基于平行语料库的许渊冲与庞德中国古诗英译比较研究 优秀专业论文.docx

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《基于平行语料库的许渊冲与庞德中国古诗英译比较研究 优秀专业论文.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《基于平行语料库的许渊冲与庞德中国古诗英译比较研究 优秀专业论文.docx(58页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、A Comparative Research on Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry by Xu Yuanchongand Ezra Pound Based on Parallel Corpus基于平行语料库的许渊冲与庞德中国古诗英译比较研究(Name of the Student)(Department)(University)I hereby certify that this material, which I submit for assessment is entirely my own work andhas not been take

2、n from the work of others save and to the extent that such work has beencited and acknowledged within the text of my work.(Student Name)(Student ID; if any)(Date of Submission)Acknowledgements(To be composed and written by the student)Table of ContentsAbstract0608-10Introduction0.1 Statement of the

3、Problem080.2 Research Motivation080.3Research Objectives080.4 Research Significance090.5 Research Methodology and Structure10Chapter 1 e12-191.1 Introduction to Corpus1.1.1 Definition of Corpus121.1.2 Types of Corpus12-131.1.3 Application of Corpus13-141.2 Introduction to Parallel Corpus1.2.1 Defini

4、tion of Parallel Corpus141.2.2 Construction of Parallel Corpus161.2.3 Application of Parallel Corpus16-191.3 Parallel Corpus-based Translation Research19Chapter 2 o19-392.1 The Classical Chinese Poetry2.1.1 . The Classical Chinese Language and Literature19-232.1.2 Chinese Poetry23- 262.2 The Notion

5、of Translation26-332.3 The Two Translators and Their Notion in Translation of Classical 33Chinese Poetry.2.3.1 Xu Yuanchong and His Notion in Poetry Translation33-352.3.2 Ezra Pound and His Notion in Poetry Translations35-372.4 An Ovetview of Their Texts37-39Chapter 3 ree39393.1 Research Design3.1.1

6、 Data Related393.1.2 Data Collection Instrument393.1.3 Methodology in Details40-44Chapter 4 ur - A Comparative Research on Translation of Classical 44Chinese Poetry by Xu Yuanchong and Ezra Pound4.1 From the Perspective of Their Translation Works444.1.1 Reproduction of Meaning44-454.1.2 Form and Sou

7、nd Effects454.1.3 Translation of Cultural Imagery454.1.4 Translation Style454.2 From the Perspective of Their Contributions and Interpretations46-484.2.1 Dijferent Contributions to Transmission of ChineseCulture and Classical Chinese PoetryChapter 5 ve Conclusion4849Chapter 6 Suggestions for Future

8、Research AbstractThis research aims to compare the translation of classical Chinese poetry by Xu Yuanchongand Ezra Pound based on parallel corpus. First, what is parallel corpus? According to Burnardand McEnery, parallel corpus uses translation of the same text for a comparative study oflanguages, w

9、herein statistical analysis is used to determine linguistic patterns. New parallelcorpus can be constructed by studying existing translations of a given set of texts- Parallelcorpus can be naturally produced such as the government texts that ought to have translations,the English and French transcri

10、ptions of the Canadian Hansard and the Europeanparliamentary debate transcripts available in 11 European languages (2000)Knowing this, classical Chinese language and literature were discussed. . In the early 20thcentury, it was the foreign translators who began the great task of translating classica

11、lChinese poetry, followed by the Chinese scholars in the late 20th century. Today, Chinese isregarded as one of the oldest language, as well as the oldest civilization.The languageeventually evolved and had its changes and improvement.Ezra Pound and Xu Yuanchong are both poetry translators of the Ch

12、inese language. EzraPound is an American, Yuanchong is a Chinese. Each of them have with them their ownstyle in translation and thus have a distinct identity from each other, They share similaritiesand differences. One of their similarities is that they aim for accuracy in their translation. Itsonly

13、 that one of them translates more accurately than the other-Pound. Yuanchong alsoexhibits accuracy; however, due to his value of beauty in his poetry, at times accuracy isntstrictly followed.Eventually, based on parallel corpora, distinct differences and similarities surface. In thesucceeding chapte

14、rs, discussions will be fully explained.Introduction0.1 Statement of the ProblemThis research finds the necessity for a study that tackles and discusses specifically how EzraPound and Xu Yuanchongrs styles in translation of Chinese poetry differ from each other.Moreover, this study intends to set a

15、comparison on the two translators, quality of translationto be able to determine which one in what aspect is better or not0.2 Research MotivationThe motivation behind this dissertation lies in the vast significance of classical Chinesepoetry in world literature through the medium of translation and its contribution to thedevelopment of language corpora for application


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