《表格模板-世界5强企业供应商审核表 精品.xls》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《表格模板-世界5强企业供应商审核表 精品.xls(26页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、Important Qualified Supplier Audit Report重重要要合合格格供供应应商商年年度度审审核核Supplier Information供供应应商商信信息息Supplier name:供应商名称: Supplier Address :供应商联系地址:供应商联系人:Supplier Contact Window:*Qua;ity Certificate 通过体系认证 ISO9001 QS9000 ISO14001Others:其他:Audit content审审核核内内容容Refer to the Annual Supplier Audit Report参见供应商年
2、度审核表Grade Standard评评分分标标准准Grade detailed rules:评分细则:NO.序号Audit Item审核项目Supplier ScoreFlex Score *1Proprietors Qualtiy and Entironment Consciousness经营者质量及环境意识002Quality Management质量管理40*3Process Management过程管理404Incoming Quality Management进货质量管理005Shipping Quality Management出货质量管理006Supplier Manageme
3、nt供应商管理007Inventory Stock Management仓库管理008Equipment,Tools,Fixture,Calibration Tools management设备、模具、工夹具、计量工具的管理00总分Final ScoreFinal Score= Sum of Audit Score *0.4总分=审核记分*0.43.20审审核核标标准准AuditAudit StandardStandard1. Excellent supplier-Quality systems are perfect,and can be runned and maintained effe
4、ctively 优秀供应商质量体系完善,能有效运行和维护Score: 90 1002. Good supplier-Quality systems are integrated,and can be implemented and maintained well 良好供应商质量体系较完善,体系执行和维护能教好完成Score: 80 893、Eligible supplier-Quality systems are not integrated,and partly implmented and maintained 合格供应商质量体系欠完善,体系执行和维护部分完成Score: 70 794、D
5、isqualification-Quality systems are faultiness,and systems are not implemented and maintainedeffectively 不合格供应商质量体系不完善,体系和维护未得到有效执行Score: 0 69Audit Result审审核核结结果果Overall Score:总分:Suppleir供应商Audit Members审审核核成成员员Qualtiy Dept.:质量部:Date:日期:Purchasing:采购部:Date:日期:*1. Proprietors Qualtiy and entironment
6、consciousness 经营者质量及环境意识 1/1NO.Content内容Supplier SelfScoreScoreRemarks/Finding1-1Is Company qualtiy policy identified definitely?公司的质量方针是否全员明确?. Is Quality policy updated more than once annually 每年一次以上作成质量方针。4. Can the contents of Quality policy be implemented effectively ornot? 质量方针内容是否明确具体可行?4. Do
7、es the quality policy placard at well-marked places? 是否在明显的地方张贴?4. Quality actions are implemented as a continuous item or not? 质量活动是否作为持续实施项目?4. Does the company hold meeting for the internal quality issuestermly? 有关公司的内部的质量定期召开相关会议?41-2Proprietor should understand quality status of customer and th
8、eircompany,and hold improvement task and quality goal经营者应了解用户和本公司的质量状况,正确把握改善课题及明确的质量目标. Company quality goal is identified definitely or not? 公司质量目标定量明确表示4. All departmentss goal are identified completely or not? 完整反映出每个部门的质量目标4. Quality goal is placarded on the production area? 质量目标在生产现场张贴4. Compa
9、nys qualtiy status is placarded on the production line? 公司的质量状况在生产现场张贴4. All the datas placarded are the latest datas? 所张贴的数据是最新的41-3Establish relevant implement plan and carry out relevant actions toachieve the goal为达到目标制定相应的实施计划,并开展相应的活动. Establish whole implement plan of the company 制成公司整体的活动计划4.
10、 Every department establish relevant activity plan 各部门做成相应的活动计划4. Establish a long activity plan more than one year 做成一年以上的长期计划4. To implement the actions according to the plan,and get relevanteffect 按计划开展活动,并取的相应效果4. Establish relevant improvement plan to resolve unexpected qualityissues 对突发质量问题也有相
11、应计划进行改善41-4Hold meeting to discuss qualtiy issue termly,make solutions andachieve the goal continuously开展定期的质量诊断会,做出解决问题的方案,持续达成目标. Management people diagnose the issues termly and step by step 管理者定期的有步骤的实施诊断4. Management level people attend the quality meeting termly 管理者定期参加质量会议4. Dept director att
12、end the quality resolving meeting 部门主管参加质量诊断会议4. Placard the achieved goal step by step 张贴目标完成的各个步骤4. Keep all the contents are all lasted ones 张贴内容必须是最新的41-5Does the company have the team and resourse to improve qualitymanagement?公司是否有推进质量管理活动的组织和人力. Have quality management organization know from o
13、therdepartment有独立于其它部门的质量管理机构4. Have the supervisor can handle the quality management 有决定质量管理的管理者4. Have the system which have special people charging of improtantquality issues? 对于重要的质量问题,有专人负责制度4. Keep the steady inspectors of incoming,process and shipping? 进货、过程、出货的检验人员不会经常变动4. Does the quality m
14、anagement people only report to topmanagement? 质量管理者只对最高管理层负责41-6Implement the quality management education effectively?是否切实的实施了质量管理教育. Establish education plan for the qualtiy management?制成了质量管理的教育计划4. Does the company carry out quality management educationinternally?公司内部开展了质量管理教育活动4. Attend extern
15、al quality training?参加外部的质量教育4. Does the company implement supplier instruction?对供应商进行指导4. Try best to get nationality certification ?努力获得国家认可的资格4*1-7Focus on and manage the environment ?对环境的管理及关注. Does the company get the environment management certification? 已取得环境管理体系认证. Establish environment syst
16、em plan,no relevant complaint within oneyear? 制定建立环境管理体系实施方案,一年内无相关方投诉. Establish improvement plan for the relevant complaint for theenvironment ,and achieve timely? 对于相关方的环境投诉及要求制定改善计划并按期完成. Have special management regulation for the crisis and 对于危险品、废弃物等环境问题有专门管理规定. Is the states law met? 仅符合国家法律、法规规定的最低要求2. Quality Management 质量管理 1/2NO.Content内容Supplier SelfScoreScoreRemarks/Finding2-1Quality System ( Manual)质量体系(手册)是否明确. Is there a procedure for quality assure? Is the procedure showed in af