Go for it 7AU11 词组.docx

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《Go for it 7AU11 词组.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Go for it 7AU11 词组.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、Go for it 7A几点钟what lime起床尸up_1学 go to school上班 go to work回1 家那里 _g。home/lhere来这里 come hereeat/have吃。/午/晚 $_breakfas【/lunch/dinner洗沌 take/have a shwer个另,个nethe other时间衣达法:o工作很长时间 _刷牙 brush his teeth吃 Y 饭 eal his breakfasi 餐 后 after breakfastwork very long hoursafter class放学后 after school卜班后声er work英

2、语 课后 0f【er the English class到送I ,班(地点)gei【owork到校 to school到家/这儿/那儿 _get home/here/there乘 17路 公 交 乍到 旅 馆 take the number 17 bus t。a hotel公交47小汽47火车/匕机去某地=go to sp.bybuscar train/plane buscarlraiplane=go to sp.on the/abus/train/planecatch abus car/ train / plane =8 t0 $Pbyto sp.buscatrain/planego to

3、sp in a/thelake a car /taxi to sp,arlaxiride a bike to sp.监 tM去菜地I。通by biketo sp on a/the/ones bike舷夜 all night松天all day我们/他们全都一 a 3叵八hem所 有 学 牛 在救 宅里,AU (of) the siudenls are in the classroom.所 有 食物在 束了 上: All (of) the food is oc the tabla喜欢做 lv1 dolike to do听他济 listen to him听 音乐isten to music所收 音机

4、 Usten io【he radio赤 亍 间 电视 watch morning TV在卜.午一在卜1-in the morningin the afternn4 晚 jn the evening在夜 ! jn the niqhsat night晚安! Good nighd关于某人/某事知道,/点没仃/外事/母件W什么也没a lol aboul sb/sih/much about sb/sh,a Utile aboR sb/sihkno“little about sb/sthsomsthing aboul sb/sih,every【hing aboul sb/sthnolhing abou【s

5、b/sih知道关于我的Y晨 J8:00am8:10ameight oclock=eight ameight-ten am=eight-ten in the morning=ten(minutes) past eight am=ten(minutes) past eight in the morning 8:15eight-fifteen=a quarter past eight 8:30eight-thirty=half past eight 8:45 21:00eight forty-five=a quarter to ninetwenty-one oclock=nine pm 两小时半tw

6、o hours and a half=two and a half hours11.工作很长时间work very long hours12.刷牙brush his teeth13.吃早饭eat his breakfast14.早餐后after breakfast15.下课后after class16.放学后after school17.下班后after work18.英语课后after the English class19.到达上班(地点)get to work20.到校get to school21.到家/这儿/那儿get home/here/there22.乘17路公交车到旅馆take

7、 the number 17 bus to a hotel23.乘公交车/小汽车/火车/飞机去某地take a bus/car/train/plane to sp.=go to s.by bus/car/train/plane=go to s.on the/a bustrainlane24.乘公交车/小汽车/火车/飞机去某地catch a bus/car/train/plane to s.=go to sp.by bus/car/train/plane25.乘小汽车/出租车去某地take a car /taxi to sp=go to sp in a/the car/taxi26.骑自行车去某

8、地ride a b汰e to sp.=go to sp. by bike=go to sp on atheone,s bike27.整夜all night28.整天all day29.我们/他们全都all of us/them30.所有学生在教室里。All (of) the students are in the classroom.31.所有食物在桌子上。All (of) the food is on the table.32.喜欢做love to do=like to do33.听他讲listen to him34.听音乐listen to music35.听收音机listen to th

9、e radio36.看早间电视watch morning TV37.在上午in the morning38.在下午in the afternoon39.在晚上in the evening40.在夜里in the night=at night41.晚安!Good night!42.关于某人/某事知道多know a lot about sb/sth=much about sb/sth43.关于某人/某事知道一点know a little about sb/sth44.关于某人/某事几乎不知道know little about sb/sth45.关于某人/某事知道一些know something about sb/sth46.知道关于某人/某事每件事know everything about sb/sth47.关于某人/某事什么不知道know nothing about sb/sth48.知道关于我的早晨know about my morning49.告诉某人(不)做某事tell sb (not) to do sth50.告诉我们(不)要出去tell us (not)to go out51.告诉某人某事tell sb sth52.告诉他你的地址tell him your address53.讲故事tell a story54.说谎tell a lie


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