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1、Module 6 ProblemsUnit 1 If I start after dinner, ll finish it before I go to bed.预习目标:1.理解记忆新词和短语3.感知if引导的条件状语从句II.预习过程:A.阅读对话,在文中划出下列单词短语1.和达成协议2.这不行3. v.失败做某事失败4.弹吉他 5.花费时间做某事6.太多时间 7.课后8.阻止某人做某事 9.同意某人意见.10.养成的习惯_ 11. adj.必须的,必要的12.太可惜了。13.而不是,代替14. n.知识 15那不是关键。16. V.考虑 17.最终决定 B.阅读对话,选择正确答案in A

2、ctivity 4.C.导学导练:1. Tony is spending too much time playing the guitar, and he may fail his exams. 托尼花太多时间弹吉他,考试可能会不及格的。(1) spend.doing sth.花.,做某事如:His father spent two hours making this kite.他爸爸花了两个小时制作这个风筝。(2) too much time 太多时间注意:too much修饰不可数名词,意为“太多;too many修饰可数名词复数。2.Tony,s parents want to stop

3、 him enjoying music, although they have made a deal with himbefore.托尼的父母想要阻止他玩音乐,虽然他们以前已经和他商量过。(1) stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事类似的短语有:keep/ prevent sb. (from) doing sth阻止某人做某事如:The boss stopped the workers (from) leaving work early.老板阻止工人早下班。(2) make a deal with 商量;协议如:ll make a deal with you. Y

4、ou make the trip downtown and ll give you more money.我想跟你商量。你到市区一趟,我给你多付钱。3.1 want you get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home fromschool.我想让你养成一放学回家就做家庭作业的习惯。get into the habit of 养成做某事如:He got into the habit of getting up early in America.在美国他养成了早期的习惯。A.巩固练习:1 .我妈妈花了两个小时

5、洗衣服。My mother clothes.2 .没人能阻止我们去上学。Nobody can to school.3 .在老师的帮助下他养成了大声朗读的习惯。He reading loudly with the help of the teacher4 .我们最后达成了一致。We at last.5 .-我现在必须得做作业,不能陪你玩了。太可惜了。-I have to do my homework now, so 1 can,t play with you.D. Read and fill in the blanks of the passage:Tony has a problem now.

6、 His father is worried that he spends too m time p theguitar, and he may f his exam. So he wants him to stop. Tony wants to go to the library.He thinks he is a to read books, at the same time, he can help the community and increasehis k of the world. But his father thinks he should get into the h of

7、 d hishomework as s as he comes back home from school. And he suggests Tony shouldc what the most important thing is, he doesn,t want him to fail the exams. Do you agreew Tonys fathers suggestion? What should Tony do? Can you give him some advice?Module 6 ProblemsUnit 2 If you tell him the truth now

8、, you,ll show that you are honest.I.预习目标:.预习过程:A.阅读文章,在文中划出下列单词短语1.拜访 3 .出故障/毛病5 .卸载 7 .生某人的气9 .支付费ll.bad(比较级) (最高级)13.至少 最多15.让某人做某事B.阅读文章,回答问题:C.导学导练:1.理解记忆新词和短语3.感知if引导的条件状语从句2.的原因是.4.试用 6.不再 8. whether10.犯错12. a.诚实的(反义词)14. apologize to sb.16.警告某人不要做某事Steve has a problem, what,s it? Can you give

9、 him some advice?l.We copied it to the computer, and after we finished playing, we took it off the computer. 我们把它复制到电脑上,当我们结束游戏后,又把它从电脑上卸载下来。(1)copy sth to sth把某物复制到某物上如:You mustn,t copy the article to your essay.你不准把这篇文章复制到你的论文上。(2) take off 卸载常见与lake的画:take care of 照顾;照料take.out of.把从取出来take part

10、in 参力口take a message for.给捎信take exercise 锻炼 take off 脱掉,起飞take turns 轮流2. He could no longer find the documents anywhere!他再也找不到他的文件了 !no longer=not.any more不再 用于be/助动词之后,实义动词之前,不影响动词的形式。You are no longer a child. You should go there alone.你不再是个孩子了,你应该自己去那。3. .but at least you will show that you are

11、 honest.但你至少能证明你是诚实的least adj.意为“至少的;最小的,是little的最高级,其比较级为 least至少反义词:at most至多最多如:He often talks most and does least.他总是说得最多,做得最少。D.巩固练习:1. He doesn,t live here any more.(同义句)He lives here.1.1 don,t know he will come here today.我不知道他今天是否回来。3 .教室里至少有一百人。There are one hundred people in the cla

12、ssroom.4 .即使你犯错了,也请跟我们讲真话。Please, though you made a mistake.5 .当他是一个小孩时,他总问一些问题并尝试一些新的想法。When he was a child, he was always asking questions andnew ideas.E.写作时间:下面是大明写给他的朋友Tom的信,信中描述了他的烦恼。请你以他的朋友Tom的身份,给他写一封80词左右的回信,在信中指出他的问题并给他提出建议。信的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,My classmate, Lucy, bought a new pen. I lik

13、ed it very much, so I used it without her permission.Unluckily, I broke it. Then I put it back secretly. Now she finds out the truth and is very angrywith me. I dont know what to do. Can you help me?Yours,Darning思路点拨:j 弓画话题 T I Know your problem. 、First, 1 i jF 4:-Second,You must tell her.表达期望 一You

14、should. i hope this advice can help you.Dear Darning,I know your problem.Yours,TomModule 6 ProblemsUnit 3 language in useI .预习目标:1.掌握if引导的状语从句2.学会描述遇到的问题II .预习过程:A.提前完成课本Activities 4和5.B.总结条件状语从句(见Module 5 Unit 3)if引导的条件状语从句(二)引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是if,常见的if条件状语从句表示在某条件下,某事很可能发生,条件是可能存在的,主句中某种情况发生的概率也是很高的。如

15、:If you ask him, he will help you.如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。另外,if从句还表示不可实现的条件或根本不可能存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设。从句多用般过去时或过去完成时,表示对现在或过去的一种假设。如:If I were you,I would invite him to the party.如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。另外你还要注意if条件句的时态搭配1.if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时If he runs he,ll get there in time.如果他用跑的,他就会及时赶到那儿。2. if从句用一般现在时,主句用may/might/canIf it stops snowing, we can go out.如果雪停了,我们就可以出去。3 if从句用一般现在时,主句用must/shouldIf you want


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