefinished schooI, he worked as a computer game-maker. But he quickly gotbored. So i n 1976 he and h i s fr iend started to build computers i n the i

6、 rhome. They cal led thei r company AppIe Computers. PeopIe Ioved thei rcomputers and Steve made a lot of money.But Steve I eft App I e i n 1998 and started maki ng cartoon movies.Once aga i n he was very successfuI. In 1998 Steve so Id h i s mov i e companyand returned to Apple. After he returned,

7、he turned App I e into the wor Idsb i ggest company. They f i rst made the i Pod, then the i Phone and I ater thei Pad. PeopIe Iove these th i ngs very much.When Steve Jobs d i ed i n 2011, the worId Iost a great man.(1)Steve Jobs was born i n .A.JanuaryB.FebruaryC.December(2) was Steve Jobs* first

8、job.A.Computer teacherB.Game doctorC.Computer game-maker(3) Steve Jobs began to build computers at home when he was years o I d.A. 21B. 22C. 23(4)Steve Jobs I eft the AppIe i n .A. 1955B. 1976C. 1985(5)Steve Jobs and h i s company made fi rst.A. iPhoneB. iPodC. iPad【答案】(1)B(2)C(3) A (4)C(5)B【解析】1.根据

9、 uSteve was born in Amer ica on February 24th, 1955. ”可知史蒂夫乔布斯出生于2月,故选B。2 .才艮据 “When he finished school, he worked as a computer game-maker.可知史蒂夫乔布斯的第一份工作是游戏制造者,故选C。3 .根据 “Steve was born i n Amer ica on February 24th, 1955. ” 可知史蒂夫乔布斯出生于 1955 年,根据 “So in 1976 he and his fr iend started tobuild compu

10、ters in thei r home.,可知史蒂夫乔布斯于1976开始在家制作电脑,由此推知史蒂夫乔布斯在21岁的时候开始在家制作电脑,故选A。4 .根据“But Steve left Apple in 1998.”可知史蒂夫乔布斯在1985年离开了苹果,故选C。5 .才艮据 “They f i rst made the iPod, then the iPhone and Iater the iPad. ”可知史蒂夫乔布斯首先制作了iPod,故选B。3. Mary i s my new fr iend. Shes 11 years old. Shes from New York. Nowsh

11、es i n Be i j i ng. She goes to schoo I by schoo I bus every day. Her fatheri s a doctor. He usua I I y goes to work by subway, but wa I ks back home. Marysmother i s a nurse. She usua I I y goes to work by car, but somet imes she r idesa bike to work. Thats good exercise.(1) Mary i s girl.A.a Ch i

12、neseB.an Amer i canC.an English(2)Mary goes to school .A. by b i keB. by subwayC.by school bus(3)Marys father goes back home .A.on footB. by busC. by subway(4)Mary,s mother i s a .A.doctorB. nurseC. teacher(5)Sometimes Marys mother to work.A. takes a busB. dr i ves a carC. r i des a b i ke【答案】(1)B(2

13、)C(3) A (4)B(5)C【解析】1.根据Shes from New York, v可知,Mary是一个美国女孩,故选B。2 .根据 “She goes to schooI by schooI bus every day.”可知,选 C。3 .根据“but wa I ks back home,可知,Mary的父亲是走路回来的。故选A。4 .根据 Marys mother is a nurse. ” 可知,选 B。5 .才艮据 “but sometimes she r ides a bike to work” 可知, 选 C。4. Thomas Ed i son was a great A

14、mer i can i nventor. He was born i n 1847.He was the youngest child i n h i s fami I y. He wasn, t very c I ever at schoo I.I nstead he was often i n troub I e. He was at schoo I for on I y three months.His mother was a teacher and taught him at home. He was always askingquestions, but the others ne

15、ver thought his questions important. When hewas ten, he was interested in science. He I iked to make things work. Whenhe was tweIve, he began to make money because he wanted to build a Iabfor h imse I f. Later he i nvented many th i ngs. When you turn on the I i ght,you are enjoying one of hi s invent ions.(1)Thomas Ed i son was from ,A. Austra I i aB.CanadnaC. Amer i ca(2)Thomas Ed i son was not at schooI.A. c I everB. strongC. stupid(3) Thomas Edi son was always quest ions.


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