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1、I. EDUCATIONEducation, which is perceived as the guidance for people tobe well-mannered and well-educated, has a vital role to playin the shape of law-abiding citizens for the secure socialstability and qualified workers (be) devoted to the socialconstruction. Education can be divided into three lev

2、els, thatis, primary education (elementary schools), secondaryeducation (high schools) and tertiary education (universitiesor colleges). Along with the rapid social development, thecultivation of talented elites has been increasinglystrengthened by both state governments and the publicworldwide.Educ

3、ation should achieve five purposes for the socialadvance as follows.1. It should improve citizens moral standard, which canensure the social security and stability.2. It should impart all sorts of information and skills rangingfrom theoretical knowledge such as common sense inscience and humanities

4、to practical know-how like howto manage sophisticated equipment. In addition, itshould help student shape the independent and criticalthinking, master analyzing and problem-solving skills,as well as have a good command of effectivecommunication skills, and last but not least, it shouldstimulate stud

5、ents, adaptation to different social context.3. It should develop students, robust physical fitness, andinspire them to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially, in P.E.class, students could improve more good qualities suchas cooperation / teamwork and competition, tolerance, aswell as the sense of soci

6、al responsibility and belonging.4. It should hone students, individual personality. Inparticular, it can encourage students to imagine wildlyand mould their self-cultivation for their temperament,and also aesthetic appreciation can be establishedthrough creativity, originality, innovation, and novel

7、ty.5. It should assist students in mastering practical techniquesand skills which is career-oriented, contributing topromising employment prospects.Thus, the implementation of education should accomplish itsfive functions in order to fulfill peoples well-roundeddevelopment.Truly, education should he

8、lp people make productivemembers in society by raising the awareness of law andpractical skills catering for the social needs, whether mentallabours such as professional doctors and lawyers (university)or manual labours like truck drivers and mechanics(vocational college).Education is not only a sci

9、ence, but also an art. Put anotherway, teachers have more than one role to play in modernclassroom, acting as a designer for curriculums, a helper forstudents, an organizer for activities and a performer forattenders rather than a leader, whereas students areconsidered a centre, who are the determin

10、ing factor inadjusting the new teaching approaches.Thanks to the state-of-the-art technological advance, greatchanges have taken place in the conduct of moderneducation, people are free to study anywhere, for example,in traditional classrooms, or in virtual space. Thecommunication and interaction wo

11、uld be carried out whetherin a face-to-face manner or not.In terms of the role of gender in learning efficiency andefficacy, it is strongly recommended that male and femalestudents should share their characters or personalities,thinking mode and behaviours.The main objective or aim of education is n

12、ot to teach whatshould be taught, but to learn how to learn more, so theprocess of learning may play a more significant role than theresult of tests.IL ENVIRONMENTEnvironment is termed as the living surroundings for bothhuman race and the other species to co-exist for theirrespective sustainable dev

13、elopment as well as the interactivebalance of biological chain in biosphere in Nature.Unfortunately, human behaviours have posed a huge threatto the habitats for wild animals. To be more specific, there isa population burst in metropolises, traffic congestion andhousing shortage are increasingly ser

14、ious, andmass-produced manufacturing industry is in need of largequantities of resources, causing the depletion of preciousenergy and limited natural resources. Especially,urbanization and the new city planning like businessmovement from urban to rural areas could accelerate thecomplete disappearanc

15、e of rainforest, where there areabundant resources, and more fossil fuels are overlyexploited, contributing to the severe air pollution and theserious water contamination. Thus, global warming and ElNino are the main disastrous phenomena from whichmodern populations have suffered a lot.Faced with th

16、e disastrous catastrophe in natural environment,there should be a multilateral cooperation betweendeveloping countries and developed or industrializedcountries worldwide. Also, both the administrativegovernment, corporations and individual citizens shouldcommit their responsibility to protect the environment an


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