五下U3 B Read and write公开课.docx

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《五下U3 B Read and write公开课.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五下U3 B Read and write公开课.docx(2页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、Unit5 B Read and write一、教学目标1.2.3.4.能在图片的帮助下读懂请柬。能完成读后判断句子正误的活动。能参考例词,写出核心句型We will.能够了解西方复活节的相关文化知识。二、教学过程Step 1: Warm-up and Revision1. Guessing game(1) In this season the weather is warm. We often plant trees.Spring(2) Its elliptical and small. We often have it for breakfast. Egg(3) It has two lo

2、ng ears. Its eyes are red.Bunny(4) Spring, egg, bunny. Which holiday is related to the three words? 一Easter2. GreetingsT: When is Easter this year?Its on April 16th.T: What will you do on Easter? We will play games, have an Easter party.Step 2 : Presentation and Practice1. Read and answer(1) What wi

3、ll Robin and his friends do at the Easter party?(2) When will they have the party?(3) Why will they have the party?(4) Where,s the party?2. Read and tick or crossT: Lets read the passage carefully. Then tick or cross on P29. If its wrong pleasecorrect it.3. Help Ss understand the meaning of RSVP and

4、 by March 23rd,T: RSVP means that will you come or will you not come? Please tell me.by March 23 means that you must tell me before March 23rd but not after.4. Listen to the tape and read the passage loudly.(1) Read after the tape.(2) Read in groups.(3) Make a summary.T: Look. It,s an invitation for

5、 Easter party. We should write where, why, whenor ,zwhat time, zzwhat will you doz, and zzRSVP,in an invitation. Are you clear?Step 3: Consolidation and Extension1. Write 3 sentencesT: Robin and his friends will look for eggs at the Easter party. What will you do if youhave a birthday party?I w川2. Write a new invitationPlease try to write a birthday invitation for you next birthday party.Step 4: Homework1. Listen and read the text on page 29 for three times.2. Try to finish a new invitation and send it to your family or friends.


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