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1、听力材料:2020学年小学英语四年级上册单元测评卷(Unit l)一、听音,选出你所听到的字母或单词。(10分)1. I see the big letters BJ2. Let me clean the blackboard.3. The door is blue.4. Let me clean the fish bowl.5. My book is in the desk.6. There is a bee on the wall.7. The teacher desk is brown.8. What,s on the floor?9. Let,s fly a kite.10. Plea

2、se turn on the light.二、听音组词,把下面的字母或者字母组合按照正确的顺序组合起来.(6分)1 .b / g bag 2. f el s face3.h ae t hat4. nelmname 5. k aepca6. m elkmake三、看图听音标号。(8分)3. Close the window.5.1 have a new computer.8 Put up the picture.1. Clean the blackboard.2 Turn on the light.4. - Where is the window? - Its near the door.6.

3、Look, my classroom is big. 7. Close the door四、听音,选出你所听到的句子 (5分)1. This is my new desk.3. The wall is brown.2. We have a nice teacher.4. The kite is on the wall.35. Let clean the window.五、听音,看图,判断对错,对的打“一,错的打“X” 。 (6分)1. Put the bag on the desk.3. Put the map near the window.3.1 see seven beautiful p

4、ictures on the wall.六、听音,选择合适的答句。(5分)1. What in the classroom?3. Let,s clean the classroom.5. Let me help you.2 Amy, turn on the light, please.4. Yifn desk is near the blackboard.6 Lets clean the desk and the chain2. Where is the kite?4. We have a new classroom.2020学年小学英语四年级上册单元测评卷(Unit 2)一、听音选择,选出你

5、所听到的单词,把序号写在括号内。(10分)1. What on the board?2. The ball is under the desk.1 .1 have thirteen notebooks.4. Put your toy in the toy box.5 There is a Chinese map in my classroom. 6. My key is under the desk.7 .The wall is white,the floor is blue.8. Zhang Peng is from China.9 Oh,no,my bag is heavy.10.1 ha

6、ve nine storybooks-二、听音组词,把下面的字母或者字母组合按照正确的顺序组合起来.(6分)1 .I al k, like2. s /1/ ks, six3. r al / s rice4. bIg big5. b u k book 6.k / n d icandy三、看图听音,判断正误,对的打“ J ”,错的打“X ”。 ( 10分)1 Put your bag under your desk.2.1 have candies, a toy and a key in my bag.3. Let me clean the window.4. My friend Frank is

7、 from the UK.5. Put your notebook in your bag.6. Put up the picture, please.7. A Chinese book and two toy cars are in the schoolbag.8. - How many toy cars do you have? -1 have fifteen.9. It has a long nose and a big body. Its an elephant.10.1 like watermelons. They taste good.四、听音,选择合适的答句。(5分)1. Wha

8、t colour is your schoolbag?2. What in your schoolbag?3. Let me help you.4. Is the boat in your toy box?5 Can I have some watermelons?五、听音,写出相应的数量。(5分)Sarah: Hello, Miss White.Miss White: Hi, Sarah. Whats in your schoolbag?Sarah: 7 storybooks and 13 candies.Miss White: Great! Whats in your schoolbag,

9、 Mike?Mike: 3 toys and 12 crayons.Miss White: Thats great! What about you, Wu Yifan?Wu Yifan: Look! I have 15 candies and 4 keys.Miss White: Good! Whats in your schoolbag, Amy?Amy: 8 storybooks and 16 crayons.Miss White: Great! And you, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: I have 5 toys and 10 keys.Miss White: Thank

10、you so much!六、听短文,选择正确的选项。(4分)m Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.Look!It,s very big and nice. I can put many booksin it. Its black and white. What,s in it? Oh, There is an English book,a maths book, threenotebooks and a blue pencil box in it.2020学年小学英语四年级上册单元测评卷(Unit 3)一、选出你所听到的单词,把序号写在括号里。(10分)l.My

11、 friend is tall and strong.3 .My sister is quiet.5 .d like some cake.7 .My mother is tall and thin.9. My shoes are pink.2 Lily is friendly.4. Is your father tall?-Yes, he is.6.1 lost my new pencil.8. Wu Yifan has blue glasses.10. She has a white hat.二、听音,根据描述圈出相应图片的序号。(6分)1. My Chinese teacher has s

12、hort hair and big eyes.2. My father is thin and he has glasses.3. Turn on the light, please4. Let me close the window.5. My brother is short and thin. He likes football.6. Betty is a quiet girL She likes reading storybooks very much.三、听音,根据内容,在对应的方格中打。(8分)1. Amy is short and thin. She has long hair.

13、2. John is strong. He has glasses.3. Sarah is quiet. She has a green bag.4. Mike is tall and friendly.四、听问句,选择合适的答句。(5分)1. What her name? 2. Do you like English? 3. What in your schoolbag?4. Whos that woman? 5. Is that man your father?五、听音判断,画或3。(6分)1) A: I have a good friend.B: A boy or girl?A: A b

14、oy.2) A: Whohe73) A: Is she your English teacher?B: Yes, she is. She is beautiful.4) A: Look! Lily has a dog.B: Yes, her dog is very cute.She has glasses.5) A: Whois she?B: Oh, she is my mum. Shesshort and thin. She has nicewhite shoes.6) A: I have a friend.B: A boy or girl?A: A boy. Hes very friend

15、ly. Look! His capis very cool!六、听音判断正误。(正确的写,错误的写“FJ (5分)1. -Whos your best friend? -John.2. Linlin is my good friend. She is short and thin.3. Hi, Im Zhang Peng. My father is tall and strong.4. My friend is thin. He has short brown hair.5. Tim, your yellow glasses. How cool!B: Hes my teacher. Hes tall and thin.4二、听音组词,把下面的字母或者字母组合按照正确的顺序组合起来。(9分)l.pi


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