Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world_ Section A 1a-2d 表格式教案.docx

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《Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world_ Section A 1a-2d 表格式教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world_ Section A 1a-2d 表格式教案.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、教学目标教材分析重点难点Master the new words and phrases using it in a conversationThe basic usage of the superlative degree.1 Teaching aims:Master the key words and phrases of this lesson:square, meter, deep, desert, population, Asia, feel free, tour, tourist, wall, amazing, ancient, protect, wide,as far as I

2、know2. Ability aims:1) to improve students ability of listening and speaking.2) to cultivate their ability of cooperating with others.3Emotional aims:1) students are able to talk about travel2) stimulate their interest in exploring the world教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动二次备课Stepl:Warming up1. teach some new words

3、2. the expression of numbers3. Free talk: What do wc learn in ageography class?1. show picturesStep2:Presentation2. Talk about these places one by oneWhats the. in the world?How high/deep is it?3. Finish la4. Practice and make a conclusionll* l匕l full 卜 (tiMNn火inn?h K,M44 tvr b*b.lhz b h thr Saha-H

4、i iz7 H A.-b *lM, ,lt flhcut S,(MM,(HMI qujr( kik Is llvin”It、l,02S k*tvr drrp.lb* l h laf h ih k fh f the Sik?US 6.671 Mt*r k* M K 房ll. “匕 vlt 1.7 metre wk.Step3:Listening PracticePre- listeningMake a predictionWhile-listening1. learn some new words2. learn how to expressthe number in English1. Tal

5、k about theseplaces2. Answer the questions.3. Finish la4. Make a conclusion:how to ask and answer1. Listen and finish lbcarefully2. Check the answer(la-lb)Step4:ListeningPractice(2a-2b)Step 5: (2d)ReadingStcp6:SummaryStep7:Languagepoints and1. Ask students to (lb) Listen.2. Check the answer.After-li

6、steningPair work: Choose a picture to ask andanswerPalrworft: dMMevlweoHMMrA: What is the biggest/ in the world?B:. is.A: How deepwidelonghigh. is it ?B: It is- Pre-listeningL Introduce the background. Talkabout the history of China and theYangze river.While-listening1. Ask students to listen and nu

7、mberthe fact.2. Check the answer3. Ask students listen again and writedown the number.4. Invite students to answer.1. Ask students to watch the video andanswerDo you know what is the saying goesabout The Great Wall?2. Listen and answer the questions3. Invite students to answer.4. Read the passage an

8、d find out theinformation in mind map1. Ask students to review what welearned2. Draw an outline together.1. Analyze the language points withstudents and do some exercises.3. Find partners topractice the sentences4. Show time1. Listen and finish 2a.2 Check the answer.3. Listen again and writethe numb

9、er.4. Answer the questionthrough a sentence.1. Think about thesaying goes about TheGreat wall2. Listen and answer(prediction)3. Read and circle thekey words in questions4. Answer the questions5. Practice and introduceThe Great Wall by themind map1. Review the words andphrases2. Draw an outline.1. Ta

10、ke notes.2. Do some exercisesexercisesStep8: Reviewand Self-check1 . Review the words and expressions.2 . Self-check. Check whether masterthe words and expression learned todayand give yourself a point.5 (Excellent. Spell all the words andexpressions and use the Grammar. Andbe active in class.)6 (Gr

11、eat. Still need to consolidate somenew words and expressions- Shareopinion in class.)3-1 (Good but need to hard-working.Be confused and be quiet in class)1. Review and give apoint.Step9:HomeworkShow students what should they doafter class.Take notes板书设计Section A (la-2d)1 .Words and phrases:million, billion, in size, as far as I know, feel free to do th,a big/small population2 .对J:物体K、宽、深度、而积等的表达一How deep is it? Its 1/25 meters deep.3 .形容词和副词的比较级和破席级的用法Qomolangma is higher than any other mountain.The Amazon is the second longest river in the world.


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