表格模板-流程图模板 精品.ppt

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1、Section Management Process2002-03An OverviewChangesnSMP Committee charged with:Making SMP more “section-friendly” and easier to useIncorporating Society and SAC goals into the process (retention (growth), value, satisfaction)ChangesnFundamental section requirements from S-1 incorporated nNo extra su

2、bmissions mandatedJust officer/committee list and annual financial reportBusiness plan strongly encouraged to be submitted to RDChangesnEnhanced recognition criteria/levels nAdditional tools providednEliminates one position SMP chairThe chair and chair-elect or if there is none, the vice chair, will

3、 be the SMP contactsQuick SummarynSMP focuses on the cyclical process of running a section Meeting basic requirements Planning and goal-setting Implementing plan Evaluating member needs and satisfaction Evaluating progress towards goals Meeting basic requirements and planningQuick SummarynWide array

4、 of tools are provided with SMP and other HQ tools are highlighted (tools are denoted in this presentation by pink font color)nManual and tools provide an outline of running a sectionnSMP now more of a “How To” Quick SummarynSMP and the recognition piece has been divided into two categories:Section

5、BasicsSection PerformanceSection BasicsnSections meeting SB have a solid foundation from which to serve their customersnBased on minimum requirements for section existence from Policy S-1 and Society BylawsSection Basics1) Submit Officer/Committee list to HQ by May 1, 2002nChair, treasurer, auditing

6、 chair and examining chair positions need to be filledOfficers/committee list formSection Basics2) Submit complete, audited financial report to HQ by August 15, 2002Treasurers ManualFinancial report formsPolicy S-4 (treasurer and auditor responsibilities)Section Basics3) Have at least 30 members as

7、of March 31, 2002Officer/committee list form4) Hold regularly scheduled activities5) Uphold bylaws and policiesSection, Model, and Society BylawsPolicies & ProceduresSection BasicsnTo achieve Section Basics recognition, criteria must be met by the stated deadlinesnRecognition sent out late August:Le

8、tter from RDMention in journal of recordUse of Section Basics LogoSection PerformancenSecond level of SMPnWhere the cycle of section management comes in PDCAPlannDevelop business plan in spring/summer 2002What do we want to do this year?How are we going to do it?How are we going to measure this how

9、will we know if were successful?Plann2 sets of goals to consider:1) SMP goals (based on Society and SAC measures)2) Sections own goals and objectivesPlan - GoalsnSMP GoalsnBased on Society and SAC measures:1) Member satisfaction2) Member value (do members value their section?)3) Member retentionPlan

10、 - GoalsnSMP Goals for 2002-03:Retention rate - increase by 5 percentage points (comparing 02-03 rate to 01-02 rate) From membership figures as of March 31 of each yearValue and satisfaction meet or exceed Society average (02/03 is a year to establish baselines) These two measures taken from 2002 Se

11、ction Assessment Survey Plan - GoalsnSections own goalsBased on member feedback and requirements 2001 Section Assessment Survey resultsSMARTIn alignment with the Societys 2002-03 strategic plan 2002-03 Strategic Plan and GuidePlanAfter goals have been set.nHow will they be measured?nHow will you kno

12、w your on the right path to reaching that goal?PlannGoals/measured should be documented in a plannTemplate is available, but you should use what works best for your section Business plan template Sample plans from 701 and 1414 Activity ideas from 1999-00 and 2000-01 Total Quality sectionsPlannOther

13、tools to assist in planning:Key Dates Management CalendarBest Practices LibraryYour regional and deputy regional directorsPlannShare your plan with your Regional Director by September 1, 2002 (not mandatory, but very strongly encouraged)No need to send plan in to HQRDs may recognize sections that me

14、et the deadlineDonNow the plan can be implemented nThroughout the year, progress should be continually monitoredEvent/meeting evaluationsNew member needs assessmentsRetention rates, etc.DonSince progress is being tracked, changes can be made in order to improve chances to achieve goalsDonMany tools

15、available (SMP tools and other HQ tools) to help in this stage:Sample needs assessments and evaluations (for meetings, events, SEC)Membership lists and downloading guideGrowth charts (sent to sections in summer)Other leadership resources on ASQNetDonAnnual business report form Great template to help

16、 track basic progressnAdministration databaseAccess database to help manage membership lists/information (available late spring 2002)nRetention Model developed late spring/early summerChecknIn spring of 2003, the check stage beginsStart to compile results of business planData from 2002 section assessment survey can be reviewed Sections will be asked to assist HQ in promoting participation in this survey. Annual business report form can be completedCheck nConduct member needs assessmentFigure out


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