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1、如何写日本研究生留学申请书如何写日本研究生留学申请书DearI have always enjoyed studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and Iwould like the opportunity to continue this study. Chemical Engineeringappeals to me because of the challenges involved in the application ofscientific theory to practical, real world problems such as how

2、 to dealwith nuclear waste. I particularly look forward to studying fluid dynamicsas I was introduced to this during the Engineering Education Scheme(EES). I am aware that in todays world chemical engineering has anincreasingly important role across a wide range of industries frompharmaceuticals to

3、petrochemicals. The broad range of career paths, andthe opportunity to contribute to society through technologicalinnovation, is for me, one of the main attractions of chemicalengineering.I have applied to take part in the Year In Industry scheme duringwhich I hope to gain practical experience, as w

4、ell as greater maturityenabling me to go into my degree course with improved skills andbroader experience. I also hope to study e-learning courses on project1management and presentation skills run by the IChemE. In Year 12 I tookpart in the EES, which improved my understanding and skills in teamwork

5、ing, time management, and report writing, as well as visual and oralpresentation. Throughout the course of the project the team had tofrequently correspond with mentors in industry and academia and thisexperience has broadened my appreciation of practice and application ina real life situation. In J

6、uly I attended a week-long Into Engineering/seminar run by REACT Engineering. Working in two teams, we weregiven a design exercise based upon a typical decommissioning project. Ialso attended a Headstart course at Newcastle University, which Ithoroughly enjoyed. One of the main activities was to des

7、ign,manufacture and test a small crane. I found both of these experiencesvery challenging, as we were given only limited time so we had toprioritise our tasks and carefully plan our work.This year a fellow studentand I were awarded 500 by the European Scholarship Prize to fund avisit to Prague to do

8、 research for our A-1 eve I History coursework. I gainedan understanding of the citys culture and history and further developedmy independence. During the summer I represented my school on aConnexions review of a government white paper on 14-19 education. Igained an insight into the governments prop

9、osals and learned a lotabout working with different groups of people. Last year I was part of theeditorial team for the school magazine. I wrote a number of articles and Iwas responsible for ensuring that staff contributions were ready for thedeadline. I also enjoy participating in a range of sports

10、 and haverepresented the school at football and cricket, which has furtherenhanced my team working skills.In my spare time I am working towardsmy Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. In September I completed a 4-dayexpedition in the Lake District, which tested my endurance but gave me agreat sense of achie

11、vement. As part of the award I have been helping atthe local youth cafe once a week, which I am really enjoying as it givesme the chance to meet new people. I also enjoy reading, particularlybooks on physics and Russian history. I am really interested in computersand I am currently trying to configu

12、re a Linux based file and print serverfor my home network.For admission to a university in England you have to fill in a formfrom the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). They for avery reasonable fee provide all applicants to unversities and colleges inthe UK with a way to apply to

13、up to 6 universities (or multiple courses at,say 3 universities). Part of the form (apart from all the obvious detailssuch as name and address), is half a page where you are asked to writeabout yourself, your interests and so on. Inevitably you have to make itsound as good as possible, as youre tryi

14、ng to sell yourself to theuniversities youre applying to.I applied to the universities of Aston,Bath, Bristol, Cambridge, Imperial College London, and Loughborough.All for an MEng (Master of Engineering degree) in Chemical Engineering,except for Bristol where I went for an MEng in Computer Science,

15、so thisis tailored towards those courses. Anyway. Here it is. I dont guaranteethat you wont get bored!(NB this was written in the summer of 1999,and is therefore not too current!).Reasons for Course ChoiceSince beginning secondary school, ve been very interested inChemistry and Computing. Besides my

16、 normal schoolwork ve readaround these two subjects. Because I am also very keen on Mathematicsand Physics, I want to pursue a degree course that combines all or mostof these. Both of my parents are ScienceEngineering graduates and theyhave taught me some of the qualities needed for a degree course in thisfield. This has encouraged m


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