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1、物流运输委托中英双语合同CONTRACT OF LOG I ST ICS AND TRANSPORT甲方 The first party: 乙方 The second party: 第一条协议内容Content本着互利互惠的原则,甲乙双方经友好协商就进口货物的运输事宜达成以下协议:With the principles of mutual benefit, the two parties will make anagreement on import transport as following:一、由甲方委托乙方办理香港进口货物运输业务,甲方承诺委托之货物为合法产品;The first pa

2、rty entrust the second party with import transportationservices from Hong Kong and the first party must promise that the goods arelegal.二、甲方委托给乙方的货物必须真实申报货物品名、数量、价值、用途等产品,资料必须以书面形式委托给乙方,如因甲方申报不符所造成的所有责任由甲方负责;The first party must provide the second party with the real information ofproduct s name, nu

3、mber, value, purpose . All of this information must berepresented to the second party in a written form, as a result of discrepanciescaused by the first party declaration, the first party will be responsible forall liability.三、为确保正常报关和办理通关手续,乙方有权对进口运输的货物进行开箱查检。Ensure to the regular procedure of decl

4、aring, the second party has right toopen the box and check the goods.四、甲方承诺委托之货物不能夹带易燃、易爆物品及国家规定禁止进口之物品;给甲方外;If the products are lost because of the war, typhoon, earthquakes and otherhuman irresistible natural disasters, the second party will never takeresponsibility.由于其它任何原因或情况产生的货物损坏和丢失,乙方应在损失产生后

5、5天内以全额现金方式赔偿给甲方。Due to other reasons or circumstances arising from any damage and loss ofgoods, they will pay 100% compensation for the loss in five 5 days to the firstparty七、甲方索赔需乙方通知甲方货物丢失之日起15日内提出,过期视甲方放弃赔偿;In case goods are lost, the second party must notify the first party infifteen 15 days bef

6、ore the date expires, for the first party to give upcompensation.第二条 付款方式Payment一、运输费用 Transportation Expenses1 .此运输费用为全包价格,不可产生其他任何额外费用。This price contains all the transport expenses, may not produce any extracharges.2 .预算到达时间:3天Delivery time: Three 3days3 .费用支付时间Charge for time:4 .货到付款 Cash on del

7、ivery二、甲、乙双方欲终止本协议,应正式书面通知对方业务部,待确认后协议终止If both sides want to terminate the contract, one party will notify theother party in written form. Contract can be terminated after confirmation.第三条 协议修改Agreement Modification本协议可经双方书面确认通知另一方修改内容,经双方共同签字确认后以签字日期为准立即生效。This agreement can be modified and become

8、 effective only when both partiesmake an agreement about the content.第四条 法律与仲裁Law and Arbitration如双方产生法律纠纷并经协商无法达成一致,双方同意委托当地法院调解,仲裁或诉讼解决。If both sides cause legal disputes and can not reach agreement bynegotiation, both sides agree to commission a local court mediation,arbitration or litigation to

9、resolve.第五条 协议生效Effect of Agreement一、本协议自双方签订日起生效,一单一签,有效期至甲方收货后7日内确认无异议则自动终止,否则自动顺延;This Agreement shall take effect from the date the contract is signed byboth parties; one signature is for one contract, and its validity willautomatically terminate when Party A confirms receipt without objection w

10、ithinseven 7 days of receipt, otherwise automatically extended.二、在协议执行过程中,如双方有何异议,双方应以友好协商的方法解决。如任何一方要终止协议应提前一个月以书面形式通知对方。任何一方须履行协议中未尽事宜并负相应责任。If any different opinion arises during the execution of the agreement, bothsides should use friendly consultations to reach an agreement. If any partywants t

11、o terminate the Agreement, there should be a written notice from oneparty to another one 1 month in advance. Either party shall bear thecorresponding responsibility, implement the provisions under the Agreement andaddress any outstanding issues in the Agreement.4甲 方签字 Signature:乙 方 签 字 Signature:甲方公司盖章 Company Seal:乙方公司盖章 Company Seal:Tel:电 话Date:时 间Tel:Date:


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