管理制度-英语规范化培训 精品.doc

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1、CLINICAL MED ENGLISH英语基本都在里面了,我们那年多了个单词“体温表”中翻英I. WORDS LIST替代与补充治疗alternative and plementary therapies营养nutrition健康的生活方式healthy lifestyles免疫接种immunizations收缩压/舒张压systolic/diastolic blood pressure呼吸困难dyspnea呼吸急促tachypnea呼吸减弱hypopnea并存病orbidities亚临床疾病subclinical disease不良后果adverse outes消化性溃疡(病)peptic

2、 ulcer(disease)关节炎arthritis(静默型)心肌梗死(silent)myocardial infarction疾病谱spectrum of diseases体重减轻weight loss动脉粥样硬化atherosclerosis慢性疾病终末期end-stage chronic disease心力衰竭heart failure理疗physical therapy生物人工肝装置bioartificial liver devices自体细胞autologous cells生长因子growth factors胃肠道出血gastrointestinal bleeding上消化道和下消

3、化道upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts绝经前的premenopausal活检biopsy炎性肠病inflammatory bowel disease血管造影术angiography胶囊小肠镜capsule enteroscopy哮喘asthma慢性支气管炎chronic bronchitis肺气肿emphysema低氧,缺氧hypoxia肺栓子(塞)pulmonary emboli(sm)肺顺应性lung pliance糖尿病性肾病diabetic nephropathy预期寿命(预期生存时间)life expectancy自然病程natural h

4、istory高血糖hyperglycemia微量白蛋白尿microalbuminuria原发肿瘤primary tumor病因学etiology晚期癌症advanced cancer未足月产preterm labor流行性感冒epidemic influenza影像学检查imaging tests急性胆囊炎acute cholecystitis胆石gallstones内镜超声检查endoscopic ultrasonography胰腺肿瘤pancreatic tumors术前分期preoperative staging慢性胰腺炎chronic pancreatitis心律失常cardiac a

5、rrhythmia冠状动脉疾病coronary artery disease肥厚型心肌病hypertrophic cardiomyopathy心肌炎myocarditis(持续性单一型)室性心动过速(sustained monomorphic) ventricular tachycardia特发性扩张型心肌病idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy胃肠穿孔gastrointestinal perforation剖腹术celiotomy免疫抑制immunosuppression肠吻合术intestinal anastomoses择期胃肠手术elective gastro

6、intestinal surgery腹腔脓肿intra-abdominal abscess切口(创口)感染wound infections院内感染nosoial infection误吸aspirationII. PARAGRAPH TRASLATIONi. The patient-physician interaction proceeds through many phases of clinical reasoning and decision making. The interaction begins with an elucidation of plaints or concerns

7、, followed by inquiries or evaluation to address these concerns in increasingly precise ways. The process monly requires a careful history or physical examination, ordering of diagnostic tests, integration of clinical findings with the test results, understanding of the risks and benefits of the pos

8、sible courses of action, and careful consultation with the patient and family to develop future plans. Physicians increasingly can call on a growing literature of evidence-based medicine to guide the process so that benefit is maximized, while respecting individual variations among different patient

9、s.医患沟通需要通过多阶段的临床循证和决策来进行。这种沟通始于对担忧或关注的事物的阐述,接着进行咨询或评价,从而以更精确的方式处理这些所关注的事物。这个过程通常要求了解详细的病史或体格检查,需要进行诊断性试验,结合临床发现和试验结果,了解各种行为过程可能的益处与风险,并与患者和家属仔细商议从而制定今后的计划。医生越来越依靠不断增加的循证医学文献来指导这一过程,为的是使患者获益最大化,并能注重不同患者间个体的差异。ii. Fourth, cognitive impairment increases in prominence as people age. Cognitive impairment

10、 is a risk factor for a wide range of adverse outes, including falls, immobilization, dependency, institutionalization, and mortality. Cognitive impairment plicates diagnosis and requires additional care giving to ensure safety.第四方面,认知损害会随着年龄的增长而逐渐凸显。认知损害是一系列不良后果的危险因素之一,包括摔跤,运动不能,依赖他人,居住于社会慈善机构以及死亡。

11、认知损害使得诊断变得复杂,并需要额外的看护以确保病人安全。iii. In the face of continued blood loss and no identified etiology, intraoperative endoscopy may provide simultaneous diagnosis and therapy. During the procedure, the surgeon plicates the bowel over the endoscope. As the scope is withdrawn, endoscopic findings can be id

12、entified for surgical resection or treatment. The yield of this procedure exceeds 70%. In some clinical situations, the site of bleeding cannot be identified, and the patient requires long-term transfusion therapy.当出血继续而无法确定病因时,术中内窥镜检查可以同时提供诊断和治疗。在这一过程中,外科医生需将内窥镜穿过小肠。当内窥镜退出时,内镜下的发现可以为外科切除或明确治疗手段提供依据

13、。这个检查过程的获益率超过70%。在某些临床情况下,出血部位仍然不能确定,而病人就需要长期的灌注治疗。iv. An increased drive to ventilate may also cause dyspnea. Such stimuli include hypoxia, usually when arterial oxygen tensions are less than 60mmHg, and stimuli from inflamed lung parenchyma, as occur in bacterial pneumonia or alveolitis and that d

14、rive the respiratory centers of the brain. These stimuli often lower the resting carbon dioxide pressure (Pco2) to less than the normal level of 40mmHg and cause dyspnea, especially on mild exertion.刺激通气增加的因素也可产生气促。这类因素包括低氧和肺实质炎症,低氧常发生于动脉血氧分压低于60mmHg时,肺实质炎症则可源于细菌性肺炎或肺泡炎,并能刺激大脑的呼吸中枢。这些刺激因素常常会使二氧化碳分压降

15、低到正常水平下40mmHg并引起气促,尤其是。v. After several years, most diabetic patients exhibit diffuse glomerulosclerosis, although a minority have pathognomonic Kimmelsteil-Wilson nodular lesions. Although pathologic changes continue to mount throughout the disease, glomerulosclerosis extensive enough to cause ESRD develops in a minority of patients; in these cases, overt albuminuria (3000mg/day) begins approximately 15 years after diagnosis. Soon after, following a variable period on the order of 3 to 5


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