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1、冲刺练习及解析一、补全对话1 .情景选择A: Oh, no. We,re Iost. 1B: Its six. The fiIm wiI I start at six forty.A: We wiI I be I ate for the film. Let,s ask the woman over there?B: Excuse me. 2C: Sure. Go straight ahead. 3A:4C: Let me see. Cross the ma i n street and turn I eft i nto the park. WaIkthrough it and out of t

2、he front gate.A&B:5C: You* re we I come.A. I s there a short cut?B. What time is it now?C.Thank you very much.D.CouId you teI I me the way to the zoo, pI ease?E.Then turn I eft at the second cross i ng.【答案】(1)B(2)D(3)E(4) A (5)C【解析】1.根据B: Its six.”可知,选项B (现在几点了)符合语境。2 .根据“C: Sure. Go straight ahead,

3、 v可知,选项D (请问你能告诉我去动物园的路吗)符合语境。3 . uCou I d you tell me the way to the zoo, please?nC: Sure. Go stra i ghtahead.可知,选项E (然后在第二个十字路口左转)符合语境。4 .才艮据 “C: Let me see. Cross the ma i n street and turn I eft i nto the park.Wa I k through it and out of the front gate. ” 可知,选项 A (有捷径吗)符合语境。5 .根据“C: Youre welco

4、me.可知,选项C (非常感谢你)符合语境。2.根据所给情景,选择合适的句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office?Mike: I,m sorry. You can ask the policeman.Amy: Thank you a I I the same.Amy:2 Can you he Ip me?Pol iceman: Sure.Amy: How can I get to the post office?Pol iceman:3 You can see the KFC.Amy: And then?Pol icem

5、an: Its next to it.Amy: Oh, I see. 4PoIi ceman:5A.Youre we I come.B. I , m new here.C. Thank you.D. Excuse me.E.Go straight.【答案】(1)B(2)D(3)E(4)C(5) A【解析】1.根据前后句 Im sorry, v 和 u You can ask the po I i ceman.,可知该空是在说“我对这不熟/我是新来的”,故选B。2 .根据后句“Can you help me?”可知在向别人求助时需说“抱歉,打扰一下”,故选Do3 .根据上句“Amy: How c

6、an I get to the post office?”可知该空是在回答如何去某地,选项E (直走)符合语境。4 .对于别人的帮忙需要表达感谢之情,故选C。5 . 对于别人的感谢要作出回复,故选A。3.选择合适的句子,补全对话。Man: Excuse me. Jack: Yes, there is.Man:2Jack: It is beside the Itaiian restaurant.Man: How can I get there?Jack:3Man: Thanks. 4 Bye.Jack: Hey, dont go at the red Iight.Man: Oh, r ight!

7、 Thank you. 5A. I must pay attention to the traffic I ights.B. Oh, the bus is coming.C.Where is it?D. You can take the No. 2 bus.E. I s there a bookstore near here?【答案】(DE (2)C(3)D(4)B(5) A【解析】1.根据“Jack: Yes, there is.”可知,选项E (这附近有书店吗)符合语境,故选E。2 .根据 uJack: It is beside the ItaI ian restaurant. 可知,选项

8、 C (它在哪里)符合语境,故选C。3 .根据“Man: How can I get there?n可知,选项D (你可以乘坐二路公交车)符合语境,故选D。4 .根据“Man: Thanks.Bye. ”可知,选项B (哦,公交车来了)符合语境,故选Bo5 .根据 u Jack: Hey, don t go at the red light. ” 可知,选项 A (我一定会注意交通灯的)符合语境,故选A。4.选择合适的句子,补全对话。Amy: Is there a post office near here?Pol icewoman: Yes, there is. 2Amy:3PoIi cew

9、oman:4 Its on the r i ght.Amy:5Pol icewoman: No, it isnt. You can waIk there.Amy: Thank you.A. Is it far?B.Turn I eft at the first cross i ng.C. Its next to the museum.D.How can I get there?E. Excuse me.【答案】(DE (2)C(3)D(4)B(5) A【解析】1.根据 “Is there a post office near here?” 可知,选项 E (打扰了)符合语境,故选E。2 .根据

10、“Yes, there is.”可知,选项C (它挨着博物馆)符合语境,故选C。3 .根据Its on the right.”可知,选项D (我怎么能到达那里)符合语境,故选Do4 .根据Its on the right. ”选项B (在第一个十字路口左转)符合语境,故选B。5 .根据“No, it isnt.”可知,选项A (远吗)符合语境,故选A。6 . A: Excuse me. 1?B: Yes, there is a Iibrary in the city.A: Is it near here?B: 2, its far from here.A: 3?B: You can go th

11、ere by bus. 4. Go straight for three minutes. 11, son the right.A: Thank you.B: 5A.Get off at the c i nemaB. NoC.How can you get thereD.Thank youE. I s there a c i nema near hereF.Youre we I comeG.How can I get thereH. I s there a Iibrary in the city【答案】(1)H(2)B(3)G(4) A (5)F【解析】1.根据 “B: Yes, there

12、is a I ibrary in the city.,可知该空是以“Is there开头的一般疑问句,选项H (城市里有图书馆吗)符合语境,故选H。2 .根据 “A: I s it near here?” its far from here.” 可知,选项 B (不)符合语境,故选B。3 .根据“B: You can go there by bus. ”可知,选项G (我怎样去那里)符合语境,故选G。4 .根据 “Go stra ight for three mi nutes. Its on the r ight. 可知该空是在告知对方去图书馆的路线,选项A (在电影院下车)符合语境,故选A。

13、5 .根据“A: Thank you. n可知,选项F (不客气)符合语境,故选F。6 .选择正确的选项补全对话。A: Excuse me, s i r. 1B: Go down th i s street to the end. 2A:3B: Its about three miles from here.A: 4B: Sorry. There is no bus to go there.A: 5B: About ha If an hour. You can go there by tax i.A: OK.A. You can f i nd i t.B.Can I take a tax i

14、?C.How can I go to the hospital?D.How far is it?E.Can I take a bus?F.How Iong can it take me to waIk there?G.You can take the bus there.【答案】(DC (2) A (3)D(4)E(5)F【解析】1.根据“B: Go down this street to the end.(沿着这条街走到尽头)”可知,选项C (我怎么到医院)符合语境,故选C。2 .根据“Go down this street to the end.(沿着这条街走到尽头”可知,选项A (你就会

15、找到它)符合语境,故选A。3 .根据Its about three miles from here.(离这里大约三英里)”可知,选项D (有多远呢)符合语境,故选D。4 .根据uSorry. There is no bus to go there.(对不起。去那没有公共汽车)”可知,选项E (我能坐公交车去吗)符合语境,故选E。5 .根据 uAbout ha I f an hour. You can go there by tax i.(大约半个小时。你可以乘出租车去那里)”可知,选项F (我走路去那里要多长时间)符合语境,故选F。二、补全对话(填空)7. A: Excuse me, s i r? Where i s the nearest hoteI?8. . You may ask that poI iceman overthere.A: Thank you a I I the sa


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