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1、D. countryD. Four.D. school绍初教育集团2021学年第二学期七年级下英语U7-8课堂独立作业Cl ass NO. Name听力部分(20而第一节:听小对话月答问题,每段对话仅读一遍。)2.What do the speakers want to do this afternoon?A. skate B. play basketball C. make snowmen)3. Hows the weather in Jack,s country in winter?A. Its rainy. B. Its snowy.C. Its dry.)4.What is Mary

2、doing?A. Playing computer games.B. Doing housework.C. Talking on the phone.)5.Why cant Tony go to the library now?A. Because he is doing his homework.B. Because he is visiting his grandparents.C. Because he is eating lunch with his parents.第二节:听长对话,回答问题,每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第67两小题。)6.Whats the weather

3、like today?A. Windy.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.)7.When will Henry go to the zoo?A. Today.B. Tomorrow.C. Right now.听下面一段较长对话,回答第8-10三小题。)8.Where is Tom?A. In Beijing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Guangzhou.)9.Whose birthday is it?A. Lily,s. B. Tom,s. C. Tom,s uncle,s.)10.How is the weather in Nanjing?A. Cold. B. Co

4、ol. C. Hot.第三节:听独白,回答问题,独白读两遍。)11.Which place is not in the neighborhood?A. A hotel.B. A park.C. A library.)12.How many places are there in the neighborhood?A. 3.B.4.C.5.)13.Where is the bank?A. Across from the library.B. Between the school and the park.C. Next to the library.)14.Is the park on the

5、left?A.Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt. C. We dont know.)15. Where is the library?A. Next to the bank. B. Next to the school. C. Next to the park.笔试部分(80分)二、完形填空(10分)Lucy lives in a new house now. Today she is inviting(邀请)some ofher friends over for dinner.This is Bils 1 time to visit Lucy,s new house, so

6、 Lucy sendshim a 2 Please get off at Peoplers Park and you can 3find a red building(建筑物)across from the park. I live in Room 903 inthe building. Please 4 on time!Now Bill is at the gate(f J ) of the park. He is talking to Lucy5 the phone.“Hi, Lucy! It,s 6. m afraid I may be 7for dinnerbecause m lost

7、/1 says Bill.u 8 are you now?” asks Lucy.um at the gate of the park. I can,t find the 9 building/1 saysBill.,tWhich gate are you at? There are four gates. The building is acrossfrom the10 gate/ says Lucy.Oh, dear! m at the south gate, says Bill.()1. A. firstB.secondC. nextD.last()2. A. storyB.messag

8、eC. newsaerD.problem()3. A. stillB.reallyC. alsoD.easily()4. A. workB.leaveC. arriveD.help()5. A. inB.onC. atD.of()6. A. meB.himC. herD.you()7. A. farB.freeC. lazyD.late()8. A. WhoB.HowC. WhereD.What()9. A. whiteB.redC. brownD.orange()10. A. northB.rightC. leftD.behind三、阅读理解(30分)ALily lives in town.

9、 She likes living there and here,s a map of it.)L This is a map of Lily,sA. schoolB. townC. village)2. How many hotels are there on the map?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.)3. Where is the post office?A. Behind the bus station.B. In front of the restaurant.C Next to the shopping center.D Between the bank and

10、 the shop.)4. We can,t find a on the map.A. park B library C hospital)5. Lily wants to go to the train station from her home. She needs toA. go north B. turn left C. go south D. turn rightBMr. Cao, over 70 years old, lives in Beijing. As an old man, he hasno work to do and no one to talk with. But n

11、ow, it,s different. In hisneighborhood, there,s a new toy store for old people.Song Delong knows that many old people feel lonely because theirchildren are always busy. He wants to help these old people have fun, sohe opens (开设)the toy store.Now there are over 400 toys in the store. Lots of old peop

12、le come toplay toy games and talk with others. They always have a great time there.Song thinks playing with the toys is also good for old people,s health.80-year-old Mrs. Fang often comes to the store. She says, u There,re somany toys here. When 1 play with them, 1 have to think a lot and I willnot

13、get dementia (痴呆).Song is happy that he can help the old people.()6. Where is the toy store?A. In Chengdu. B. In Beijing.C. In Shanghai. D. In Shenzhen.()7. The word ,lonely, means in Chinese.A.孤独的 B.激动的C.欣慰的 D.自豪的()8. Song opens the store to.A. talk with old peopleB. get old eople,s moneyC. make ol

14、d people happyD. play toy games with old people()9. What can we know about Mrs. Fang?A. She looks very young.B. She has health problems.C. She comes to the store often.D. She thinks the toy games are easy.()10. Which is the best title (标题)for the reading?A. How to make toys?B. Where to buy toys?C. A

15、n old man who likes toys D. A toy store for old peoplecSan Francisco is a big city in the USA. Julia lives in the city withher family.Today the weather here is cloudy and really hot It,s 3:00 in themorning and Julia is sleeping in her bed. She is dreaming about avacation. The summer vacation is coming. In her dream, she is on abeach in Acapulco, Mexico (墨西哥).She


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